how do i profit from being a loser with no career, connections, motivation or care for anything?
How do i profit from being a loser with no career, connections, motivation or care for anything?
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sell your a$$hole.
You don't. Kill yourself. Sick of useless whiny faggots like you.
You're useless and have no skills. Why would you expect to profit?
You can't. I suffer from the same problem. No passion = no money. Tough, but true.
Most intelligent people without skills simply lack passion. That's the problem. Yes, stupid people will never succeed, but you don't have to be stupid in order to be a failure. You just have to be perma-depressed and without passion, and then you're fucked.
t. literally me.
Youre just depressed and down. U wanna feel motivated and up right?
Cocaine, caffeine, adrenaline, anxiety. These are all motivations, drives and fears. Do something that scares you or gives you desire.
t. Dunning-Kruger brainlet
you have to wait for the nihilism phase to die off by literally dying inside completely and burning out. After the old you has died, the new you will rise like a phoenix from the ashes, and thus you will be reborn.
Let yourself die user. Get ready to let the new you take control
All this is the hedonistic cope starter pack. None of this will help. It will only make him more of a self aware loser when he crashes or comes down.
Shit advice user
These things will only make you crash harder in the end. The key to success in life is literally passion.
Bodybuilders are the biggest pussylovers in the world (passionate), that's why they work so hard to get a nice body so they can shower in pussy.
Rich fucks care so much about money that they set aside their own fucking families just to make more money - that's how they succeed.
Passion, passion, passion... And if you don't have it, you won't get anywhere. It's the truth. It's got nothing to do with intelligence. Well, okay, you need a certain level of intelligence in order to for instance get a business going, but on the other hand, you can have a 300 IQ and still be a failure if you don't have a grain of fucking passion here in life.
I'm 33 and I'm literally only waiting to die. And no I'm not handicapped, fat or anything. I just don't have the passion. It's as if that center of the brain doesn't exist in me. I don't care about anything and I never have. It's just the way it is.
Same goes for education.. How do you think people will attend uni for 5-7 years straight finishing one dry ass book after the other? - Passion..
People who don't give a fuck won't get shit. And no, I'm not whining, I'm just telling you the truth. You can also turn it around: You won't find any single fucking successful person in the world who's not passionate about what they're doing. Not one single fucking person. You need to care in order to succeed.
Dude, get together with people who have the same problem and talk about it. Don't feed depressing thoughts, try to do something to improve your life instead.
well that makes it really easy to kill yourself
And you consider yourself intelligent?
>audible kek
Agreed. Find your passion user. Money? Women? Something?
Probably more intelligent than you.
job, gym, and then start to research every job imaginable. Imagine yourself doing that job. When you think of something interesting, fun, or comfy, pursue it. Work on your aesthetics too, don't look like a fucking slob or you'll feel like one.
Tried for 20+ years. I guess I'm too nihilistic for this life. I'm not depressed, I've just accepted it. It is what it is. I can't really change it.
I become passionate from time to other, but it never lasts more than a couple of months. I don't care enough about money to keep grinding at something.
The more you care, the more you'll succeed.
He said he's 33 yrs old. If he hasn't found a passion for the past 3 decades then he probably won't find one at all anymore. Besides, money and women? Lol, come on
stop jacking off, load yourself with 2000ui of vitamin d3 a day, and look up dopamine fasting and dry fasting
he's right, you know.
shit man i am the same way. I've never had that fire, that fuel, that passion. I just never gave a fuck. I guess that would be okay if I were from a rich family but I'm actually dirt poor and this will all end well, but I just couldn't give a fuck. I made this thread because every once in a while I get these feelings that I SHOULD care and that I need to get it together before I end up outside and actually have to end up jumping off a building or something out of total hopelessness. But, as I'm writing this, I really am not even that bothered by the thought of that scenario either. If I died tomorrow I couldn't be bothered, but I also can't be fucked to kill myself either
You definitely came to the right place
>how to goyim and npc
go od on toothpaste you degenerate
>how to profit from being loser
user, don't you see, you're in the matrix
Money and women.. Well, I'd like to be able to afford a house and start a family with a woman. So it matters. But I've realized that I'll never get that. Sad, but also very liberating. I'm free as a child until I die. No responsibilities or anything. Dane, on social pension, get 2300 usd per month for doing nothing. Aspergers. I'm alright. Just glad I'm born in a country that actually cares about losers like me.
