There's still doubters

>there's still doubters.

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Other urls found in this thread:


god my dick is so hard at this announcement

if you dont know what this means... just strap in folks that's all i gotta say.

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who linkforest supposed to be big? I have never heard of them.

1k eoy

$1000 EOY

........ who

Holy shit it’s real! This is unironically waaay bigger than google.


Trash announcement from a puny company which nobody not named linkforest has heard of. Keep trying to bait the suckers into buying this shill coin.
Bought Quant and making more money in a week than I have with chainlink in 2 years.

it's one of sergeys money laundering oracles

Fuck. That would of been the biggest get all time. Nice try


1 thing stinkers haven't taken into account is the competition

Oracle is a literal who company, when compared to other silicon valley giants.

Only link holders are deluded enough to think their coin will be the next BTC.

Of course who knows at this point, it has first movers advantage.

Even then it would take a miracle for this meme to reach $1000.

Oracles are important, but they won't be valued that highly.

You'll have to make a decision to drink the link koolaid and join this cult.

>biggest get of all time

That's nice

>Oracle is a literal who company

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Chainstickers are so cringe it physically hurts me. All you had to do was to buy Quant, it's not too late tough.

>Buying the Jew coin

Ok user.

>Oracle Corporation is an American multinational computer technology corporation headquartered in Redwood Shores, California. The company sells database software and technology, cloud engineered systems, and enterprise software products—particularly its own brands of database management systems.Oracle Corporation is an American multinational computer technology corporation headquartered in Redwood Shores, California. The company sells database software and technology, cloud engineered systems, and enterprise software products—particularly its own brands of database management systems. In 2018, Oracle was the third-largest software company by revenue.
>In 2018, Oracle was the third-largest software company by revenue.

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>being this new

look at the first letter of each sentence

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user my dad works as a programmer and contracts with some of the biggest healthcare companies in the U.S. They all use Oracle in some ways. It's a stinking pile of shit but if you think Oracle is a literal who you are a fucking dumbshit.

Linky and the Literal Whos

absolute state of nulinkers see that's a super old pasta that no one posts anymore, i just swapped oraclize for oracle

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nicely done though

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what does 1oooeoy

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no doubters just low IQ link hodlers who are bored and post fud


Except the idea of validated node operators is embracing that its just trusted centralized servers that are proxying existing HTTP APIs.

Do you mongoloids even understand what you've purchased? This is like if a VPN company announced a partnership with Google analytics to track your usage.

Honestly this is getting just retarded.

Pic related is you

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read you cannot *instantly* code your way to decentralization. what chainlink is doing is the ONLY solution to the sybil attack problem. kyc is absolutely necessary for launch.



Attached: sybil attacks.png (1898x809, 233K)

another thread ruined by an attention seeking schizo faggot

>inb4 he furthers your point by explaining why he’s not

This guy has a point. In any system where number of nodes (n) is < the Sybil arc emission, introducing a KYC centralized system is basically just like strapping a video camera to your shit before you flush it down the toilet. The more KYCed nodes the WORSE for security because data being fed through the network can't be reanonimised in a way that is the fault of the Byzantine general.

Oh Wow! I never thought of it that way. You sure got me! Tell your manager at the call center to make sure you get 2 potty breaks today. The street is looking especially dirty today so make sure to wash your feet before going back in.

It isn't a solution at all. There is no such thing as achieving sybil resistance via network effect. That isn't a thing.

This entire rant never actually explains even in the slightest how it will combat sybil attacks. This is like showing someone a chapter from the Communist Manifesto when they ask how you'll pay for universal college or something. It makes no attempt to describe any actual game theoretical mechanism that would mitigate sybil attacks. it's just a bunch of hype shit so I can't actually begin to even respond to it meaningfully.

Can you or anyone explain how a quorum of nodes that LIES about a particular piece of data would be punished ADEQUATELY commiserate to whatever financial gain they'll get for lying. Presume the amount they get from lying is less than whatever they've staked on their node. How is consensus reached that they lied? Is this process a Keynsian beauty contest? Is all stake locked for some duration so they can't just exit their stake after lying? Is it a full burn or a percentage? What if there is legitimate disagreement about the data validity?

Whats that? Just cultish buzzwords and fortellings of MLM style "financial freedom" and "new paradigms"? Yea ok.

That moment u realize stinky linky is over 9000 and ur life is a lie

>t.OP is a faggot

Attached: linky.png (1563x489, 42K)

That get will soon fade away from this board, as nulinkies with 100-500 stacks start posting here en masse.

Based hidden message but yeah Oracle sucks I can't believe you retards seriously buy link after that Jason Parser wikileaks drop.

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based, linkers investing $4bil in centralized oracles

Honestly, i think ur just mad cuz u didnt buy low ;)



Based and endofyearpilled

kek check out their website

They literally made that shit in 1 hour yesterday. Pathetic. How long has the test net been out? 1 year? That's the first actual user KEKEKEKEKEK

they literally didn't exist before yesterday.

Jesus fucking christ, you're right! Cant even sentence. Pic related.

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Unironically 0EOY. Linkies BTFO


did you say
1 0 0 0 $ E O Y

When you know, you know

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Just beautiful

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>Can you or anyone explain how a quorum of nodes that LIES about a particular piece of data would be punished ADEQUATELY commiserate to whatever financial gain they'll get for lying. Presume the amount they get from lying is less than whatever they've staked on their node. How is consensus reached that they lied? Is this process a Keynsian beauty contest? Is all stake locked for some duration so they can't just exit their stake after lying? Is it a full burn or a percentage? What if there is legitimate disagreement about the data validity?

kek have you even read the whitepaper? punishments for false data is explained there.

are you the same person as pic related?

