To whom it may concern

First of all I want to say sorry to my fellow Link Marines.

I am deserting you and I expect a large amount of hate towards me.... but hear me out

I really think that Link is over bought... I think we hit our peak last week... Looking at the charts on other tokens, I expect that this will tread sideways for a bit then start to go lower.... probably to pre pump levels..

IMO Devery looks like it is gearing up for some parabolic moves up.. I think that had hit rock bottom last week and now has been gaining momentum daily in an upwards trajectory....

Its time for me to sell fellow Marines...

Attached: EVECUBE.jpg (1023x813, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

At ease solider

I sold that pajeet pump and dump
Long ago. Fucking holding onto that is like holding a live grenade

What are you going to buy devery???? Looks like it already pumped???

Let me be the first to say ... I am fucking selling ahahah

Good timing for eve sir.... looks like it’s ready to launch.

Attached: E325FD5C-ACDA-460C-A612-5DBB7EDBF750.jpg (850x716, 279K)

I think devery has huge potential. It has been left in the dust bin of 2018. Should look at other projects from 2018 also. Many other diamonds in the ruff to be found.

Looks like the jeets are gearing up for another massive pnd

he fell for the meme lmao

Bought a suicide stack of this a 2300vits. Just going to ride this one to the top.

Attached: evelink7.gif (521x600, 35K)

I don't know what the hell you're smoking but keep it to yourself.

How do these jeets just take over biz all at once.

Link is done... it’s time to pnd another shitcoin

welcome aboard.

Attached: devvie.jpg (2662x3993, 1.91M)

Bring back eve babes plz

Sell link sell link sell link !!!!!!! It’s going to dump any moment !!!

For you

Smelling like vindaloo in here to me

Attached: F5C9526D-33D4-4F89-83A7-722F8947DB2F.png (750x1334, 2.98M)

Hello, user.

Attached: 33k.jpg (540x540, 124K)

Can someone just give me one good reason to buy into this other than it’s cheap Af, the next shill, etc...

The pajeets are back in force!

EVE is used to fuel the verification process. Applications will recieve EVE token as
payment for hosting verification applications on the Devery protocol. Consumers using
these applications will require EVE to mark on the blockchain, this EVE is then
transferred to the application host as payment for hosting the applications via the
’Bokky’s Token Teleportation Service’ (BTTS), allows users to send EVE tokens without
required Ethereum as a gas cost. Users can send message to third-party services to
process their transactions and pay the gas cost on their behalf. In return, the user pays
the service provider a percentage of EVE tokens. This provides a practical means of
using the Devery protocol without requiring retailers and others users to hold EVE and

Link is absolutely over bought

Don't. Pic related

Attached: 898989j388d.png (376x378, 17K)

The team isn’t even shilling what does that tell you.

Look up and see how its already being used or even begin to use it yourself if need be.

Also this:

I heard this is run out of a telegram group called DeveryTrade

Let's look at EVE:

Devery brings ETH into the modern age. With Hyperledger, Vulcan and other consortium chains on the rise it's up to biz to push the competitive edge of ethereum to show that decentralized industry is truly possible. Devery offers the only feature complete development toolkit to enable developers to use blockchain for supplychain management on ethereum. Anyone In the industry will tell you this is the future.

Devery is the only way for Ethereum to compete with large well funded centralized players like hyperledger. It is the competing toolkit.

If you believe in transparency, decentralizing data, and giving consumers and businesses the power to hold each other accountable, devery leads to that trustless future.

This is an extension of satoshis vision

Attached: 1_38IaegigYYiBmYMhzdv1NA.gif (1366x768, 100K)

Devery chart looks dead

Jow Forums brainlet lol

This. Link is more than a pnd and you fucktards know it. You really think going from last place to #16 was all a biz pnd? We still have aways to go fellas, and you newfags are getting bored of some sideways action? Go on, get burned.

Bought 3 days ago at 3k sats, 30% up, Holding 80k bag.
Noticed a lot of active eve accounts on etherscan lately


That they are regulated by ASIC

I haven't been this comfy since I bought eth at $27

Attached: GIF-190708_093412.gif (320x276, 274K)

I mean... it's down to 3.20 from over 5 bucks. If you sell here you're dumb as fuck.

Attached: ab1.gif (400x400, 24K)

Inb4 a lambo only costs 500 EVE

Attached: evelambo9.gif (500x281, 41K)

Not much time left to get in before China pump

This already had its .30c moment and is -100%, why should I buy this shitcoin Jow Forums?

> Ignores thread giving explanation
Dyor faggot