Where did all the vidt shills go it’s like they just disappeared

Where did all the vidt shills go it’s like they just disappeared.

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I know one thing IM NOT SELLING.
Qnt was suppressed after its first run and now is taking off. Vidt will do the same once the whales are ready and panic sellers leave.

but if whales are accumulating then wouldnt they want to dump

It crash. Bad time till moon again :(((((

There’s been like 4 or 5 threads at once on the catalog since the price dip, and at least one at all times has gotten up to 80-100 replies. The fuck are you talking about?

Top 50 wallets are growing in size
They are accumulating

When shills go silent, you should be cautious and watch wallets accumulate the VIDTs you dumped or swing

And I'm not fucking selling

Top wallets are growing in size though
They’re buying the dips as it only takes a couple whales to sell and cause fear and panic selling
Shaking out the weak

nah the EVE and LIT shills are fading away, VIDT is the only real shitcoin to be investing in right now.

Top 100 wallet

Gonna be fucking rich

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