Swinkie Linkie here; just went long frens.
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Swinkie Linkie here; just went long frens.
check archives for previous trades
thanks fren just went all in
where do you see this going short term?
thank you for helping us to avoid volatile markets, swingfriend :)
I like swing linkers. They get too much hate, but they are adding liquidity and volume to the market. Also they are either locking up more supply or losing it at a loss! Why all the hate?
I get it. No singularity if people keep selling. Well we arent there yet. If you hate swingers quit fucking selling.
I'm scared
short term it will either go up, down or remain level long term I predict the exact opposite
Be not afraid three 6 mafia
I want to be rich and fuck whores like this one.
Shill me with a coin.
I need to be rich ASAP.
What a lovely fuckable face.
huge support between 3 and 3.10 dollars
depends a lot on BTC, so cannot give you a valid answer
Fake support
My bets are on eth and link.
why do you say that?
you've made a grave error op
You niggers are going straight to sub 3 in less than 24 hours
What gives fren?
one is accumulation and the other signals distribution
I could literally sell into all of that instantly and I’m not even a real whale. There is no support currently. I still will hold. Weak ass hands gonna miss out when the big boys step in again.
I farted lol