No such thing. If you're intelligent, you can Google science-backed herbs that boost neurotransmitters and have them at your door in 2 days.
I have a doctorate degree and make six figs. I highly doubt it!
Problem is.. You can't force passion. Passion is literally love. I'm with you bro. I know exactly how it feels. Sucks really hard. Cryptos is my only hope of ever making it, kek.
>t. Terence Mckenna
become a mercenary
FFL will take you
Sure. Very credible.
>did that
doesn't work
that would imply you are this physical construct, which is a holographic projection
you can't take herbs to cure an issue that stems from the realm that generates this one
Cocaine does it's job until it doesn't.
stop blaming the external
dont blame the internal
understand that you are not thinking rationally.
I have been there.
With my feet on the edge.
Face death and accept it - then you fear nothing.
If you have nothing to have everything to gain...
Here's proof since you wanna be a little bitch about it.
Precisely. I believe we live in a self-learning AI simulation, and that I'm just existing to teach it about suffering. But I'm alright. I might be a loser, but I'm one hell of a tough loser.
Start a family user. It really is the meaning to life
Hello gayboys, I have just discovered an exploit days ago that already made me more than 0.45BTC in the last 8 days
Before you use there is one rule:
>please don't use it more than 3 times a day, or it will stop working
Go to the link below, scroll down and watch the video for explanation on how to use and proof of the system working.
Here is the generator link: bitcoin-generator DOT online
How's that proof of anything?
And let's pretend you're telling the truth.. What do you gain from gloating? You clearly have passion, cause if you didn't you wouldn't give a fuck about anything. Trust me, you despicable fag, I'm intelligent, but I don't care enough about anything to profit from it. That's what you don't understand, and that's why I have my doubts about your intelligence.
>I guess that would be okay if I were from a rich family
yeh tough luck, you didn't win the vagina lottery - a lucky few do - they usually turn out to be garbage humans.
>I get these feelings that I SHOULD care and that I need to get it together
listen to this.
you are not the voice inside your head.
you are whatever is listening.
choose which polarity you want to listen to.
choose negativity = manifest negative reality
choose positivity = manifest positive reality
>I believe we live in a self-learning AI simulation, and that I'm just existing to teach it about suffering
I honestly want to smack you for saying that.
Suffering? posting on an anonymous mongolian rice trading forum?
got a computer? got a roof? got drinkable water?
You know nothing of suffering and this is your own hubris and woe-is-me mentality telling you that nobody has ever had it worse than you.
>Trust me, you despicable fag, I'm intelligent, but I don't care enough about anything to profit from it.
Analysis Paralysis?
Or perhaps you need to reassess your definition of intelligence.
More importantly, the differential between intelligence and hard work
It's a screenshot pulled straight from the Social Security Admin website regarding income reported on my taxes. You might understand if you were intelligent and actually held a real job once.
I know, but I tend to mess up all social relations, so that's not really an option. Aspergers slash dyssocial. It's uphill. But I'm alright. I got my tomato plants. At least I care about them, for now. Next year, I'll probably sell all my furniture etc. and quit the lease of my apt. and go travelling like I did 5-6 years ago.. Yeah, I'll end up becoming a homeless proletar, but that's okay - been there before. Then I have an incentive to start all over with new fake hope when I get back. My life is a cycle. I always end up the same place I started, cause I don't have the passion to lead me.
Cocaine isn't good for your brain, it makes it worse.
I'm talking about adaptogens which reduce stress, improve neurochemistry, and increase cerebral blood flow.
Your conscious state is first and foremost the result of neurochemistry. That is why some drugs like DMT can generate states of mind that were never thought possible.
Of course it is impossible to be in an uplifted mood for your entire life, as happiness needs a contrasting emotion to even exist. But you can learn to enjoy even your suffering if you have a clear enough mind.
Asperger's technically makes you a certified brainlet.
Wish you all the best user.
criminals and pedos also meditate and do yoga
you think you're special because you took some filters off? guess what faggot, you're just doing this all to put them back in.
without the filters you realize just how sad and pathetic your omniscient existence is.
Open a Minecraft server. I made over 10k from mine last month and will make 15k+ this month now that its summer.
You understand nothing. You think that all there is is all there is. You cannot fathom anything beyond this realm. I pity you. The suffering part was semi-ironic, but you are too stupid to comprehend that.
