What are your end game goals once you've made it Jow Forums? I know we talk a lot about how to make money on here...

What are your end game goals once you've made it Jow Forums? I know we talk a lot about how to make money on here, but what about spending it?

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bleached sounds like shit
like an autistic reaction to blacked
why not colonized?

i fucking love asian women holy shit

thinking about spending money => trading for dopamine boos instead to make profit.
Reading other people fantasizing on what they will spend their bubble money on => sell signal

Colonised implies anal only.
Anal sex is gay.

Work on developing and strengthening connections with people I enjoy spending time with, sharing experiences and knowledge.

>bleached sounds like shit
>like an autistic reaction to blacked

that's literally what it is, ignoring the fact that white man with non-white female is actually a very prevalent porn pairing even before BLACKED existed because most porn consumers are white and there was a market for "exotic" women

Don't expect rational decisions from porn addicts.

I'm going to donate it.

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>What are your end game goals once you've made it Jow Forums?
well, basically your pic.
i only hold 1k LINK and my aim is to move to East asia (probably Taiwan) to produce WMAF 4K pornography

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buying several acres, building a nice home and living off of interest

Fvck yellow bitches

I literally cannot make it in my lifetime since making involves creating a powerful lineage of which I am one of the first if successful

Here is what making it for me looks like
>Enough money to pay off my student debt entirely
>enough money to get a new car
>six months of savings
>hopefully enough to supplement my income where I can afford my own place easily until I get a better job
Everything else I value in life can't really be obtained with money and can only be obtained with my own self determination.

A cute girlfriend who likes me for me though wouldn't be bad

Charity is good, but inefficient.
I thought about this question.

For example, most diseases appear from improper lifestyle and addictions.

As a result, sick children are born.
Or the social status of people decreases.

It is necessary to conduct a maximum information campaign on the dangers of alcohol, drugs, pornography, promiscuity...
And also about the importance of protecting the environment.

The government is well aware of all this. And this is solved very quickly, but they do not need it. They do not eliminate the causes.

If you want to help people, make high-quality content on this topic. And use the money to promote such information.

I plan on opening up my own central banks around the world and lending out money(that I created out of linen) at interest.

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Anyone have the site where all the bleached stuff is posted? It's an image archive with a weird URL. Couldn't find it to save my life.

My end goals?
Nothing more.

Sounds cool but a bit misguided. Do you really think the entire world is going to buy into your scheme and end up in chronic debt because they couldn't foresee you capitalizing on every market?

The world financial system is too airtight to be built on fraud.

I'm going to become a space tourist and walk on the Moon

Private jet. Sick fucking motorcycle to ride from Portugal to China. Heli skiing in a bunch of private locations

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Buy a small farm a few miles from the coast and build a happening bunker.

also bunker. also start a bunch of wars n sheeeet. also go to NK and play basketball with Kim Un like Nigger Rodman

coastal bunker is a bad idea, best place would be deep in the mountains. literally impenetrable

>wh*te bois here made a “no u” version of blacked and applied it to all races instead of just blacks
Literally insecurity the porn

also I would pay some high profile black dudes to give me signed n-word passes ("nigger" not that fake "nigga" shit), then distribute amongst the huwhite boys

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It was happas posting the nigger porn, happas get the burn.

What if the mountains are at the coast? A place I am actually using as inspiration is a 10 acre farm 5 miles from the coast and about 300 feet above sea level on the south side of a mountain. I want the bunker to be near the sea for that extra accessibility and food, but the coast is heavily populated and popular place which can be a problem.

get a volcano island lair


Buy a BMW GS1200, ship it to Colombia, and then drive it all the way down to Argentina. 2-3 years of a trip.
Then ship it to Asia and repeat.

who is this semen demon

There is no end game. There is never a point where I don't stand to lose what I've gained because someone is coming for my ass or where I'm not at risk of being out competed or just failing to adapt to the market. I'm not going to put off living my life until I've reached some fictional financial nirvana.

The point is to get money but still live your life while you're doing it. Some periods you're going to spend more time with your nose to the grindstone and some periods you're going to kick back and relax a little bit.

Buy land, travel, buy a luxury watch, fuck many asian and latina escorts.


Fund and make my very own Japanese cartoon.

This man knows whats up. Everyone here seems to be looking for a place to rest. What you have to realise is that the grind never stops. Although financial freedom does mean you can at the very least choose how you want to grind and maybe even enjoy it.

>What you have to realise is that the grind never stops
Agreed. Very based advice.

Probably investing in some property, doing some art when I wouldn't have to rely on investors, recording music, making movies, why not, just something worthwhile.

Build a temple to Jupiter and Diana.

I'm always interested in buying low and selling high and right now greek/roman gods are going very very cheap...

I no work. Fund life-extension research.

Cope hard