The BRAP porn revolution

Soon every e-thot on the internet will start tagging their BRAP.ME address on their pics.

This way, if their pics end up on some random porn site or if people find them on a search engine, people who like them can just drop them a couple dollars without having to even visit a different site, register an account, connect a bank or credit card to it, etc etc etc.

A lot of people would (and will) tip the porn stars they like if it was really easy and anonymous. E-thots aren't stupid when it comes to getting money from fappers.

This is going to be so fucking huge.

Attached: brapmethot.png (269x379, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Excellent idea actually

Sir, mastermind

Solid idea

It would blow the industry!

Kek this is kinda good m8

Based and BRAPpilled

It doesn't matter what it's for, what matters it it will pump

if you can buy fiat -> brap all behind a live algorithm that's still using eth as a middle man, normies would tip like hell on porn and cam sites.

It will matter when there's massive real world demand, and more and more of it ends up sitting in wallets waiting to be spent or cashed out.

based bond burger your sister last night

so people have to visit a different site, register an account, connect a bank or credit card, buy brap, go back to the pic, type in the address and tip. great idea user.


> this sound logical
it was supposed to be a meme

Attached: 1530125581965.jpg (626x717, 34K)

They only have to buy crypto one time to get a BRAP stack to tip whoever they want. Once they have it set up they'll never have to think about it again. Compared to having to figure it out different for each porn star they come across, assuming they can find where to tip them.

Exactly. People just find random pictures and videos of thots being thots, and don't know what their name is, how to find them, or importantly, how to tip them. All the thots have to do is put their address on the pic or at the start of the video and suddenly they can monetize their work forever.

its is possible to embed your own email in the eth payment? so maybe that thot could send you some pics in return

>eth payment
It'll be a BRAP payment, but BRAP.ME could add an option for contact information and links if the e-thot wants it there.

I am going to start posting my brap address for porn requests on /gif/ I wonder how that's going to work

This project will have a major impact, that’s for sure.

brapper can also have a service of authentication, like the twitter counts, so you can check the ethot is legit

Yeah that would definitely be a useful service to offer.

they wont because brap is a Jow Forums meme and normie redditor e thots have never heard of it.

So was Chainlink and now it has a partnership with Google.

Careful what you call a meme coin.

Lmao this is just a Jow Forums meme coin you morons
It’s not even premined lol, it was just released with all of the supply going to the user who made it. Wtf why would this have value?? HHahaha
What stops these thots from just putting an ETH address and asking for ETH? Or BTC for that matter? Like most of the camwhores do already?...
Cmon guys don’t be that delusional. Just laugh all together at a meme token and dump it for any ETH first chance you get.

Axtually not a bad idea. The name is vulgar enough to be involved in porn, and amateur camgirl shit or even couples fucking can net money.

I thiught this was all supoosed to be a meme what the fuck

>I bought in late plz sell your bags :(

Plz sell sirs, I need to get in lower. I sold my huge
airdrop at 1 gwei and I'm already FOMOing about the 5X I missed. :(

most people are low iq incapable of process the standard blockchain format, brapp me allows to reach all the market

The only non scam token on biz right now, unironically. If you don’t at least have a suicide stack of BRAP you probably also bought link at $4 and sold it today

why wouldn't they just put a bitcoin qr?

there are already a dozen porn coins that tried this idea

Any idea of why they failed at mass adoption?

all those coins are owned by jews, and they dont want to let be the middle men collecting the fees, brapper destroy the middlemen

Volume last 24 hours is pretty close to 80 ETH. All we need is 100 ETH for a Coin Market Cap listing.

On a side note, 1.93 billion Braps were exchanged yesterday.

Attached: brap-trade.png (1906x791, 136K)

Lets fucking do this bros

When will we shill reddit?

Chainlink was never a meme

So are you telling me that I'm going to be a billionaire?

Depends how much BRAP you hold, my friend. There's some crazy moon potential here though. biztards should have sold their LINK for BRAP when it was selling below 1 gwei on forkdelta, like I did.

I'm not OP, but Alexis Texas is one.

Name one other.

When I donate to my titty streamer I want her to notice me.

I don't want to be anonymous

There's a small part of me that thinks she thinks: Wow DarkTrip, you donated £1 to me, I wanna have you're babies.
How this happen if she dont even know who i am

like 175mil

If you build it. They will come.


Attached: linetrap.jpg (1716x1740, 337K)

Just tell her it was you

>she thinks I'm lying

What's a suicide stack of BRAP?

Tell her before you do it and send a very specific amount


10 million

50 million at least

Then she

You sir, are a fucking genius.

Yeah, this

La familia discord is under investigation. No one is going to use this once they realize you all hoard the supply and will dump it to nothing very soon. Its already worthless faggots

>La familia discord
how do I join that

Brapper is a community coin build from the ground up by fappers for fappers. That's why it will be successful.

Here‘s the easiest way to get the free Etherflyer airdrop:

Now over 80 ETH in 24 hours.

After we hit CMC or hit 10 gwei.

