Where are you pro Ambrosus ?

Are you ruined ?

Attached: amb.png (275x183, 7K)

Exit scammed coin

Can somebody representing the majority of Jow Forums explain why nobody pays attention to this coin whenever it is posted here. No shitty "obviously is gypsy scam" posts please

Wave0 MN operator reporting in. Still accumulating, hope this price level lasts for a while. This is honestly the best investment opportunity I have ever witnessed.

With an early node and actual progress on the network one could make a lot of money however it is a project which requires extreme patience which is good in one way but also stressful if you've been keeping up with it for awhile. The new development is bullish but also can be easily misconstrued as FUD.

shut your whore mouth kevin

I'm a proud holder of Ambrosus and I also show it to the world.
AMB will be the best investment of my life, at some point the market will notice the extreme discrepancy between AMB's price and fundamentals.

Attached: Amblet.png (951x728, 1.34M)

I swear this is either 200iq nD chess or all of you are choked in hopium. On one hand there are bullish news one after another, on the other hand ,as they say price is king and if price keeps sucking dicks forever then something should be wrong.

>I swear this is either 200iq nD chess or all of you are choked in hopium
pretty much. im a holder myself and admit I have no idea why one it is.

Yes it is definitely risky but even after all this time it has kept its potential, but it is a serious test of patience in this volatile market where total shitcoins do 500x in a day.

It's a pretty solid project and very cheap right now. Heavily fudded

Yes and it is heavily fudded on Jow Forums but outside of that it is never talked about on here. Is it just holders not giving a shit? That would make sense really considering marketing is not as big of a thing with AMB.

are you retarded?
i lost 50 fucking dollars because of the stupid bizzonaci meme video.
its now 3 dollars. and it will probably never go backup!

I'm down 20k on this and still holding. 100% serious.

kek doesnt even have any transactions. go apply for blocktivity! vechain is king

Shitty FUD why even bother

lol you need a 5x just to get to your levels 3 months ago. your coin is so fucking shit its honestly funny! vechain partnered with walmart and you don’t even have product in stores? open your eyes

This is brainlet tier posting


>Are you ruined ?
Kinda, it took me half a year to recoup my scambrosus loses.
Fuck that chechen nigger bastard.
