How long until the USA collapses economically...

How long until the USA collapses economically? I've got 150k LINK but I'm worried that by the time or shortly after it hits $1000 the USA will be dust and all my wealth will evaporate. What are you contingencies frens?

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Europe will go before us.

A year or two

Not for at least 10 years probably a lot longer. Trump is stalling it so once the new democratic party gets into power it will be a downward spiral. Just hope it won't be a total collapse

The next recession is probably going to hit China and third world countries the most. Europe will feel some burn as well, but USA will go relatively untouched.

>How long until the USA collapses economically?
10 years

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Economy isn’t going to collapse. It’ll be a slow bleed performed through the devaluation/inflation of the American dollar. The scary thing about the American economy is just how good it is relative to the rest of the planet. It’s scary because it’s obvious just how on stilts it is with all this fractional reserve nonsense

gold and silver and ammo and survival skills

You thought Link $1000 EOY was a meme? Hyper inflation will ensure it. Too bad $1000 dollars will only buy you a big mac.

How so?

Gibs'ed to death.

That's a slow death, though

Slow and terrible, just how they want it.

Zoomers are the most conservative generation in a long time because they have been raised with the tyrant Obama and progressive agenda forced upon them. They will save us from the power mad dems once the pendulum swings from Trump to Bernie or some other collectivist.

Dumb bootlicker. Republicans are the ones who crash the economy every time and ruin tax policies so that they're too goddamn top-heavy to be sustainable, and are also the leaders in providing amnesty to immigrants.

Ur fucking link is going down the shitter and you will remain a pisspoor shitcoin bag-sucking team hodl fuckface

Ur USA will also fucking explode into ur dumbass fuckfaces. Ye fucking sheep let urselfs be fucked hard into ur hairy stinky shitty fucking ass.
You like the sheep stink on your fucking lips, ya retarded amerifag piece of shit cock receiving shitfaced fuckfaces.

if anyone watched dark angel series that is whats coming (sans young jessica alba)

Once Trump is out the democrats will get in and their party's old guard is being overrun by niggers and socialists which just makes the collapse happen even faster, wasn't saying republicans are better


Apocalypse Checklist:

Food, water filters

That's fine cuz any debt I have will still be the same.

Funny coming from a 56er

Not anytime soon. The only thing stopping this train is internal disintegration - state secession.
The U.S. is in the best shape it's ever been in. The rest of the world should be extremely worried though. Especially the ones dependent on global trade to feed the people and keep the lights on, which is all but about 5 or 6 countries other than the U.S.
>U.S. Subsidizes global trade for 80 years for two reasons: 1) Cold War 2) Needed stable oil market
>Cold War ended 30 years ago
>U.S. develops shale tech
>U.S. recently becomes oil independent
>Net oil exporter - actually exporting highest grade quality in the world
>U.S. doesn't need global trade
>Europe tries to undercut the Dollar oil market by pressuring Opec to sell in Euros.
>U.S. subsidizing global trade deals that no longer benefit them - no more need for cold war allies; Europe working against U.S. in petrodollar system
>U.S. people elect an abrasive asshole from New York to rewrite global trade deals

Things are looking just fine for the U.S. Cozy as a motherfucker actually. If I were anywhere else other than Argentina, France or New Zealand, I'd be extremely worried about what the U.S. is going to do.

Okay, Peter Zeihan.

This user (and Zeihan) are right though. The US is probably in the best shape overall.

they can seize your linkies if you don't put them in cold storage

My savings exist only in the form of crypto and gold.

There is no contingency. If the US collapses it's over.

>I've got 150k LINK
literal brainlet

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What Zeihan fails to address in his demographic argument is who those demographics are. Do you really think illiterate Indio Central Americans are 1) capable of sustaining a first world of country and 2) going to support white boomer social policies when they’re the majority?

Both the us and the eu have embarked on a suicidal path to inflate their demographics with untermensch instead of taking the necessary haircut that Japan chose.

Unless we go full operation wetback 2, the only real future for the US looks a lot like South Africa.

Mexicans will run out the niggers.

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They’ll run out the whites too. They’ve already succeeded in the sw states.

don't forget a good pair of boots

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Closer to missle silos

A bond market crash is not likely but a possibility. It may be in a bubble. This could also be triggered by the onset of overwhelming automation and possibly
the disappearance of jobs faster than the US has ever faced in history. The crash would devalue the US dollar and if this coincided with large movements in crypto we could be looking at some history book stuff. All conjecture though

This is true

You'd want to convert your cash into safe holdings. Get property.