Going to buy this, what is the story of this coin and why it is so Hot now?

so you could say it's a circlejerk? XDDDDDDD

Good one user kek

i was one of the first in the telegram channel and I follow the chat daily.
Milions of token has been airdopped to the members in chat and here. No tactics or scam, the leader spent enough $ in gas.
I received 69m for my work.
Brap born in Jow Forums and it's the result only of the work of this community.
It's the first token with a real community behind and a scope with all the pro and cons.
Join the community, work for brap or buy brap if you believe our brap community

Please brap me. I just got a divorce and in dire need of brapper

>partnership with Google
Here we go again with that bullshit

Attached: brapper.png (792x792, 412K)

Holy shit dude, you‘re trying too hard..

Cant even spell her name right. And obv. since it's a new project it'll yake time for others to notice.

Youre just coming off as a desperate defeatist cuck


whats the next burn amount going to be?

if by community you mean a bunch of virgin discord trannys then yeah, its a community coin for sure, faggot cock sucker.

Why so mad

its made by la familia discord, about 120ish virgin faggots, all conspiring to profit off of nothing. they literally feed off neet bizlets who will never have 100 IQ

its a project from biz
what do you expect lol

Is this:
The last airdrop theyre gonna do for a while?





Nah, wrong link.

It‘s this one:

What is to stop me from putting my address where it doesn't belong?

They could have a list of verified brap addresses on the site. It would help generate even more traffic and attention, and being listed there could get them some passive tips from BRAP holders looking to be generous

nobody pays for porn lol, who would tip?

Anyone else think this sounds just like FUN did only with a rebrand? Ask how investing in that turned out.

someone has to pay those people you see in pornhub before it get pirated. so someone IS paying for porn.

People pay for porn all the time, retard

Why did you write your on the image? You didn't make that.I

>pays for porn
you know, like all media, streaming is the next big thing?

dude camgirls arent even that much about "porn"...they act as remote gf's for you know how much a neet would spend weekly to hang out with his waifu?

I knew a camgirl and this is true for NEETs and non-NEETs. She'd spend 10-15 hours a week camming and another 25-30 hours a week chatting back and forth with her guys.

*moons behind you*
Nuthin personnel kid

What happens when I photoshop their pics with my own wallet address and spread those around?

We have a workaround for you when we have integrated our verification systems. This is our focus with the development team.

i knew a camgirl in SF....she would have 2 classes of guys...random internet guys and local guys she trusted.
the local guys, she would schedule time to hang out with them...strict 'no touching / no sex' rules in place..and most of the hanging out was them helping her run errands. "hi user, i need to have my oil changed, wanna ride with me?...can u pay? haha'
The guys ate it up...she was very good at acting like a little bit of a pissed off gf...the local neets got a fairly accurate simulation of what a relationship is like once the thrill of sex has faded out.

this is what ppl misjudge about something like brapper....I dont even view it as primarily 'sex' app...I think the images should be kept exactly like on Jow Forums butt shots in bathing suits, etc....instagram for online gf's.

spankchain, pinkcoin, titcoin, ogo, porncoin...

spankchain is limited to use on their own website, which is why it hasn't really boomed. Plus, those others are all strictly for porn. We aren't aiming at using this only for porn, it's a universal tip that can be used to pay streamers, artists, web devs, etc.

Neat story! That's interesting about her involving guys online and IRL. Don't know if I girl I knew would be comfortable (or have the time to do that).

That definitely sounds like a way to maximize revenue and give human contact to those that needed it. It also keeps her from becoming too disconnected from her audience. I'm curious if the Internet guys were aware of the local guys?

Yeah, none of those really have a distinct ring to em. Brapper sounds better

yeah, i dont think any normal girl would do that...she was a headcase...
however, I do think random girls would anonymously love to post bikini butt shots on or whatever and have a collection of orbiters who tipped them and begged them to 'play vidya with me'.

i know i'm saying the same thing over and over...but i have lots of normie girls in my life. Any name that is too "porny" isnt going to work...."brapper" is a little naughty / a little gross / but also kinda cute.

Sounds like a headcase. Hopefully she saved up money she has. Camgirl I knew shifted her model to selling videos she had made over time and would create some new ones here and there.

Throw in some sales here and there, and it's 30-40k a year for now working less than 10 hours a week. Worked hard to get to that point. Escaped small town, middle of nowhere trailer park life and helped to lift herself and her mom out of poverty.

yes. absolutely. I lost track of the headcase I knew (she was a waitress at a restaurant where i was manager). but last I heard she got married...probably to one of her oribiters. The one positive I will say about her, is she wasnt a slut...beside videos I dont think she ever actually had sex with any the guys who were paying her....

All those use cases sound really good and it might actually be something that could take off, but why, why, WHY does it have such stupid name? Brapper? Really? Brap me? Who outside of Jow Forums faggots is going to use this cringe memefuckery token? Now just add something related to sniff to make it even more retarded. Normies will think it's some kind of stupid joke and won't use that, same with pornstars. Good idea, terrible branding.

Attached: why.jpg (480x360, 10K)