The absolute state of stinkies

>The absolute state of stinkies

This shit is getting purged from mainnet within the month. Hope you sold for profit while you still could.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-07 21-43-41.png (1164x1464, 521K)

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I’m not fucking selling discord tranny

ERC-1000 decoupling

No one believes this shit now fucking dilate you fucking tranny

proof or BTFO RETARD


I buyed because erc-667 is superiour to erc-20. Erc-10 is a step backward, this is very bad new.
Erc-667 is to erc-20 what DAG is to blockchain, clearly superiour, so why did they downgrade so far, even below erc-20. Why they do this? I feel like they trick us, because 667 was so advanced compared to 20. Erc10 is wors right?

Don't care lol

Attached: 1562549604927.jpg (800x800, 94K)

They fucking posted the news themselves and then deleted the post lol. It's fucking over dude

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-07 21-12-51.png (1192x830, 190K)

freind erc-1 is comming soon , and below that only vishnu can know , u should better to be selling on the ASAP IF u like moneys gains

thanksOP i market sold my stack

sold at 4.20. after months of telling biz that LINK's vast coin supply will only ever yield $5/coin max. feelsgoodman. thanks for the money everyone.


Kind of glad I sold my little stacklet now. Just sad I never got in earlier and actually profited off it. Just want to make enough to buy 1 btc

congrats on falling for a fake post. this is why most of you will never make it.

But I pray so hard to vishnu everyday for link to go to the moon. Erc-1 sounds awful.
This is bad too, why they delete tweet, I will ask in telegram later. This is so unfair, i have no money left.

Shoo shoo back to discord, tranny

forget S&P, this is the new holy index

erc10 = 1/2 of erc20 = 50% price dump soon its simple math

poor linkies. so endlessly humiliated.

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Attached: The cutest Chihiro-chan.png (562x695, 240K)

Shut up retard

I didn't sell because of this post, my stack was only a measly 70 anyway, sold them yesterday. If it was so promising and revolutionary it would have already mooned higher but i can't see it going any better.

>I pissed 70k away bcos I bought a week ago and the price STILL HASN'T MOONNED

Attached: laughinggirls.png (449x401, 490K)

Just sold my stack. Thankfully I won't have to lose ALL my money

Not even surprised.
This is probably one of the most terrible project I have ever seen. Shoddy code and the best it can hope for is being some niche thing for some mom and pop store hoping to keep inventory and send their LAN data to the cloud.

"Muh derivatives market" my ass.

Attached: ewno.png (754x770, 511K)

how's RLC dump going for you mon aimèe?

Basically. However it already has mooned.

Insider here. ERC10 will actually be better when the Chainlink team upgrades their servers from Windows XP to Windows 69.