What do you call this?

Attached: 63366362.png (1563x816, 58K)

Ur mom projection

piggly wiggly

>that xbtu19 flash crash

marginfags on suicide watch

It's an indecision candle stick, sit back unless you want to make the wrong decision on direction

giant enemy crabâ„¢

bisexual trend

For me its the rising cock formation

The "Fuck All Margin Traders in the Ass, Hard" pattern.

It's the 'Sminem Vs. Bogdanoff' candlestick pattern

>there are people that don't always choose the contract that takes the longest to expire, in this case XBTZ19

but where is its weak spot

All wicc and no dicc

It's called
>margin traders will never learn, but we will try to teach them anyways
it is actually unbelievable how many of these faggot degenerate gamblers exist, and how many of them think they can win vs. a manipulated market

its called a whipsaw you see them right before a large movement is about to take place

darth maul

you'll know because you'll cause massive damage


Attached: makifes10.jpg (491x498, 191K)

This is the answer.

This gentlemen's is a fucking massive inverted head and shoulder. Hold on boys, we're going straight to 14k. Chek'm.

Golden Bull Run or Kill the Ponzi

Attached: 1562508493716.gif (422x646, 231K)

??????? This is exactly what margin traders want to see... They profit off of volatility

Gambling... It's taking advantage of statistics. Cope wagie

a doji
