Other urls found in this thread:
scare me sometime
damn, it really was the time of nigger influx
Based fudders
How did he lose it?
Just not being safe with his wallet
Here is the address it was stolen from
Also more people in the thread giving shit to link pic related
Also rushing into crypto and not fully understanding everything. Was just typing his private key into mew and etherdelta
Also notice how op in that op thread said, LITTLE STACK OF 4000 LINK.
Many people had 100k plus, once remember a guy with over 1.1million link.
What's a good alternative to MEW? I feel like having wallet software in the browser seems vulnerable to keyloggers and such. I want to know how to safely store LINK off of binance.
Get a hard wallet for fuck sakes, that’s what you need.
I see.
In terms of software wallets, what's a good one though?
Also if you are using mew atleast use metamask. Also you should be using mews offline client when accessing your wallet. But just get a hard wallet, it’s not worth all the bullshit and making a mistake.
just download the wallet generator thing from mew or whatever, FROM A SAFE CONNECTION ON A SAFE DEVICE, then generate a wallet in offline mode, best case on a device that has never touched the internet and then store the private key there or on paper at home or whatever... but just get a ledger, it's so much safer and easier.
If you lose your hardwallet can someone steal your coins though? Also with the hardwallets you need to store the seed phrase anyway, right? So what's the point?
get a ledger
just buy a ledger ffs
>falling asleep to counting linkies leaping over a fence made from moon dust while fondling your trezor/ hardware between your fingers.
>he doesn't have a ledger
This was not the op in the thread, he was Peter. He did make comments on there though
Pardon my suspicion but are you paid shills or actually giving me honest advice?
I'm usually skeptical when people tell me to spend money on something I could otherwise do for free given proper technique.
However if it's really that much more secure...
So ledger is seen as the superior brand? I assume the cheapest model will suffice?
Hard wallet has a pin, put the pin in wrong three times and it wipes it so you need the seed phase to restore it, also yes you need to write down your 24 word seed phase and keep it very safe. But this is no difference from making a paper wallet and a lot safer then any software wallet. Pretty much what this user said
Any recommendations on hardware wallets?
>put the pin in wrong three times and it wipes it
On that note a freindly service reminder: don't be a debil and do your crypto finances while drunk.
From someone who's read extensively, the answer is always ledger. Nano S if you hold only a few coin types (no more than 4), Nano X if you want support for more. I'll be purchasing a Nano X sometime this year.
Trezor is also an option, but trust me, you're better off with Ledger.
Take a look at this thread which is exactly 1-year-old today and look how fudders got absolutely BTFO. It's beautiful.
My trezor tulpa sayeth you speak bitter words of malice!
you have to go back
I don't use reddit.
I assume you came here recently yourself?
> 587 days ago
That’s the whole point of the tread you stupid cunt, the absolute state
shame on you! thats no way to speak to children!
Wow that 4089 link was worth no more than $800 back when they had it stolen, now it’s almost worth $14k