Should we aware more of them of crypto?

18k normies got sacked from Deutsche bank today, some seem to be aware

Should we recruit them to our projects?

>might actually know what they're doing
>you jeets don't
>my moonshots delivering gains (TAO, LIT), time for the bigger capped coins to get shit done

Attached: GEJFARO4bWVuIxRWvxk3YtJeMu0gPs2sQt_IUIyarq8.jpg (640x360, 37K)

Absolutely not

>Should we recruit people who are so bad at their job that they are bankrupting their company
Probably not user.

Muh car payments
muh mortgages
muh membership clubs
muh timeshare
muh monthly payments

how am i gonna apy for all this shit, I am bankrupt if i dont find a job in one month.

Wage slaves are always fucked no matter how much they make a month

Attached: 1530819451388.png (628x719, 347K)

Why did they all get fired?

>is the financial world collapsing and ive been too comfy in my crypto world

why is he holding a bag that says bitcoins? kikery

You're the only normie you retarded faggot
He's probably been browsing Jow Forums longer than you have

>the employees being told what to do fucked up the company not the people calling the shots

Imagine being this fucking stupid.

TAOelheads get 50% gains and think they're God Tier traders lol

Nice larp, you'd have gotten a nice severence package if you actually worked there.

Debt = institutionalized slavery

Doesn't matter. Most of them live way, way, way beyond their means. You would be extremely surprised how close many are to financial ruin despite how much they make.

Keeping up with mr jones is a stupid game

i love seeing these people lose their jobs
where will they get employed at next?
nowhere, there aren't enough of those sorts of positions
i'll pay them some brapper for them to show me their brappers, though
get on all fours you normies

Unironically yes.
DB is hemorrhaging money due to, let's be honest, state mandated diversity and literal torrents of shitskins draining Germany dry.

>I’d pay to see men’s hairy assholes on all-fours

You have bigger problem than they do.

Yup. then the wive divorces them as they cant maintain the lifestyle.
life is fucked

Should have just been a crypto neet. cant get sacked

says the person not invested in a guy who's literally fucking scooter braun or whoever

>has working project & exchange
>did what he said he would at IAO
>exchange updated, price shoots up 90%
>Bryce confirms big labels are going to push their artists onto the platform
>You're still not something gaurenteed to go up

such are the shortcomings of a wageslave, quite pathethic, and thats coming from the NEET.

Banking is getting fucked in europe universally due to ECB mandating 0% loans. That's also why they had to try all kinds of scams to make money to make up for the loss they couldn't do shit about.

Does Germany only have one bank? Why is Deutsche Bank always in the news?

Hahahaha aint nothing wrong with that.

TAO and LIT are 100 times more solid than smelly asshole BRAP token.

They aren't memes and have uses

Attached: giphy.gif (200x200, 826K)

let"s be honest you are retarded, you probably hold link

because they're unironically a gate for rothmoney

Migrants are bleeding us dry but they have 0 causal impact on banks (though there's a correlation). DB is suffering because after the 2008 financial crisis the international community vowed to make their banks more sustainable and less predatory through national legislation. However, only Germany (like the pathetic cucks we are) actually followed through and now DB is finally collapsing under the collective weight of getting assraped by competitors for years and years.
Literally Danke Merkel