Trust me, lots of intelligent people get stuck in life due to lack of passion, but what does a spoiled suburb kid like you know about that. Your head has been filled with joy and passion from your loving parents. You cannot imagine what it's like not to have that flame inside. You're fucking ignorant. You think intelligence equals success - and yes, it does to a certain extent - in the sense that you need intelligence in order to succeed.. However, you're too ingrown in your own little worldview to understand that you can be intelligent without being successful.. All it takes is the absence of passion. If you don't care about life, life won't care about you.
Hard work.. You don't care about hard work if you don't have passion. You literally don't fucking know how it is to wake up every morning wishing that you didn't exist, because you think your fucking existence is completely fucking meaningless. And no, don't give me the "you're just depressed" bullshit, cause this shit goes much deeper. I'm not really depressed, I'm just devoid of passion.
>without the filters you realize just how sad and pathetic your omniscient existence is.
Quite the contrary. When you've truly removed every shred of what makes you human, all that's left is an infinite, blissful fractal. All judgment is a part of the filters.
you speak like am armchair faggot meanwhile I've tried all these garbage ''natural'' remedies and they all just give you a vitamin B boost effect for a few hours then you piss out the excess chemicals
Have you ever even done psychedelics to see the real nature of this garbage?
Have you experienced absolute omniscient loneliness for eternity while being the people who populate the map?
Have you taken off the filter which let's you see how everyone is a mask on a tendril extended from your own?
You're your own mother and father, nigga.
No one, nothing, in any way, ever, what so ever, will ever enjoy your presence or be there to share with you this experience, in truth, it will always be you pretending.
You're always going to be lonely.
>but what does a spoiled suburb kid like you know about that.
keep projecting kid, I've nothing to prove to you.
>you're too ingrown in your own little worldview to understand that you can be intelligent without being successful
am i?
or have i been in your exact situation?
You're angry and upset, it's natural to feel this way in your situation.
>You think intelligence equals success
no - the opposite is true.
success = intelligence.
yeh - and they're more intelligent than you in a plethora of other ways.
Again - how do you define intelligence?
>You literally don't fucking know how it is to wake up every morning wishing that you didn't exist, because you think your fucking existence is completely fucking meaningless
again - yes I do.
>I'm just devoid of passion
correct - for now. you haven't found it yet and you're upset its taking this long.
understand everyone has their own journey and comparing yours to anybody else is the definition of retardation.
Did you actually make this thread to further entrench your position and have anons confirm that you're meaningless because then you can keep blaming the world for your problems?
Or did a little bit of you make this thread with the glimmer of hope that something would help?
smart money is on the latter.
oh, tell me about it while you still require to circulate body fluids and house bacterium
>the '' the human limited experience'' cope argument
all that is left is ''infinite blisful fractal'' so you mean human concepts and constructs?
to experience those, you require human sensory faculties, those are called spectrums user, they work based on sine-wave functions
>look mommy! im using words I dont understand!
>you speak like am armchair faggot meanwhile I've tried all these garbage ''natural'' remedies and they all just give you a vitamin B boost effect for a few hours then you piss out the excess chemicals
That isn't a good example. It shows that maybe you haven't done enough exploring in this field.
Cyanocobalamin is poorly absorbed by the majority of people, Methyl-B12 is the form that actually works.
>Have you ever even done psychedelics to see the real nature of this garbage?
A couple of times, but most of my insights were from extensive meditation.
>Have you experienced absolute omniscient loneliness for eternity while being the people who populate the map?
>Have you taken off the filter which let's you see how everyone is a mask on a tendril extended from your own?
>No one, nothing, in any way, ever, what so ever, will ever enjoy your presence or be there to share with you this experience, in truth, it will always be you pretending.
I am fully aware that I create other people, and there's nothing wrong with that. Enjoy the play.
You are seeking something that you can share with someone else. You already have it. It is infinity. The rest is, as you say, a projection. It is on autopilot, it's not you, it's a constant unfolding of events that requires none of your involvement.
>You're always going to be lonely.
"Must put aside the alienation
Get on with the fascination"
You get to work
>oh, tell me about it while you still require to circulate body fluids and house bacterium
From the vantage point of infinity, you aren't the one who's doing any of that.
