This man wants to tax every last one of your cryptocurrency transactions 0.5%

This man wants to tax every last one of your cryptocurrency transactions 0.5%

What do you say to that, Jow Forums?

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Get me out of this fucking country.

How would that ever be enforceable

If he does the same with the stock market, why not

Daytrader is not a real job anyway

Kys submissive cuck

what chu mean? "real job" you realize all jobs are sadness. the only real job humans have is being human. fuck you buddy. day trader makes your 1 year wages in 2 or 3 good trades with large capital and evolves as a person while the ragey wagey stays ragey. you realize it's rigged you can't move up in society on your own unless you do what the rich does. fuck socialists that's the last straw by the jew. the last strike before the country collapses under it's own weight.

You forgot to mention that he wants to do it to pay for Stacy's English Literature degree.

Normies win again

>tfw living in a corrupt third world country with no capital gains tax at all

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>want's to protect his teeny tiny speculative profit at the cost of making gross speculation thrashing everything.

Does anyone have an answer to this?

We're already being taxed like a motherfucker on crypto profits. Maybe you should be more concerned with going on offense against what already exists than playing defense against this longshot.

A 0.5% tax would mean a 14.5% cut for most.

What about the cash out tax?

I paid off my degree because I majored in something useful with quantitative emphasis, why should I have to pay for your degree in Chicano LGBT studies? Faggot.

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"tiny" i don't see how 7 figures as tiny. why do poor people want to make the rich poor?

have sex

No thats why the central banks and governments are shitting themselves about "money laundering" and "terrorism" while the usd is all fine and never was used for that.
They know the time is up. They could make a system were you have a mandatory state wallet but you could just as well create your own outside that.

We should tax based on age. Your rate = age so Bernie will be 78 this year making his tax a flat rate 78% for 2019. Also vermont will be a sanctuary state for all mexicans and illegals.

blockchain analysis

i would but i get no satisfaction from thots. once you realize all women are whores, and there is no such thing as stacy, it completely defeats the purpose of sex. sex is an activity, that is meaningless unless the person you are with is the one. everyone got jewed into the whoring themselves out meme. screw societal pressures manufactured by Hollywood which is controlled by the jew.


lol ew who hurt you literally have sex

i say:

TRUMP 2020

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> "the one"
my nigga you swallowed the jew pill

no, i swallowed the MGTOW pill.

Chad Domas will deal with cloudflare first and with the old gommunist later.
But ONLY if you post GLORY TO NOIA in this thread

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are you guys some faggot paid shills from if yes stop forcing it, you're cringe af.

They are already taxing every crypto? How will he be any different. Sanders is trying to fuck the richest, there is not money left to squeeze from the middle and upper middle class.

the same thing, retard

>no, THIS post-modern ideology presupposing a necessary animosity between the sexes is the true tradpill!

No, only capital gains is taxed right now.

This would be 0.5% tax on top of capital gains, even if you lose money on the trades.

He also wants to make the long term capital gains rate the same as the short term rate.

>He also wants to make the long term capital gains rate the same as the short term rate.
that's not fucking happening. fuck that shit. piece of shit nigger kike. fucking tranny communist socialist shill. fucking hell. he isn't going to get elected.

you can remember that rule for life:
the left eg democrats, commies,socialists, ALWAYS want more taxes no matter how retarded the idea is.

le no refunds man

He wont be president

What a stupid question

"The One" lmao
This user gets it.

>blockchain analysis
You gotta get through me first nigguh
>pic related

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Bernie Sanders is a Jew


He can want to tax whatever he wants. Means nothing.

that's a huge tax cat compared to right now..

Bernie is what is wrong with america. Bernie has shifted the socialism to give free money and tax the rich. HOLD THE RICH ACCOUNTABLE TO PAY THIER WORKERS AT AMAZON. That's the elephant in the room that bernie doesn't have the balls to say. Jeff Benzo needs to be constrained so he can't fuck over his employees all day. Solve that problem and the economy will became more in tune.

>How would that ever be enforceable
Boomers still have no fucking clue what they're talking about. Probably time to let the GenXers in Congress have a turn at writing enforceable legislation.
Stop voting for old people. Typically, elders should command some respect, but the Boomer generation are total fuckups.

