..but babe enough about me, how are things with you...how's it all going with your crypto, are we up?

>..but babe enough about me, how are things with you...how's it all going with your crypto, are we up?

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>with your crypto
>are we up?
ironically based and womanpilled

uh, i ordered some tendies (extra ranch btw) and i came alone


guaranteed 5000+ replies, like every time

no dogs allowed you DISGUSTING NIGGER

Attached: Nig-Ger.png (1691x951, 1.41M)


What does her butthole look like I wonder? haha

bro, you know you can't post hot black chicks on this anonymous Montanan Glass making forum. You can only post ugly black chicks to foster the notion that black girls are ugly.


This. Ain't no bitch getting ain't no share

fuck you nigger

Psst, she's a green beret.

>enough about me
>are we up

I used to eat dinner with a chick who would talk about herself for like three hours straight over dinner.


Masta cuck

Oh massa u gon make me squir

tfw i have sexual raceplay fantasies

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I used to be a Jow Forumstard
But hot negresses were my cryptonite

I see I'm not the only one, then. My Genes compell me to BLEACH.

how is that bad?

And my genes compel me to BLACK

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>hon pilled

Oui oui, roastie, my crypto is le up, so you are le gone! Time for another roastie!

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yes we are dear

Attached: 1561038125829.jpg (219x230, 9K)

Love solves everything

Quite good bitch, just got myself 12 kucoin allocations for NOIA.
Now shut up and get under the table if you want in too

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>still in denial about statistical distributions
Not gonna make it

Yes srrange woman this LINK stack is going straight to the moon
Now show me your hole and I might give you half a LINK