>all that is left is ''infinite blisful fractal'' so you mean human concepts and constructs?
When you socialize, the only way to point a finger at the truth is to use human concepts as metaphors.
>to experience those, you require human sensory faculties, those are called spectrums user, they work based on sine-wave functions
Logically speaking, it is not biological. In order for something to start existing, there must be a background against which it is visible. Otherwise, it can't exist, it would be infinity itself without limitation.
The background against which life and death occur is infinity, you can become aware of it this very moment.
ITT OP discovers nihilism for the first time
>not gonna bother greentexting your comments before my replies, cause you're so fucking smart anyway.
I'm not a spoiled kid though. Had a horrible childhood, but I don't dwell in it, albeit I acknowledge that it turned me into the person I am today - scars. Same as you, you just don't have the deep fucking scars I have. It's like a fucking brain damage. You just don't fucking care. Not about yourself, about the world, about others, about anything.. Nothing. You're just waiting to get out of this realm.
Yes you are. It's so fucking obvious. You are only able to look at the world from the perspective you were taught early on. Typical middle class spoiled cunt with loving parents. I hope you never procreate.
Success = intelligence? How stupid are you? What about nigger rappers then? Are you telling me that nigger rappers earning 7-8 figure salaries are smarter than you?
Intelligence is a difficult matter, agreed. That's why it's very unintelligent of you to call me unintelligent to begin with.
No you don't, cause if you did, you wouldn't have had the drive and passion to carry on with whatever the fuck you're doing. You're deeply deluded. You think one bad day equals a life of feeling fucking empty and hollow on the inside. What a fucktard you are. You are American. It's so fucking blatant - only Americans are soulless and so unsynpathetic. Even chinks got more soul than you fuckers. (some American are okay though, but +90% are fucking careless vultures).
"You haven't found your passion yet".. Do you realize that you sound like some fucking kindergarten teacher? I'm 33 years old and 60% burned out. There's no hope. Trust me.. I've found "my passion" many times, but somehow it vaporizes before my fucking eyes within three months. Every fucking time. I always care too much in the beginning, and then I end up tiring myself with whatever I'm passionate about.. Thinking about it fucking 500 hours a day, and then I burn out and don't give a shit.
I was born without a "regulator" for passion. I tend to spend all my passion in a short span of time. I become very knowledgable very fast, and then I lose interest. It takes me 2-3 months to gain the knowledge about a subject that takes nomal people a year to achieve, but when I've reached a point where I feel like I know enough, I stop caring. The passion dissipates.. All gone. I wish you could experience how it feels. Then you wouldn't be so fucking cocky, you little faggot.
This was me before I discovered Adderall, kratom, and pot. Also massive amounts of l-tyrosine, eat healthy, exercise and lots of sleep. I'm now super motivated and pretty lit most of the time
Tried adderall. Ended up jerking off for 20 hours straight or something. Not really a long term solution. Stimulants fuck me up really bad. I got a highly active mind already.
You were probably taking too much. If you can't stop jerking off you either took too much, or you're just a degenerate
Yeah, because the jews want you to have a steady job and a girlfriend so you can have white babies. KYS faggot
No. didn't take much actually. I'm just very sensitive when it comes to stimulants. One line of speed and I'm awake for 30-40 hours straight.
Fucked up the tag.
The problem with Adderall is it takes a lot of caution and self control to keep it from becoming a problem. Less is more with that shit, it's definitely not for everyone
Up your Testosterone levels.
>Same as you, you just don't have the deep fucking scars I have
sure, lets get into a pissing contest over who had it worse, you'll lose - guaranteed.
>It's like a fucking brain damage. You just don't fucking care. Not about yourself, about the world, about others, about anything.. Nothing. You're just waiting to get out of this realm.
You wake up every morning upset that you're awake
You try to go back to sleep but the dread of the day has already set in
You drag your ass out of bed telling yourself today might be different but knowing deep down that its going to be the same as yesterday
You lurk Jow Forums waiting for the next HABBENING threads because a global cataclysm might actually mean it was all worth it in the end.
If everyone goes down with you it doesn't feel so bad.
>You are only able to look at the world from the perspective you were taught early on. Typical middle class spoiled cunt with loving parents.
Its almost like I've got no idea what its like to be homeless and addicted to drugs from 14 years old - not knowing who your father is and only see your mother when shes fiending.
