Its over

Welcome to hell Fanties
Your about to hit the perfect storm
Sure its dumping now cause of BTC
Or at least you think
but thats gonna cascade into a real panic
A real dump
Were talking 1 cent. Think this is bad? Oh 2.4 cents is gonna seem like a fantasy in just a week from this day.
You getting nervous yet?
Starting to sweat?
Hoping deep down the whales are gonna save you?
Not a chance

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thanks just bought 140k

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fuck you i wont sell my heavy 150k fabtom bags to you. i rather lose everything.

pajeet tier fud. this is now your second FUD thread. You really want to get in I see. but dont worry about me, I have my stop losses, ty for concern though. sage

My body is ready!

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I like hell thank you OP, we are all gonna make it in this FTM hell

This thread is scary. It reminds me of the photos taken in D Day before they stormed the beach knowing every one of those soldiers got shot down. But you can't do a thing about it since its sealed in fate.


Thx just bought 100k

poor kids ITT
you keep shouting but no one can hear you

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FTM is one of the most guaranteed moon shots.

what is scary is that there is a same pajeet behind those posts.

you feelin lucky?
gonna be the ones who make it out alive?
they all thought that too
only way to survive is use the one next to you as a human shield
its every man for himself
no loyalty to anyone

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I smell curry itt

please keep it up user
fudsters like you fill me with hope that I can still 3x my stack at 1 cent
you're keeping a 500k fantomlet's dreams of becoming a whale lit in these uneasy times
just try to include something kind of fundamentalish next time like "the token isn't needed"
once again and sincerely, thank you

Couldn't be more comfy holding my fanties. All this fud does is make me laugh at your pitiful low IQ attempt to fill your bags for cheap.

Fanta is the best canned drink in my opinion.

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I hope it hits 1 cent. I'm a poorfag and want to accumulate some more :|

We all know, OP

Are you retarded? You know you have IDs on this board right?

FTM is the comfiest hold in 2019