The spice must flow

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When will it end?

with the complete tokenization of USD by the fed, thus rendering tether obsolete

Hopefully at $100,000.
First it makes us filthy rich, then it's time for round 2 - shorting after Tether gets exposed.
The higher it goes, the more money we make off both rounds.

>he thinks crypto has any analogous relation to spice

Tether is a fucking scam.
Can't wait for this ponzi to crash.

Nah, they’ll never get it over 14k this run

and seeing people on crypto twitter cheering the prints annoys the living shit out of me. crypto is becoming everything theyre supposed to hate, ie: central banking bailings. all for the sake of pumping their bags. crypto is truly a ponzi.

They need to keep priniting to push it up until normies start flocking in and institutiinal money starts flooding in. Deal with it faggot.

who are you going to sell your bitcoin to ?

It won’t happen idiot, there are whales eating into their buys at 12k

They’re fucked, they printed expecting to induce a bullrun and now are just left with bags of shit

Thingken about selling BTC and going all in LINK

No, it's market manipulation. Rather than BTC growing organically, this shit creates bubbles, followed by crashes. Normies will lose all their money and it will never take off that way retard.

BTC needs to be seen as a reliable store of value for it to be adopted, not this cyclical bubble ponzi scheme.

Introducing more volatility is never good for an asset's adoption into general use.

I’m about to do this

>institutiinal money
ffs they will never put money into something they cannot control, how fucking retarded are you to believe that

>muh tether fud

When people stop buying usdt.

once we go over 14k we'll never go below it. screencap this

>implying institutional money will come in in a meaningful way with tether being printed out of thin air

they will soon own 50% of all bitcoins. Thats how the central banks are getting controle over/tame crypto.

Not going to because it’s an absolutely retarded statement

>100m tether printed on ethereum
pump eeet

you retards do realized USDT is used to support price when people want to sell their crypto, right?

Remove selling to real USD and replace that with printed USDT. You can now support a price for as long as you can mint new tethies.

More USDT does not always mean number go up.

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E sold? Pomp eet!