I'm not trying to say my journey has been worse than yours, maybe just offering perspective.
>I hope you never procreate
Too late, 3 beautiful boys
>What about nigger rappers then? Are you telling me that nigger rappers earning 7-8 figure salaries are smarter than you?
if its so easy - go do it?
>That's why it's very unintelligent of you to call me unintelligent to begin with
pot, kettle, something, something, black
>you wouldn't have had the drive and passion to carry on with whatever the fuck you're doing
I'll reiterate my previous point - face death, fear nothing. When i was looking over the edge I felt free for the first time.
That's where I found meaning.
>I'm 33 years old and 60% burned out. There's no hope.
Cool. Im 45 and 70% cooked.
I'm the same as you and I'm about to turn 33
>Trust me.. I've found "my passion" many times, but somehow it vaporizes before my fucking eyes within three months. Every fucking time.
This is a sign of intelligence. You're upset that your brain gets bored quickly?
Would you be happier if you were a normie satisfied with reality tv and football?
>I become very knowledgable very fast, and then I lose interest
Textbook underachiever.
Let me guess - school was easy for you, then when you got into your senior years it all came crumbling down around you and your life since then has been trying to work out where it went wrong.
>The passion dissipates
what the fuck even IS passion in this context?
passion = motivation?
So if you function well in short time frames - capitalise off of things that hold your "passion" for as long as they do, then move onto the next.
>I wish you could experience how it feels. Then you wouldn't be so fucking cocky, you little faggot.
I won't pretend to know exactly how you feel friend, however I'd wager I've felt pretty damn close.
you mistake confidence for cockiness
confidence is something i never had
confidence is something i made from scratch
you can too.
Yeah, like with most other stimulants. However, I get your point. I'm extremely focused when I'm high, but it's not a long term solution. I can't eat or sleep or do anything when I'm on stimulants. It just makes things worse in the long run.
All in all, I wish I had a fucking house somewhere in the countryside where I could just grow my own food and be left alone from this sick growth-fixated society.. But ironically, I can't afford it, and I never will, cause if you want to make money you need passion.
I've accepted all of this. I'm just living till I die.
you absolute dingus.
you already have the answer.
you know what you want.
>I wish I had a fucking house somewhere in the countryside where I could just grow my own food and be left alone
oh look user - a passion!
>I'm just living till I die.
this is the definition of life.
>yfw wage-cucking for a few more years can get you what you want
>hasn't seen his own mother get raped
>thinks he's had a horrible childhood
Drag my ass out where? I don't have a job ffs. I never had a job, cause I'm on social pension and have been since I was 19 years old. No one wants to hire a fucking boomer like me without the shadow of a CV. And even if they did, why the fuck would I work some unskilled position at some factory making the same or maybe even less than I get in social pension? - I get 2300 dollars per month (14000 Danish Kroner) after taxes. Yeah, the money serves as a pillow, I get that, but without that pillow I'd just end up shooting up my fucking workplace after a while, cause I'm that weirdo that no one wants to socialize with, so I end up hating them and they end up hating me. I can't keep my fucking mouth shut. I'm also a Nazi and a racist if you really want to know.
I don't really lurk much on Jow Forums anymore. But did some years ago. I'm only in Jow Forums because of cryptos. Jow Forums has turned into a semi-normie shitshow.
At least you had decent parents. Trust me, if your life has truly been fucked up, you wouldn't be successful today. A truly horrible childhold will burn your fucking soul to ashes. And top that off with fucking aspergers and you have the recipe for stagnation.
No they're not ffs.. They got promoted by their nigger friends who made record companies because they initally got funded by kikes who wanted to promote racemixing, anti-whitism and degeneracy. It's pretty straight forward, but what do you know.
Pot, kettle, you're fucking stupid.. You just indirectly admitted that you don't have a fucking argument against it.
I don't fear anything you faggot, cause I don't care to begin with. You literally do not know what it's like to not give a fucking shit, cause if you did, you wouldn't have a fucking phd or whatever the fuck you claimed earlier - yeah, I'm drunk and it's 4.30 am on a fucking Tuesday here, but who fucking cares. I don't.
Numbers be numbers, my fren.
