Keep waiting user... You always do

user thinks quietly to himself… I wonder how DEVERY is doing... To anons relief it went down 40%!...

“I FUCKING NEW IT WAS A SCAM”... user gleefully cries out. However, as user thinks he finally made his first good call, Devery begins to show some new life…

user, ponders this… and concludes that this is only temporary and will never rise again…. Unbenounced to user…. the gayfags who sold are only a handful…

But in true biz fashion... user quietly holds on to his legitimately fucking overbought shitcoins and thinks to himself “I am so very smart”.

Chad however knows that buying at the bottom is where you succeed. He sold the fucking shit coins that user holds at the fucking top "in true chad fashion". Chad, unlike user, actually did some research, he talked to S in the Devery trade Telegram and realized the errors of his ways… Now Chad, who also thought that Devery was a pajeet coordinated pump and dump realizes the true potential of Devery…

As the second wave of buying begins… user quickly dismisses it….

Later that very year, Devery reaches a new all-time high… user ropes himself in despair as his shitcoins that he bought at the top have since corrected.

Attached: 2019-07-08 13.25.50.gif (521x600, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hahahahaha fucking user always so predictable

OP went all in and now writes a wall of text just to sell his curry bags. it was a coordinated shill

Easy 100x but eoy imo. Looks like a great entry point.

Haha you still salty you missed this . Why don’t you cry about it some more.

And thus begins a thread of non-believers who are stuck in a perpetual stage of cope.

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Hahaha they thought 200%was massive hahahahhaag they don’t fucking know shit about crypto

lol this is actually true

Going up already. Coordinated pump?

Hahaha coordinated pump 100%

riendly reminder:

- This pile of absolute dogshit is run by a 22 year old CEO who's greatest prior work experience was a junior web dev. At his college IT department. At a shit college too.
- The coin had

Attached: dog.png (790x294, 34K)

This just in EVE triggers the biz alt right

The ride never ends

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get the fuck off the internet nigger

Cant attack the development, the scripts, the protocol.. or anything else regarding the platform itself so you instead build weak Strawmen.

Your ignorance is embarrassing...

This is the biggest buy signal I have ever seen on biz. It's what led me to LINK

My eve bags

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>the development, the scripts, the protocol

it's a fucking webapp that uses the eth network you dumb nigger

Attached: shitBrain.png (900x729, 129K)

Same. When racists come out attacking on all fronts. You buy the fuck out of that shit... it’s only when the racists leave or are joining in the discussion you sell.

Poor beta detected. Lmao

>the racists

do you have any idea where you are, raj?

do the needful sir

The fuck? You think thats what it is you dumb chevy fucker?

Attached: evelink2.gif (521x600, 80K)

You jeets need to get the duck off biz. This is for only flag waving racists! Mmmmmmmkayyyy

Prove me wrong, raj

I was talking about filtering of threads. Racism is synonymous with this board. If the eve team was all white dudes name Fredrick and Alfred and John's and Joe's it would be welcomed with open arms even if it was the next bitconnect

That’s your an imbecile? I think you did that on your own.

lol @ these absolute niggers.

I'm done. You've shit all over yourselves I don't need do anymore.

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Haha come to deverytrade and fuck us up

Is this the new scam coin that’s replacing Link?

You need to stop shilling devery. I want to accumulate more you fucking dickheads

How much of this pajeet shit coin do I need sir?

About 100k eve for her user

Attached: EVE0101.jpg (600x600, 94K)

What are you expecting for eoy?

It's hard to say link blew up pretty huge but based on GitHub its better then everything else pushed on this board. Atleast eve is open source and exists at the protocol layer which imo is the only layer where tokens make sense.

How is the burn address operated? I don’t understand it’s purpose .

The code looks similar to Hello World

Is this an ERC -721 ?

Every time a product is labeled with an NFT via QR code NFC tag or sha256 value 1 eve is burned
This is true for physical or digital items

Check again

Devery is an ethereum protocol fueled by the erc20 token eve which is used to generate erc721 tokens to serialize products which could be digital or physical. The protocol then let's you track the ownership transition of all products serialized under your brand

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these jeets only buy when its at the top...