How do homeless afford tents?

I saw tents at costco going for like 200 bucks. which homeless has 200 bucks?

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homeless doesnt mean you have $0, it just means you dont have a private property to sleep at night.

we kill and eat campers obv
is this your first day being homeless? duh

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What id you could pay a homeless person to pee on them. How much do you think they would accept that for.

A tent! That's not a bad idea, I bet it beats sleeping in my car.

these go for 40 bucks in big 5 you retardo

They can make $200 a day just by panhandling alone.

when did panhandling become more economically productive than waging?

They steal them from break ins or buy them off the people who do for 1/10 of the retail.

walmart tents are cheap as shit

those homeless people probably make more money then you

It's been that way for decades. Anyone who doesn't have a job is a worthless lazy libcuck

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guy was probably trying to get them to work for like 6 dollars an hour

Cope harder wagie.

Most homeless get all their shit for free from bleeding hearts. For example, all the needles I step over in Vancouver are provided to the degenerates from sympathetic rich people who live in communities where they get to feel smug about themselves and don't have to bear the consequences of their actions.

In London, UK, they've been known to make twice national wage average.

>why don't you just spend your life working for the king
>objecting to his divine providence is a sign of heresy and sloth
>democracy is just a fool's errand, propagated by the radical media
>the king even gives us a couple pheasants come christmas time

insulting those who are critical of your master is the ultimate display of cuckoldry

wagies are so underpaid its crazy. homeless bums are better compensated

>Hi I need £23 for a hostel and I've got £11 already please help me out
So where does the money actually go? I thought the route out of homelessness is to save up for a gym membership and new clothes.

Same here. Fucking city council wants to put those fucking sharps-tainers all over the city here. Fucking horrible.

>be bonglander
>get stupid degree in something stupid
>homeless friend is richer
top kek mate

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