Amphetamine gives you passion
Well.. It's not a passion that's deep enough for me to take some fucked up education and make money so I can afford it. That's the problem. Yeah, I get the equivalent of 2300 dollars per month after taxes, but I always end up blowing them on shit because:
1. I'm addicted to weed and alcohol
2. I don't give a fuck about tomorrow.
And don't give me the "deferred gratification" bullshit, cause I would live by that.. If I cared. I just. don't. fucking. care. about. tomorrow.
Yeah, to jack off for 20 hours straight.
do me a favor - come back and read this thread tomorrow.
maybe you wont be wallowing in self pity then.
>he thinks I have any kind of formal education
pic related
why would anyone want to live like this? imagine the smell, unironically. it would smell like cow and pig shit 24/7. you'd have to break your back almost daily just to sustain yourself with vegetables that i can buy down the street.
how would you be connected to the rest of the world? how the fuck would you know what's happening and how do you plan on making an impact on the future?
we're literally only a couple years from AI and the singularity, we'll probably be on mars by 2100, and it amazes me that people literally and unironically want to live like medieval peasants.
user heres a videos for you:
No self-pity here. I'm just being honest with you. I had self-pity 12-15 years ago. Back then, I cried myself to sleep every fucking hoping/thinking that some merciful deity looked down upon me and whatever.. Now, I feel nothing. I just hate the world, and myself. Haven't cried for a decade or so. In order to cry, you need a soul, and I don't have that.
You might not have an edu, but you sure have passion, else you'd end up like me. You should be intelligent enough to understand this.
every fucking night*
but user the reason you get fucked up is because you do really care about tomorrow and you try to dull the pain. Caring about something is a start. Different things make different people happy but the common denominator is feeling fulfilled in whatever it is that you do. Dont get me wrong user drink and drug yourself to death if thats what makes you feel fulfilled but I guess it merely makes you angry and more unfulfilled. If you so desired you could channel your negativity into something positive it requires the same effort. Let go of the past it does not define you - you define yourself. enjoy your journey user
great video thanks bro
virgin needs mgtow, chad has a trampoline
you must be really cool bro
>I just hate the world, and myself.
and we have found the crux of the issue.
self loathing.
>You might not have an edu, but you sure have passion, else you'd end up like me. You should be intelligent enough to understand this.
again, i don't understand what you mean by passion in this context. or perhaps we have different definitions of passion.
I did end up like you, I got through it - I'm telling you that you can too.
Your knee-jerk response is going to be that you can't because x, y and z and a sprinkle of 'muh passion'
The reality is you can, and you will.
I'll tell you its as simple as a mental decision, because it really is.
But you'd hate that wouldn't you?
Because that would be too easy right?
I didn't come here to help you user.
I'm not responding to you because I care.
You're at war with yourself.
That's your fight - a fight every man has with himself. daily.
No, I care about not feeling empty today, so I smoke a ton of joints and drink some beers. Got nothing to do with tomorrow. The only thing I want here in life is my own little homestead - and preferably with wife and kids, but that's never going to happen, unfortunately. I care about today - right now - getting fucking shitfaced and stoned. I don't care about tomorrow, cause I know that tomorrow brings the same old shit, so I might as well just get wasted here and now.
I get your point regarding feeling fulfilled.. The problem is just that I lack the passion. Passion is what gives you the drive, it's what makes you plan, it's what makes you administer your economy, it's what makes you modest.. I don't have any of that, and I know I'll never get that. It's a sad relief. Sad because it's sad, a relief because I know that it can't get much worse.
I have let go of the past. I don't dwell in it, but you must also understand that scars are scars. My childhood imprinted some fucked-uppity in my head, and no matter how much I want to leave that behind, it's still just a part of me. Just like if you lose a leg or an arm.. No matter how much you let go of the trauma, the limb still won't come back.
Effort.. Effort is preceded by passion, and if you don't have passion, you won't make an effort.. Maybe for two days, until you realize that you don't fucking care cause you're devoid of passion. Passion is the fuel of life.
what does this word mean to you OP?
>Just like if you lose a leg or an arm.. No matter how much you let go of the trauma, the limb still won't come back.
and then no amputee ever walked again in the history of the world
>Passion is the fuel of life
it really isn't
I'm not self-loathing though. I just hate myself. Loathe is a more loaded term. It's not like I want to punch myself. I just hate myself for being what I am - because I don't have passion.
