Warning this may make you think

Devery had a massive resurgence last week ... due to 4 chan memes... it shot up 8x from the bottom and now has drifted down to a reasonable 3x from pre pump levels... So is it done forever?

Lots of haters out there really want Devery to fail... My questions to them is why?

What is so bad about an open-source protocol that allows development on the Ethereum platform?

What is so bad about having the capability to adapt the Devery protocol to different industries, dependent on what the company decides to build on top of it.

Why are BTTS nodes that allows EVE tokens to be transferred without gas cost on the users’ end not worth a discussion?

Devery has delivered on development... so what is the problem? We actually want blockchain adoption to occur right?

Attached: DEV4.jpg (1023x1280, 242K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Don’t waste your time. Biz is just full of hyperactive children who barely understand what block chain is . This type of discussion is way over their heads

Ceo is pajeet

>blockchain adoption
Also this.

Point made. haha Engaging in any discussion here is futile.

Since they don’t understand something they don’t think it matters. We have some of the dumbest fuckwads on Jow Forums biz

Also nobody use devery
Tunisia was - 'thank you for development maybe we will us it'
JD was clear scam - 'we had great time in china'


Haha OP posts a thoughtful discussion and the haters post mindless trash... makes me more interested in this than ever before.

I dont think they can force them to use it. Devery has fulfilled its end of the deal.

JD.com was shut down by the Chinese? So whats your point?

You know your post glows in the dark right? Like it's so easy to see this as fake. Don't you guys ever get tired of talking to yourselves in these threads?



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EVE pajeets already made PnD via telegram/discord now wants 2 wave of bagholders

hows your 400K in link LOL

Nice cheesecake

Better than your - 60% in one day in eve

Let's see... Their website shows the Forbes logo, then when you click on it, it only takes you to the front page. Click on Nasdaq and it only talks about a "Chinese E-Commerce Giant" called JD which by your own admission was a scam and shut down by the Chinese ( ). Then you click on BitCoin Magazine and see it's the same article that was on Nasdaq, which means it's a copy pasted press kit and not actually covered by Nasdaq or Forbes on their own volition. This is done to give you the first impression big financial giants are talking about Devery and are on their radar.

No photos of the team members on the website nor a physical location of their office. Do they even have an office? Let me hand over my money and stock up on EVE so I can get exit scammed. Hard.

Only 2000 followers on Twitter, half of them are crypto moonboys, the other half are bots. Any more questions?

Nice "subtle" shills. We're not pumping your EVE bags.

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Haters gon hate nigga.

Attached: devvie.jpg (2662x3993, 1.91M)

WFP and Tunisia Paid for the applications to be developed

You do know that remote decentralized development without offices is how all of the real work in crypto has been achieved right

Looks like it's bottomed maybe. Gonna throw 1 eth on the books to see if I can buy some tears .

Comfy asf

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Dude it’s blockchain not website development. Jesus Christ. Go after the web3 opensource aspect. Idgaf if they even have a website

When website

Attached: 1562556756107.jpg (812x1024, 61K)

How do you think bitcoin was started you newb. You think it was listed on fortune 500 shill threads ? Jesus man it wasn’t even heard by mainstream until years after it was developed. WITH not exchange, it was traded peer to peer. Fuck you newfags think you have it all figured out don’t you.

Can’t say shit about the java script protocol , can’t say a fucking thing ... why because he doesn’t know fuck all except what looks neat on a website. Jesus a good scam can make a website easy af, but what they can’t do is deliver time and time again on actual development.

Oh and twitter followers ... yeah that means EVERYTHING... wow you are very smart huh??

You look for

Website with lots and lots of paid news articles

Twitter followers

Facebook followers?

Website ?? Looks neet??

And paid exchanges ?

Hahaha you r vry smart hmmm??

Sir it seems you are a verified genuine Tranny

Attached: SmartSelect_20190705-184637_Devery.jpg (1038x2047, 501K)

And pictures of the Team... who is satoshi??

>You do know that remote decentralized development without offices is how all of the real work in crypto has been achieved right
Plenty of other shitcoins with actual offices. They haven't done any real work. Their white paper is less than seven pages, half of which is background information on the team and the token sale. See my point below.

>Dude it’s blockchain not website development. Idgaf if they even have a website
I didn't attack their web site quality, which is suspect at best, but rather how they chose to present themselves. They're an obvious scam and want to seem bigger than they are, yet cannot afford an office.

>How do you think bitcoin was started you newb. You think it was listed on fortune 500 shill threads ? Fuck you newfags think you have it all figured out don’t you.
No one gives a flying fuck. Bitcoin was revolutionary and first of its kind. Bitcoin also did not link to Forbes and Nasdaq.

