The LITION scam

Lition’s partnerships are fake. There is no SAP partnership. There is no Microsoft partnership, even ask them. This is a typical discord tranny pump and dump. The trannies named it “Lit” because that rhymes with “Clit.” You will LITERALLY be holding tranny clitties when they dump on you.

Attached: 02BFCF95-F6FD-4F82-A311-63F32959D055.jpg (751x688, 236K)

Other urls found in this thread:!/trade/0xb108c02a74e525ab0a59ccd3d208d2de4699a055-ETH

Thenk sirs.
Bought 10k (unironically) sirs

Attached: 1462404375794s.jpg (250x250, 5K)

sure you did tranny

Thanks bought 5k

Whats up with her top lip? Why is it like that?

She is a goddess

Attached: 59943787-0C65-47D4-810A-8DD5D593D1E7.jpg (1449x1936, 338K)

No she isnt shes a sex worker lmao

Plastic surgery

incel rage. Imagine being an incel and being down 30% on your LIT in a single day

I dont own this shitcoin project harder lol!/trade/0xb108c02a74e525ab0a59ccd3d208d2de4699a055-ETH

>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor...

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you'd suggest?

dropped a hard eth thanks

thanks user

Damn wish I knew about this a week ago. Still, good arb

>dropped a hard eth
gets me every time
who the fuck says that, lmao

Based & Redpilled

Attached: 9-3f3d-ac53-85.jpg (258x360, 55K)

Lit trannies are weaker than Devery EVE trannies

Attached: 1562276382135.jpg (1280x1280, 248K)

The fud is getting to me...

>there are people that will unironically listen to this retard and miss this moonshot

Attached: IMG_20190703_154358.jpg (677x530, 83K)

Lit is trashcoin

You know that’s a dude right?




Imagine being long this outright scam. It is not even top 400 in market cap because the scam is so shitty


The FUD campaign is real

i wonder if it actually works

>everything I don’t like is FUD
Grow up


Be a nigger somewhere else, please.

Racist ass

Shoo Shoo. Jow Forums is and always was white and yellow. Brown and black equals plague.

Stfu cracker bitch you a incil


You wish, melon muncher.

You fuck dogs nigga

Ooga Booga?

Moon soon desu

Herro prease. My name Wan Joo Kash and I have amazing busirness opportunity. I have new fantastic coin from Chinar. Is carred VeChain. You heard?


Whites > chinks > beans > niggers


Based and racepilled