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I love how LINK gets you all salty as fuck

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>tfw poorfag with only 376 LINK
feels bad

>kek have you even read the whitepaper? punishments for false data is explained there.
It's not actually explained at all. It just gives some vague points that don't actually make sense if you're a developer. But you're not. You're a dumb gullible normie who invested their life savings in a scam kek.

Attached: chainlink is a scam.png (1200x1200, 238K)

Show me where it's not explained.

5 ChainLink Security Services 16
5.1 Validation System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.2 Reputation System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.3 Certification Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.4 Contract-Upgrade Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.5 LINK token usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

It's all in there.

Sad! That FUD is also debunked by pic

this is just sad. i found out about link right before mainnet, picked up 12K pretty cheap. i could have been like these fags so easily

Some of us are just destined to make it user. I'm sorry you're not one of them


I've read all those pages, and I am a developer. The design described does not work. It's not decentralized and is basically 1% of the information required to be credible as a design. There's a million critical unanswered questions that make Chainlink a scam.

Attached: chainlink is a scam.png (1167x1855, 553K)



1k EOM

>I am a developer.
This doesn't mean anything over the internet. I can say I'm the CEO of Walmart, doesn't make it true.

You give no reasons for why it doesn't work. You claim for Chainlink to be vague but in doing so you are vague in your arguments. You don't actually criticize anything, neither does your pic related.

You had 2 years. Your coping is honestly so tasty.


You can tell within 1 second of opening that site that this is nothing more than another vaporwave scam. And they run the same scam on tezos and IrisNet (who?)

>We have a monitoring in place


I gave about 100 reasons if you read the screenshots attached. I have proven beyond a doubt that the design is flawed in those screenshots. It's literal proof that Chainlink is vaporware and a scam.

Now I understand you don't get it, because your IQ is too low to comprehend the words on the screenshot, but others will, and they are dumping.

i noticed after i posted

i knew all along btw i was just testing you haha

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You're delusional. Accept it. You don't have a single argument. You're blatantly making up lies about the whitepaper and what's written in it. Every single thing written in that pic related was written by a *literal* schizo OP.

Keep coping. Eventually you'll come to acceptance and be content with your suicide stack. Chainlink will never be under $3 again.

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Nope, everything in those screenshot are facts. You're not a developer so it sounds like made up gibberish to you, but it is facts and it does prove Chainlink is a scam.

Another proof that Chainlink is a scam is the complete lack of developer adoption even though the testnet has been live for months. Real projects have hunderds/thousands of devs using their test nets.

>Random "developer" on Jow Forums smarter than 4 of the top crypto auditing firms in the entire world
Fucking rekt, find a new job. Maybe trash man is good for your IQ.

anyone with 1 IQ point could just write what you wrote. can you actually explain anything?

I hate these smug post

I am a developer unlike you. You are coping insanely hard, making up strawman arguments to FUD the price down. You are literally lying about the whitepaper. It's quite sad. No point in arguing when you're so delusional and can't even acknowledge reality.

>Real projects have hunderds/thousands of devs using their test nets.

So oracle is not a real company?


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They audited that their code works. It does work. But their code is easy, useless, centralized oracles. Nobody needs that. Nobody is using that. And they pretend it's decentralized. That's the scam. The lie about it being decentralized.

Nope, everything I said is fact. You are lying. You cannot even find one wrong line in them, because if you try, I will simply reply and BTFO anything you say. Because I have higher IQ than you. And because I actually know programming. And we are literally talking about software. You are outclassed brainlet.

>Because I have higher IQ than you
heh you outed yourself here

go outside and stop baiting. this board needs to be cleaned up from the FUD

It is self explanatory. Read the screenshot. If you don't understand it, then learn some programming. How can I explain software to someone who doesn't speak the language? It's basically like talking to an ape.

Nope, not a single post here, or ever, has ever refuted any of the proof that Chainlink is flawed, and a scam. You guys simply cannot, you don't know programming. You're basically apes investing in/talking about shit you don't understand.

Oracle is the baby boomer of tech companies but no way a literally who

the levels of cope are insane
i'm laughing so hard it's unbelievable. yes, i'm sure you're smarter than google, oracle, swift, people like ari juels, tom gonser, etc




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>open chainlink thread
>see its another "You don't know programming. You are an ape." episode
>close thread
>open different chainlink thread
>"You probably don't understand a single word of what I'm saying, because you're not a developer."
>close, try a different one
>"Oh so you're just too low IQ to understand programming, thanks for confirming."
Jesus Christ. Is this all you do all day? Going on your little chainlink corner of the internet and sperging out at random strangers telling them they're inferior to you? Find a less pathetic way to spend your time dude, do you never think back on how half your waking day was spent talking to people you've internally written off as not worth talking to? Just absurd.

The answer to all this is that chainlink is no longer primarily just a ‘decentralized Oracle network’, which I agree is vague and unspecified as of yet. By acquiring town crier and absorbing oraclize Bryce positioned themselves as the standard oracle-blockchain api, for whatever oracle solution you think is appropriate for your smart contract. They can just figure out the decentralized oracle stuff over time by hiring some phds or buying someone and not have to worry about any real competition because they already dictate the standard of interaction

They got Adelyn to check it, give them a break man. Tiger mommy signed off on their homework.

Literally who the fuck is link forest?
You guys think chainlink can partner with literal whos and it means something?

You probably failed out of CS201 you absolute retard

No one at any of these companies is using/going to use Chainlink. It's just meme collabs to promote their own services.

But again, your IQ is too low to understand that. You think those companies are using Chainlink's useless software, because you literally don't understand the post these companies write.

You think you do though, but assuming to understand tech speak is part of your stupidity.


They* not Bryce