See this? It is just paper without real value. It is not backed by gold nor any other valuable resource

See this? It is just paper without real value. It is not backed by gold nor any other valuable resource.

Attached: 2356.jpg (640x426, 140K)

fuck fiat currency, im never cashing out.

>the dollar is literally the most widespread and widely accepted unit of exchange in human history
>it's totes worthless

That wasn't always true though, how DID we get here?

nixon in the 70s was the final dagger from any type of sound money. tl;dr is basically the boomers sold out to the jews like usual and now blame everyone else.

Actually it's a lottery ticket to have sex with the person displayed on the ticket.

>how DID we get here?

Attached: richard-nixon4.jpg (800x555, 52K)

>the $ isn't backed by anything

Attached: us-carrier.jpg (1200x857, 215K)

they're not backing it, they're burning it

Why do wh*te people smile like this?

Attached: 9C5C7733-44BF-4F6C-B2F0-015EC5E200C9.jpg (676x698, 160K)

Because we're not actually pleased to see you

because they don't want to look like g.max boys

checked and based

They're backing it by bombing countries that want to sell their oil for anything but the $, at least in the cases the CIA fails.
Which brings us to the more important thing backing the $
The Chinese have started a yuan based petro market recently though, so that'll be a huge problem for the $ some years down the line.

>those digits
You crackas be ok

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It’s backed by the issuing country and in the case of USA the best military in the world so if that’s not a valuable resource to you then ok

According to keynesianism there's supposed to be printing during recessions and burning and hiking of interest rates during good times.
But the last part is hard to pull off.
Especially in a democracy.

no empire lasts forever

crypto doesn't need an empire nor gunboat diplomacy

over a quarter of human economic activity pays taxes in dollars, which gives it value.

American here, not sure where this lie came from but the dollar is not backed by the military in the slightest. Almost funny to think someone would believe that. No, the usd is just like any other shitcoin, backed by nothing and does nothing.

The USD is backed by oil contracts requiring settlement in USD at the end of a gun.
Care to guess what happens to leaders that try to pay for oil in something else?

Saddam Hussein tried to sell oil with euros
Omar Khadafi tried to settle oil with gold
Venezuela, China, Iran, Saudi Arabi, Russia are working to trade oil for euros/gold/basket of other currencies, who are the boogymen on the nightly news?

USA has already lost control, it's just a matter of time now.

how will the boomer even cope when cash is wiped off the map. new banks won't accept cash or even give you cash, it's all digital. the only thing holding cash up at the moment is debt and how fucking depressing is that lmao

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they'll have boomer rocks they'll be able to trade for some bitcoins.

Forget the boomers, what about the chimps that only go to cheque cashing places or money marts.
Society is going to fall apart within 2 weeks.

checked user, one off a sextuple.

I'll bet you all the boomer rocks in the world that they won't be buying any btc, they can't even use facebook.

Better start learning Mandarin. I await the day our Chinese overlords conquer the world.

lmao dollarcoin doesnt even solve the oracle problem

they'll be on UBI shilling for their next saviour politician to give them more lolcoin.

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