What career would you pursue if you could go back in time?

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Having worked as an IT admin and setting up a number of small medical practices-- the anesthesiologists always seemed to me to be the most well adjusted "normal" type, and they make absolute fucking bank for very minimal work. No need to investigate cases. No managing dozens of patients and their history. You go in. You shoot propofol. You collect.

None. I would mine bitcoin in the early days and never go to university.

Kek. What's the catch?

I dont know
trying to make the choice right now. looking at either engineering or computer science. Engineering looks much safer and will probably beat cs in median salary in a few yrs but its tough because anecdotal stories make cs sound better.

this, sage, stupid thread, and op is a faggot

If you give someone too much anaesthetic they die, and the difference between death and 12 hours of unresponsiveness is very slim

my cousin is an anesthesiologist

he says that the nurses do all the work, he just walks in to give the injections and he gets to leave at 5

he clears 350k a year bought a million dollar house and his wife quit her job after a year of being married

>this, sage, stupid thread, and op is a faggot
Based retard unable to understand a simple question

I've woken up midway through a procedure, and they just gave me more. It's gotta be hard to kill someone unless they have some underlying condition or you just rightfully blow them out with 10x the dose.

I would pick up a high paying trade like boilermaking, earn a bunch of dough over the course of 5 years. I would invest half of it, and the other half I would use to start farming my favorite animal. donkeys

all in bitcoin -> all in eth -> all in link

could be a trillionaire desu

Based noskill

relative to a former anesthesiologist here. he had to work incredibly long hours doing a very stressful job. laws were passed where an anesthesiologist could only oversee one surgery at a time instead of the previous 5-6 limit. due to that restriction pay went way down and nurse anesthetist started making more.

i think that your cousin is BSing you unless he lives in a very populated area where there is significant coverage for all hours, which means 350k and a million dollar home is probably not that great of an income for someone who had to go to school for 8-9 years and do continuing education

would probably start trading way sooner

The market is over saturated with engineers.

Civil engineers are the most gainfully employed apart from nurses and schoolteachers, only 17% are underemployed while average is around 40% for every major, and safe majors like accounting, cs, etc are around 30%

If I remember correctly I think its would be impossiible to fulfill the demand for software enginers ever in any developed country,maybe if everybody started studying it but at tthis current rate?
Not in a milion years.

construction management

Woke up during wisdom teeth surgery. While returning to earth, my parents told me that I called my sweet 80 yr old dentist a nigger for about a half hour.

What's being an actuary like boys? I want to make €300k a year.

>go back in time
>become hardcore cypherpunk
>first to register on bitcointalk after satoshi
>mine nonstop ( )
>help the client with bugs on sourceforge
>start to ease in modern concepts like GPU, ASIC mining and proof of stake without naming them
>start prophesying price points
10 years later you're a god in the space, called to every fucking conference to speak, you taunt boomers on twitter all day with screencaps of them missing out, some people even start theorizing about you being satoshi nakamoto

literally just mine btc in 2009.

>go back in time
>buy as much btc sub $1 as I can
>hodl till 2017
fuck working seriously

Yeah but civil eng is boring as fuck