First one with anything resembling LINK in their ID is the Kek Oracle and May therefore state absolute factual prophecy...

First one with anything resembling LINK in their ID is the Kek Oracle and May therefore state absolute factual prophecy, now that the old prophecy has been shown to be forsaken.

Attached: 388998AE-AEB0-4946-9370-CB675BB134C4.png (1124x1338, 405K)

Buy electroneum

Buy LINK in 2017

the old prophecy is valid for 21 more day sir

Attached: Asuka_with_hat_(Rebuild_3.0).png (1440x808, 413K)

Link is a bretty cool guy and doesn’t afraid of Anything and Jason parser is his dad who is also cool guy

Sergey is exit scamming, buy EVE

LINK TO $5000

Quant is bluechip

Sergey gets sued by Craig link fails

Nothing about old prophecy has been forsaken. It has hit around ~ $9600 this month. It might drop again to that too while ranging up to 16k in october,

Link $1000 EOY

Prophesy is good. At EOM yes BTC will be higher and you can extrapolate that % to other calls, compounding of course.

all of it is a ponzi

check my ID

buy link lads

Attached: 1418530893378.jpg (640x480, 160K)

link 1$ eoy

If BTC hits 9200 this month, i will eat John Mcafee’s dick

$1000 is fud

I refinanced because of asuka user, dont tell me its forsaken.

Fuck off Jason


Link is dead, abandon ship lol

$1500 eoy

$0 by EOY

Even though my ID has link in it, LINK is a dead coin and will never reach 10$.

Buy bitcoin instead. 25k end of year, 100k in two years.

Crypto will be worthless when the lizard people take over

Link will be 1k EOY

Link 1k EOY

the prophecy will NEVAR be forsaken

top kek

Everyone send 10 LINK to this address and ye shall be rewarded with 1000x gains in 2019.

BTC crabs at 12k all summer while altseason begins
ETH gets to $500 by September
Chainlink $6 in August, $7 September, etc to $10 in Dec 2019.
BSV dies and goes sub $100 by Sept.

Attached: 777.jpg (800x500, 77K)

1K EOY is fud

choo choo chose me, kek

I just did ketamine and heroin and i am about to quit my job...

Link will be 7$ EOM, 35$ EOY


Ok, im here

The toad has spoken. A new prophecy has emerged.

Attached: hypnotoad.gif (474x332, 31K)

they year of 1kEOY approaches

Attached: Faith of stinkies.jpg (810x460, 96K)

$1000 EOY

my linkies stay stinky $1k EOY

Fuck trannies 1k eoy

LINK will be 50$ by this time next year

Visualize seeing an idea with a sign, lads. “Kek” “LInK” “EOY”. Give us a sign kek

link will flip BTC within 7 months. screencap it anons!

1k EOY bubble


Attached: 50a.jpg (470x595, 201K)

666 EOS

This is the nearest ID to “link” ITT. And just like the security itself, it’s both half-assed and backasswards

May dog have mercy on all your souls

Attached: C2FA8399-29FE-41B5-8092-B361EA8F4034.png (796x960, 621K)

How is this false in any way.

fuck uhh buy bitcoin now, sell big in december, buy your kids nice presents

slow bleeding exit scam

Attached: IMG_20190708_194909.png (646x690, 229K)


link oracle here


>you fall

It’s july and BTC is pushing 13,000 dollary-doos fucknut

link will be $1000 at some point.
not eoy though
more like end of 2021.


Old prophecy is truth.

Pride comes before the FALL

>BTC can't drop from 13k to 9200 in a short timeframe

Attached: 8d6.jpg (645x729, 81K)


“Date you fall 9”
Could mean September
Does Kek mean Link or EOS?

$1k EOY

I refer you to this

Sergey will move to SEA to bang Ladyboys

Attached: 575BDC45-F8FA-42D5-9C58-4AC6AF7AC98D.jpg (2163x1400, 380K)

BEAM Top 50 FEB 2020

The power flows through me.

Unironically 1001$ EOY.

Stay stinky.

Ohhh sweaty, you don’t understand win conditions. Why don’t you just do your iPad, adults are talking.

Attached: C5AB2D06-59EB-434E-BAEE-1A00DC45B5BF.jpg (640x697, 321K)

Check this ID because you're all blessed eith forbidden knowledge.

Attached: IMG_7288.png (432x421, 146K)


I don't presume to be the mouthpiece of LINK. However i humbly invoke dubs and call these digits:
EOM: $15
EOY: $200
JULY 2020: $1000

and every nigger will be shaken out

Attached: what.jpg (340x302, 26K)

link is shit

sir gay here
1k eoy

Alt season never

Link 1k

link $0.60 eoy 2020

Praise Kek

XRP $10 by 2020

Attached: 1488778321505.png (640x868, 954K)

" Fsss Shat"

Praise kek

Top 5 cmc eoy
20$ in september faggots

sell linkies NOW

$10+ eom

The prophecy was pretty close. If d say add 20% or so to those numbers

LINK is gonna hit $7-$10 before September.

Attached: 1560449287001.jpg (3456x5184, 2.52M)

Link to 50 cents

BRAP to 1 cent

BTC sideways

ETH to 0.05 BTC


Attached: 6F36205A-592A-49AB-8026-F416DC6E8F42.jpg (1000x1000, 185K)

It already came close. I don't think the intent is to be exact. Still Asuka chan was very spot on.

thou shalt not sell thy Links
Rejoice sons, for the day of the Singularity is upon us.
Only 5 are needed.

Look at my ID. baby, do it 4 our glue

LINK circa $20 around September!!!



My id shall signal the end

LINK will be worth $10,000 each sometime in the next 10 years.

Bought at 3.75 and sold at 3 so I guess it’s going straight to 1000

What did she mean by this?

1k eoy