Guys I'm getting worried, there are literal brainlets who can't even write a proper sentence getting into Chainlink

Guys I'm getting worried, there are literal brainlets who can't even write a proper sentence getting into Chainlink.
Pic related is a post on the biggest french forum shilling Link, written in broken french by probably a 12 y.o.

I'm not selling my linkies anyway but I've been seeing these signs of normies buying in and it's very worrisome, it reminds me of how JFK's father predicted the 29 stock market crash.

Attached: brainlet.png (614x171, 14K)

Have you seen the questions some of the thirdies are asking in the official telegram? Holy fuck it's bad.

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Lucky retards bought ETH at $5 too, we're just at the lucky retard phase not the full normie onslaught phase.

Yeah no fucking shit. The moonshot from 0.30 to 5 was the moon. Now it's over. You need the normies to buy your bags. You bagholded this shit for 2 years but you never planned when to exit? The absolute starte of linkies

Is link really the next ETH?

they all will sell sooner that OP can say 'smart digital agreeme...'

No, it's fundamentally a better long term investment than ETH in nearly every way.

You're not supposed to exit Link, you're supposed to exit your countries currency into Link.
Boomers never learn

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Like selling ETH at $5

Frogs are investing in chainlink, SELL SELL SELL

Chainlink (CHINK) is the future. That is why only 12 y.o. geniuses will make it with the token. The future is in the hands of the young.

just tethered up

Your JFK's father and you fuckign ability to sense market suck.

10 $ est FUD

don't touch anything with a french community they're a literal curse

>Your JFK's father and you fuckign ability to sense market suck.
What did you mean by this?

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Someone call an ambulance this dude is having a stroke

start the fucking singularity before it's too late

coinbase caused this
before CB you needed a brain to buy link, now normies can see it pumping and fomo in with $100 thinking they'll make it

>Your JFK's father and you fuckign ability to sense market suck.

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Agree. I made a mistake months ago buying

Your JFK's father and you fuckign ability to sense market suck.


fucking kek, trying to say you are not him and there is no way for you to tell the market sentiment at this point. Happy swinging though, the day of the rope is upon you.

What's wrong with normies buying in?
It was bound to happen at some point

it's too soon


I used to write resident evil 4 fanfics on in 2006, that forum is for kids, get over it, I'm happy those kids are getting into chainlink as 14 year olds, I only got in crypto in dec 2017 at 25 and now I'm almost a boomer and still hasn't made it.
Also don't be an asshole OP, has a nice racist redpilled community, if you're French you should be proud of those kids instead of calling them brainlets.

It's too soon, they started getting into ETH when it was already worth several hundred dollars and pumped it to 1k, they didn't get in after a measly 10x

Nobody spoonfeed this newfag

>I don't know

Then don't reply

>Mais qui c'est
Aïe ça pique

Because it's a scam retard. Biggest Ponzi in crypto. But buy at your own peril like the bitconnect guys

True, that is why nobody can answer why it is a good investment. With ETH it is easy, can easily see the benefit, but not chain link. Link literally has nothing that ETH doesn't do better.

what the hell is going on here lmao


Nice dubs, nigger. Check mine tho.

I've been following the jvc threads too and my God what a bunch of brainlets this whole forum is. If you thought reddit was bad... A few posters are link pilled but obviously come from biz. Really wish we had a French Jow Forums instead of this garbage forum infested by normies and kiddies.

Wow, a clean 20... Pretty good, bro.

i though link holders wanted normies to buy in so you can finally dump your bags?

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>he lacks the knowledge

a suicide stack is over $3k, some normies picking up crumbs at low costs doesn't matter.

It’s too soon.

Regardless, kids and brainlets getting into an asset is a strong sell signal

Agreed it is pretty depressing

You alright bro?

Attached: 04D6B147-9D02-4E32-BD87-0AB2754BFF47.png (425x410, 63K)

i am that normie

google translate
>"But for the moment there are only 8 nodes that are useless". You only see the tip of the iceberg. It's a launching pad, nothing prevents you from launching your node and provide the data you want, the question is what about the request? You underestimate the snowball effect once the different pieces of the puzzle are assembled and the market ready for adoption. The current limited status of the mainnet is the will of the team, the global ecosystem of smart contracts is only in the initial phase of implementation. As you've already noticed, ETH is not ready enough, but companies are stepping into the water with BaaS and private channels, just as they have preferred to adopt intranets before the internet. However, if you observe correctly, you will notice that LINK is progressively integrated with all the basic protocols in the background, is essential as an inevitable company standard. Cloud, BaaS, private channels, bookstores and writing tools for smart contracts, CRM, all blockchain departments of large law firms, compatibility with traditional banking systems, etc., since all need APIs if they want that their contracts serve something. Ask yourself why a giant like Oracle has committed to develop 50 nodes independently and to promote them for a year, where is their interest, are they the only ones, who are their customers, their competitors, what is their long-term vision, etc. We are not talking only about developing a software product, but of preparing entire industries to adopt a technology that will lead to a major paradigm shift and revolutionize the business models of data providers.

>If you follow these developments, on which areas are the efforts of transition, lobbying, implementation of standards etc of the largest consortia and institutions, which industries in priority, in what way and at what height, etc.? you will also understand why link is positioned like no other project. The arrogant fanaticism of those who have been following the project for 2 years is not blind, it is the result of a global and long-term vision, a deep understanding of the market, a monumental research work, an unparalleled collective autism. Those who see this from the outside have no idea of the Darwinian process that has been applied to fundamentals, the concrete scale of the project, but those who know, know. It's been two years since all this and much more is explained to whoever wants to hear it, in the general indifference and din of hype and shitcoins. It took a 1000% for the plebs to wake up a bit. We know very well that to explain that this is only the beginning, that currently trading LINK is like trader ETH at 5 dollars instead of being patient, will not change much, it's just that we are bored a little while waiting. So continue to not listen to us and believe you are smarter.

I'm a 100k frog link holder so you better sell NOW

Es tu un de ces singes qui traînent sur JVC ? Allo c'est toi papier toilettes ? Si c'est le cas tu devrais savoir que les abrutis de JVC sont obnubilés par un tas de shitcoins genre coss ou pundix mais sûrement pas par chainlink, à part 2-3 individus..

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>"on ira pas plus bas"
Kek, huge sell signal

Non je ne suis qu'un humble lurker sur ce forum, j'y vais de temps en temps pour juger de l'état des choses et là quand j'ai vu ce genre de phénomène sur le thread chainlink j'ai pris peur...

Rassure toi en France chainlink est inconnu au bataillon... Ils vont fomo à 10$ et revendront à 13$