Passion is the thing that makes you think ahead, that makes you plan, that makes you save up, that makes you think about tomorrow. I don't have that. You clearly don't know how it feels, and that's okay, cause I don't know how you feel, cause I've never been in your shoes either.
"The reality is you can, and you will." - Erhm.. No.. That requries passion to begin with. I don't think you really understand this.
I've taken many mental decisions, but I'm too devoid of passion to carry through.. You can kind of compare it to 95% of all people who start lifting weights.. They care to begin with, but they soon drop out, cause they don't have the passion to continue. It becomes meaningless and feels like a 100% punishment without any end in sight.
It wouldn't be too easy, no.. It'd be too hard, cause I'd lose my fucking passion within hours.. Fucking hell. You have passion, it's coded into your soul. You will literally never understand. This is like trying to explain colors to a person that was born blind.
I am a war with myself, you're correct. However, there's no apparent solution to this.
>and then no amputee ever walked again in the history of the world
Then give me a new artificial brain and we'll talk.
Passion is what makes you want something bad enough. I don't want anything bad enough - not for more than 2-3 months, and then I'm onto something else and then the house of cards collapses. You clearly don't know how it is to have aspergers.
>I am a war with myself, you're correct. However, there's no apparent solution to this.
apparent is the operative word in that sentence
>This is like trying to explain colors to a person that was born blind.
I'll reiterate...again...
I didn't come here to help you user.
I'm not responding to you because I care.
Cemetery's waiting...
>muh sperg
>muh excuses
>I am a war with myself,
>no apparent solution to this
>better just keep doing the same thing then
Buy some Unification before the boom, be patient, when you get further than 40% up, ride it out. You either bleed back your gains, or win big. It's worth the risk. UND -> BN Dex -> Binance, pop.
You care enough to respond.
I didn't come here to get help. I'm just bored, drunk and stoned and needed to load off to feel a bit better, so thank you. I can't be helped, so don't even bother, kek.
Yay, another imbecilic skim-reader troll cunt. What a fucking genius.
Tell me, faggot.. What makes you get up in the morning? What makes you shower? What makes you work out? What makes you like life? What makes you socialize? What makes you plan for the future?
Tell me, Einstein. I'd love to fucking hear it, cause I know I can tear you down in an instant.
I responded because I'm just bored, drunk and stoned
>feel a bit better, so thank you
you're welcome
all you have done is justify your position with circular reasoning.
break the cycle
or, ya know, keep doing the same thing, maybe something will change right?
I'll keep rubbin this stone, maybe if i rub it forever it'll turn into a diamond
>What makes you get up in the morning?
Circadian rhythm
>What makes you shower?
The smell of my ass
>What makes you work out?
I don't
>What makes you like life?
A lot of the time, I don't - you and I are both aware of the alternative.
>What makes you socialize?
outside of my family, I have 1 friend I consider close, everyone else is just a bystander to me
>What makes you plan for the future?
Understanding that if I don't - I'm bound to repeat the same things
>I know I can tear you down in an instant.
If it'd make you feel better - I'll wait
It takes passion to break the cycle. You really need to understand what passion is. I guess it's true when they say you don't know what you have until you lose it. Try losing your passion in and for life, and then tell me the same stuff you're doing now - won't fucking happen. Your entire premise is grounded in passion, this is what you don't understand.
Keep doing the same thing.. Well, yeah.. I'm fucking bound to, since I'll keep falling into this fucking passionless hole again and again. To succeed in life, you must care to begin with. I care, but not enough. I care about the now, and this is where I reside.
You misunderstood my questions. I tried to kind of tune in on what your passion is. You clearly must have some sort of passion, cause else you'd be an empty fucking creature like me.
Trust me, user. I know what I'm talking about when it comes to passion, cause I see everyone else have it, and I fucking envy them, cause I know I'll never get any of that. I can fucking smell your passion from 5000 miles away. Again.. You don't realize you have passion, cause you've never tried not having it. You don't know what you have until you lose it. It's the truest fucking thing in the universe.
I also understand that I'm bound to repetition, but I can't help it, cause I have no passion to hold on to. Passion is the fucking ladder you need to crawl up from the pits of hell.
I didn't mean tear you down as in break your soul down, but rather in the sense that I'll prove to you without the shadow of doubt that you have passion and that you do not understand what it's like no to have it. Not having passion in life is like a fucking car without gas. I'm just a fucking vehicle of meat, and there's no fuel in me.