The only time you can make these retarded comparisions and arguments is if you have real-world adoption and interest or significant partners. Where are they? Nowhere. No one cares about Devery. Fucking shills. Get rekt and left with heavy bags.


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>Hey my arguments are like Donald Trump's, they've very good and I strongly believe in them with confidence, so you can now compare me to the president of the United States. Otherwise you're a hater who wants to bring me down.

Arguments of an EVE bagholder.

White paper... everything in it has been delivered on ... so what is your point... ?? The whitepaper outlines EXACTLY what they intend to do, and they have ACTUALLY most of it. In somecases above and beyond what was expected.

Can you please just look past the fucking website.. jesus christ man, they present themselves in the scripts that they have coded.

You know why you cant attack the fundamental dev aspect... is because you either know its tight or are unable to understand it. So you rely on extraneous shit like "muh website" or "muh whitepaper"

This is REVOLUTIONARY you numbskull. Thats why BeliEVErs dgaf about the current price.

So go on... make ONE rationale as to why its a scam other than some superficial non-sense that only a true scam would be interested in.

Your arguemnts are not actually arguments about the protocol itself, the developer tool kit, token economic. Your complaints are just superficial and an easy strawman for simple minded people

DeveryJS : industry grade library
Downloaded 77 time in the past week
Over 400 times the week before that
Source: npmjs.com/package/@devery/devery

3 applications for public use (found in intro page to the main app markery.io
1 tool suite with mobile applications for the world food programme:


Also 2 boilerplates 1 for react and 1 for Vue front end app development.

Not to mention they are releasing a certificate of authority app (movie tickets coupons school degrees documents) and a warehouse logistics app.

Attached: IMG_20190709_121721_982.jpg (1280x619, 52K)

ahahaha you have none huh?


hello fren

>I totally understand the dev aspect, even though I type and argue like a retard
>Look past the website, their only channel, made to convince businesses on using Devery and to get the word out there about the project

>My free rap mixtape got 850 downloads, record deal when?
>Youtube video has 68 views
Cool project dogg, let me know when you make it

You so marginalized its funny.... your fud is bad its actually making this look good you know that right?

You actually think that a website is their ONLY way to communicate ... lmao... what are you like 15? you have no clue how b2b works in the real world obv...

You got on point

>your fud is bad its actually making this look good you know that right?
Yeah yeah, heard the same from shills when I fudded VIDT all week. Try again. Hope you lose even more money.

Oh no pajeets are now comparing EVE to BTC

EVE is an extension of Satoshis vision. Cope newfag

You cant even fucking code man. You have literally no idea beyond a website and some gimmicky wihitepaper .

>You cant even fucking code man.
Your free codecademy course degree doesn't count, pajeet.

Only the enlightened ones can fully comprehend EVE. It really is just as LINK was in the beginning everyone said "muh oracle's" now they will be saying "muh self governed supplychain" thanks to devery trust robots will take over even more.

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Now link the website this was posted on, so we can see how it was written by a bagholder subtly shilling his bags on a random blog.


Report costs $3200 enjoy

>Report costs $3200 enjoy
Scam. As is the no-name website that uses an unmodified Wordpress template.

You should check into code academy course so you can engage in at least elementary level discussion.

Good idea if your only way to judge if something is a scam is by a whitepaper / website.

Whatever you say sir

Attached: SmartSelect_20190709-134127_Chrome.jpg (979x1412, 351K)

After this going to 1$ he will rope anyway. Not worth then effort to duck with him.

Bumpin this tasty thread. Whats a good exchange for this thing?

Plz sir buy my bags on idex sir so I can buy some ramen sir

Attached: 298E83C3-A8E1-49D7-B0AF-B99DA90C186C.jpg (600x600, 27K)

Sure I'll buy a few bags. Makery.io looks pretty legit so why not?

Deveryt = Dump every time

Case closed.

>Good idea if your only way to judge if something is a scam is by a whitepaper / website.
How do you think potential businesses and partners will judge them before making a phone call or sending off an e-mail for a meeting? Retard.

That's not the website you linked. I said show me proof (a link to the article) that has DEVERY in the same article as Microsoft. All you have is a shitty Wordpress blog that asks you to pay $3200 that may or may not include Devery. Nice try.

You think they look at the Whitepaper??? It’s basically an outline of the project ??? You are an imbecile you know that. So naive so fucking naive

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What a dumb fuck... thinks that a fucking company is going to be wooed by the white paper and not the actual dev. Clearly a follower. He will follow the heard once this goes back to top 100where it belongs

Easily top 200 imo

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