Right now you're only being taxed on your gains.

See Lmao imagine being you, stupid enough to think Bernie actually wants to reduce your speculative meme money taxes

to add to my post, there is a reason no other billionaires want to hang out with Jeff benzos. Benzos business model just fucks all his employees at level of involvement in every job position so that jeff can aquire more Billions than bill gates. (bill gates doesn't fuck his employees)

>real job
Nice one goycuck. If it pays the power bill it's a real job.

Down with socialism!

I doubt it's instead of, but in addition to the old taxes.

If you're not commuting at least 30 minutes each way it's not a real job.

>Sanders is trying to fuck the richest, there is not money left to squeeze from the middle and upper middle class.
Sanders is trying to get votes. It's not about money. He knows that most poor people are stupid, and are going to fall for the scam that taxing rich people is going to improve poor people's lives, so they'll vote for him.
Which circles us back to why you should be a land owner to vote.

Yeah but aren't most of the employees poos anyways?

Amazon engineers and white collar professionals make pretty good money, although I'm sure that's only because Google, Facebook and Microsoft exist.

This is coming from Visa and Paypal, and by extension, the banks. They want to preserve their 3% monopoly, and forcing a tariff on crypto exchanges drives down the gap in money transfer fees.
Fortunately it's ridiculously unenforceable.

It's not just on crypto, it's on stocks, bonds and derivatives

Ameritard detected

>How does supply and demand work?
Aren't Amazon employees free to leave and work somewhere else?
If it sucks so bad at Amazon, why do people keep applying for jobs?

Yang unironically has a better chance than this boomer. Trump still wins tho

I think he's talking about fulfillment center jobs where in some towns there's literally nothing else. I agree with him that Amazon treats these people like dogshit cause they actually don't have a lot of choice.

AWS and Amazon retail should be split up.

For as long as rich people don't spend amounts proportional to their wealth, Sanders is right.

Oh. Well then this will never pass. No fucking way Wall Street allows this. Total jibber-jabber distraction.


Lol, I wish

>For as long as rich people don't spend amounts proportional to their wealth, Sanders is right.
That's about the most economically illiterate statement that could possibly be arranged in the English language.
Rich people don't bury their money in the back yard.

Looks like the jews are winning. They keep getting richer and more powerful while we just let them abuse us, turn our women into whores and open the flood gates of 3rd world immigration.

Jeez, fuck how pathetic we are. Just think how ashamed our ancestors would be to see us being ruled by these people. (pic related)

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Does this idiot not realize that the majority of trades are bots? Adding a 0.5% tax will drastically reduce the market volume. He'll never get the tax revenue he's looking for with this retarded tax.

If they can tax gains, then they have to return losses.

Let me guess, you believe in Fox News and “job creators” too.

p2p would still be possible. but for anyone running a biz would need to get a service from their bank/shopping cart provider such that all crypto went through "approved" (ie. owned by bernie's buddies) payment gateways. Those gateways would link any specific transaction to your SSN and reported to IRS on weekly / monthly basis

>Let me guess, you believe in Fox News and “job creators” too.
I have no idea what's presented on television news shows.
Rich people saving and investing their wealth results in easier access to capital and lower interest rates, which results in a more vibrant and diverse economy, and a more fertile environment for innovation and development
A consumption driven economy is good for massive transnational corporations that already exist, and make access to capital more expensive, which makes it harder for new businesses to start.
I'll take the vibrant economy over the stagnant centralized one.

Your position also requires me to ignore the timeless fact that centralized governments are complete shit at managing an economy. Private enterprise and individuals are far, far more efficient at allocating scarce resources; and there are mountains of evidence in support of that premise.
Yet somehow, year after year, the public schools keep producing graduates that aren't merely ignorant of basic economics; but graduates that have been taught to know wrongthink.

Time for another holocaust

Feel happy

Remember user, what goes up must come down

He's going to forgive my $200k in student loans in return, right? Fair deal.

KYC...Know Your Client...compromise

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He’s just a Jew like stinkie linkies. Bernie started a twitch stream to make ninja money. What a cuck.

Eat shit murderer

Breathe in the gas, kike. Your money printing days are numbered and we will no longer send our children to die in Israel's wars.