The discordcucks are out in full swing, dont get nervous nulinkers all their fud is trash just like their fathers condom
The discordcucks are out in full swing, dont get nervous nulinkers all their fud is trash just like their fathers condom
>the second you panic sell it will 2x within 48 hours
Thanks for the thread, it just dumped
No support, bye bye stinky
no one cares about daily swings you poor poor schmuck, go buy confido or vidt
Nulinker and linklet here, ready to accept LINK from fudgers who tell me to sell/swing
I'm holding.
Link Marines always buy the dip, thanks for the free links pajeet redditor cucks
> Pretty sure RLC shillers are fudding
We need to get rid of those fags
>marines leading nulinkers through the darkness
wtf based
>No support, bye bye stinky
Already bought in too late, I'm gonna ride this shit til the end fuck off tranny
>We need to get rid of those fags
>beep boop beep
Do (((they))) really think a $0.30 USD swing is going to make 'da evil chainlink nazis' sell?
Yeah it's a terrible project.
Make sure you sell your whole stacks (if you have any.)
Also you can use the filter system on this sub to filter out a whole bunch of stuff. I'd recommend things like "linky" "chainlink" "sergey" etc. It stops you from being overloaded with this shit so that we can focus on the discussion of projects with an actual future like nano and vechain.
>we can focus on the discussion of projects with an actual future like nano and vechain.
Based and Czechpilled. Iron. Fucking. Hands.
>buying in below $1000
>too late
user youre going to be fine
nice b8 m8