Explain the logic behind being a poltard

You're here for 100 years top then you die along with everyone you ever knew and there is nothing you can do to stop this and there is literally nothing afterwards.

Some people aim to achieve greatness in their lives, this may be through attending a world famous uni followed by an impressive career, or through starting a company. Others just enjoy the ride not really achieving much but he satisfying relationships, sex, drugs etc, some people call them losers but really we all die the same.

And finally, we have 4channel drumpfcucks. They don't even try achieving greatness instead giving up at the first hurdle and making life out to be against them/impossible e.g. I dropped out of college cause affirmative action dragged my grades down. They also don't try having friends instead preferring to anonymously shit on blacks over the internet to try and feel superior. Similarly they're largely virgins partially cause they're losers but largely cause they're just nasty people. Why would any girl want to get with someone whose main hobby is feeling superior on the internet?

At the end of the day, you're going to die and there's nothing you can do about it. So why the FUCK would you waste it being racist on 4channel? Seriously time is running out, make friends, do something or just HAVE SEX. Don't fucking waste it.

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>it's the 'achievement' meme again

Agreed. Jow Forums is the only board of guys still trying to make it. We’re by the far the most logical and high eq on here

Every other board especially pol is just bitching and memeing about things they can’t control, pretending to be edgy and badass, because of deep insecurity and the fact that they’ve given up on life

If there are any rich chads on Jow Forums, they’re all on biz and fit

Jow Forums - Business & Finance

>muh Jow Forums hurr
>get back to Jow Forums hurrr

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Stop getting your friends to post, OP

jesus. have some sex please.

>there is literally nothing afterwards
stopped reading there, started cringing here

>At the end of the day, you're going to die and there's nothing you can do about it. So why the FUCK would you waste it being racist on 4channel?
And yet here you are making a lame attempt at getting a pasta to catch on on Jow Forums

As long as we all agree people who post cuck pics are the lowest of the low.

I only scanned through this reddit tier word vomit, but I think you're on the wrong board kike

>Jow Forums is the only good board, unlike those idiot Jow Forumstards
>30%-40% of this board is FROM Jow Forums

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kys kike

/biz and /sci ftw.

>there is literally nothing afterwards.

you prove this first and then i will continue reading rest of your post

cope and cringe

Thanks for dropping by reddit. Remember that you are led astray from greatness with your highly manipulated and politicized idea of sociology. Also, FUCK KIKES, FUCK NIGGERS, FUCK REDDIT and FUCK YOURSELF, S•YIM.

Go back to r*ddit loser faggot. This is Jow Forums not Jow Forums


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>100 years max
>he doesn’t know

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browsed Jow Forums since 2005

used Jow Forums until after the donald invasion and it became unbearable

i went to a top university in the USA which exposed me to the jews and having a hivemind confirm a lot of these prejudices was ok but I don't really apply it day-to-day

everything on Jow Forums is just an extreme anyway that's the greatness of it (obviously so is the anonymity)

the clown world shit we've entered with identity politics doesn't affect me because i'm white so i'm not some nigger REEEEing all day

if Jow Forums was still a libertarian safehaven for ron paul the funniest thing would have been if investing in crypto went normie viral there but instead it was containment boarded here

Fuck niggers
Fuck trannies
Fuck jannies
Fuck op

Cringe worthy levels of projecting old man get the fuck off my 4channel

>i went to a top university in the USA which exposed me to the jews

That was my experience as well. I literally never knew a Jew in person until then. Some seemed to be genuinely positive people but many were utter scum.

based and Jow Forums-pilled

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Your premises are incorrect

nice try shitskin now kys you'll never be a White real sentient human being

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Jow Forums meme magicked up the us presidency m8. those noble autists are the front line shock troops of the culture wars- and they do it not for personal reward, but that YOU may shitpoast and scoop up gainz in peace, free from the tentacles of the ZOG

>and there is literally nothing afterwards
>we all die the same
Shut the fuck up nigger

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>muh jesus

Kys kike

Actual cope. Science has shown us that the concept of souls and afterlife are extremely unlikely, whereas your wishful thinking/pascal's wagie is pure, unadulterated coping mechanism for the harsh reality of it all.


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>Science has shown us that the concept of souls and afterlife are extremely unlikely
thanks dunning kruger, what else?

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>Science has shown us that the concept of souls and afterlife are extremely unlikely
It’s done nothing of the sort, you utter “I love science” tier pleb

Heh look at this get quickly infested with degenerate Jow Forumstards trying to defend themselves. Fucking morons literally shit up everything. Bunch of mutts anyway.

But of all of them this is the saddest type of Jow Forumstard. Imagine actually believing you had anything to do with the outcome of the presidential election simply because you sit on an unknown corner of the Internet with a bunch of other losers falling victim to groupthink, when in actuality you were infiltrated by anti-American propagandists looking to use you as a thought experiment and testing ground. A small flock of sheep figuratively taking it in the ass by those looking to destroy our country and looking up at the camera and smiling while they get their wool shaved over and over.

>hurr durr we memed trumpy in

You guys ARE the meme, and you’re so sheltered you can’t even see it. Watch all the butt hurt polfags try to defend themselves from this with a bunch of low IQ remarks and images they didn’t even create, ultimately proving my point. :)

Congratulations on that post, no really, it was a quality post and demonstrated a productive use of your time and we can all agree you have grown as a human being because of it.

lmao at least you tried sweetie

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