last chance to hop aboard before XRP begins its break out to $5. don't say you weren't warned, Jow Forums.
XRP about to break out
centralized deflationairy garbage.
How many more times are we going to hear this? This shits been a dog for a long time now.
jealous BTC holder, confirmed
you are legit dumb as fuck my dude
Not forecasted to break out until late December. You’ve got plenty of time.
$5 before EOY. screencap this shit, faggot.
found the XRP bagholder that still cant accept this is going straight back to 20 cents
i hope you've accumulated your goal, this is the best price you're going to get for the rest of the year.
i bought 10k XRP at $0.26 cents back in september. the sky is the limit, nigger.
XRP isn't centralized bro.
imagine buying XRP at 26 cents and not selling above 3$ damn you are beyond fucking retarded
It'll bounces around a 10% range for the rest of the year. December we will ascend. Buying at any point until December will be rewarding as fuck.
prepare for derisking
>xrp was over $3 anytime between september 2018 and now
and you have the audacity to call me retarded. kys, brainlet.
This shitcoin isn't going anywhere.
> $5
XRapid is pretty nifty, but the XRP coin itself sucks ass. For this to hit $5 end of year, billions will need to come in. Fuck forecasts. Check out the number of coins in circulation. Random number. WTF was Jed McCaleb thinking when he made it. Oh yeah. Kiss the Jews behind. Fuck this coin. Buy a real cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero, etc.
i dont get this
An XRP shill has been trying to force this shit-tier meme for the past week or so. It makes no sense whatsoever.
You don't know