I remember years ago 21 was the bare bones, then in 2017 you "have to get to 1.0" what is the 2019 version of this? .1 is the goal for most now?

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Just have more than 0.28 and you're going to be in the world's elite any way.

what does that mean? millionaire status? how many decades to wait?

tfw .22 so close to making it

Looking forward to 2028...I think 1-3 is "making it" range now.

Minimum 1

i still feel that .28 is too little, i mean are you gonna wait until 2056 for .28 to be a million?

That amount basically puts you in 1% of richest people in the world if you gave each person an equal piece of the remaining bitcoins in circulation.
Which is basically one financial crisis away from actually happening.

0.28 is millionaire status. 0.0003 is top 50%. Timescale is this side of hyperbitcoinisation, currently slated for the year following the May 2028 halvening

I'm still aiming for at least 1. I think 1 is a good base to have. Obviously 3 or more is desirable, but 1 will get you set.

there is another way to analyze it user.
There are approx 15T USD in existence...there are probably about 700M 'holders'...therefore that gives a ratio of about 20K:1
Being "rich" is about 200x that (that with 4M you can live off 2.5% annually forever)
If we figure a future where there are 2B holders of BTC that would give a ratio of 0.01 therefore 200x that is 2.1

so .28 means people think 3.5k will moon to 1mm
Where are you guys getting x283 from?

It’s literally 100,000x in the last eight years - 283x is /nothing/

so you think .28 would take someone higher than 1mm at the end of this hypothetical moon we're discussing?

An equivalent of 28 million in buying power.

I'm not sure where you're going 28mm from, user...

in 2019 nobody cares

ao doure telling me that 2.1 BTC will put you into an elite "rich" level? how much $USD to 2.1 BTC in theory? what year is that 2050?

so .28 = 28 million $USD? year 2100?

that means 1 BTC is 4.2$ MILLION USD?

2028 = 1 BTC = approx 2M
Therefore 2.1BTC = $4M

and how are you seeing BTC jump to 2mm by 2028?

so what is btc by 2020, 2022, 2024?

Stock-to-flow modeling with bitcoin

you dumb motherfucker

If the end game is that BTC is adopted as a global currency after some MAJOR finincial system collapse renders all fiats worthless. Then let's put a Satoshi at the value of what we currently preceive 1 cent USD to be.

Now at max supply of 21MM BTC (in like a century) and with 1 BTC equal to 100MM Satoshis. That would be a global supply of 21 Quadrillion Satoshis. With the 1 Cent = 1 Satoshi Set price. We can "perceive" 100 Satoshi to be "1 dollar". Thus making the total supply of BTC about 21 Trillion "Dollars" which is actually a pretty fair number for a Global market cap.

Don't trust my math

And especially don't assume BTC is gonna be the standard global currency either.

US is moving to gold standard, UK too.
There was a visit POTUS made last year to UK. He met May and discussed US and UK crafting a deal surrounding a return to gold standard.
It looks like POTUS just worked around her considering the ambassador getting BTFOd and with May essentially out of the picture.
Look at Trump's recent FED pick
it's happening

so this is great for bitcoin?

What happens in lets say 50 years when someone discovers a lost wallet with thousands of coin?

Just go up the ladder.
>2.1 (maybe this one)

You guys are in such denial

You still need 21. Anything else is a lie.

2020 45k usd
2021 380k usd
2022 110k usd
2023 370k usd
2024 590k usd
2025 2.7M usd
2025 2.5M usd
2026 2.3M usd
2027 3.5M usd
2028 4.2M usd
2029 0 usd as the dolar is no longer used

Hookers AND blow

explain yourself faggot

All I have is 2 BTC. Will I make it? I need at least 300k€.

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Fuck yes, I hope you're right

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All these coping June 2019 buyers. Minimum is 10 if you want seven figures, 21 to truly be free.

>2029 1 BTC

So what? If you don't have the private key you can't do shit

10 for a million? 1 btc will be 100k in 2 years or less.





some faggot yesterday sold like 7500 btc on binance. it tanked the price maybe $200 and was eaten right up in 30min. your scenario wouldnt do shit.

I'm never going to be under 100 BTC
It will be my generational wealth
The rest I will cash out over the course of my life to have fun and diversify into different projects

needs at least a .40 to finish the job reliably

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You have 100 btc? nice.

Let's say I have 1 BTC and 1k Link... how long do I have to wait until I can quit my wageslave job

1btc = 10 years, 1k link = you got scammed

avg link buy in is like 50 cents, not sure how I'm getting scammed but OK

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talk to me in a year. link is flavor of the month, I'm an oldfag and have been in link since .22 (has SO MANY opportunities at this price). I sold at the 3.80ish area. Happy. you will see, you are a new fag because u bought in at 50c, that means AFTER the pop, meaning you are a reddit faggot.

>being this butthurt about someone random person on a nepalese halloween costume ideas forum's $500 investment

normies panic

If you just divided BTC equally among just the US, there would only be about .05 each....there is not much btc

i thought divided by world pop = .02?? per person

>here for the keks
>oldfag from 2015
>"made it" by buying a"digital" internet money
>still laugh with my family and g/f that this is real life

All your numbers are based on 21 million BTC, every time some whale does without a plan to pass on their private key, that BTC disappears. 17 million is what is believed to be the total number of possible BTC left after so many lost keys. This shit will only become scarcer.

1 billion sats

1 minimum. 5-10 for financial freedom

You're missing a zero there bud
21MM/7B = 0.003

Because BTC could barely handle being worth $20,000 without getting bloated, unusuable, slow, and overall just an embarassment.

Not matter how much tinkering with second layer ‘solutions” you tack onto this gas guzzler, it cannot fix the fact that the original blockchain is trash.

Imagining Bitcoin operating at a $250k, $100k, or even at a $50k price point—with all the extra transactional throughput that require—seems like a nightmare. This will only become more obvious as Bitcoin continues to rise, and will be a rude awakening for most people as the price and popularity of Bitcoin pushes it to its very mediocre limits.

Bitcoin will go up due to its scarcity, however it will be reduced to a store of value and novelty coin as platforms create their own ecosystems and markets. Moreover, stablecoins will continue to eat into Bitcoin’s trading volume and Bitcoin’s influence on the market will reduce as its trading pairs decline.

In all, Bitcoin will certainly rise, but this parabolic impact won’t be extreme like you all say.

i'm feeling okay right now. should have bet more money on this memecoin

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Bitcoin is on lifesupport now, in 2015 the wrong decisions were made and it's hard turning the franchise around.
Addons like the nightmare network keep those dreaming locked in while BTC never fulfills it's purpose, or reality, to funciton as a currency.

! What truly puts systems out of place is efficiëncy !

Cars became the norm because of their efficiëncy of transport.
The internet became the norm because of it's efficiëncy of relaying information.
Cryptocurrencies will become to be because of it's efficiency in seamless tranport and nonetheless energyconsumption.

Bitcoin might hold it's value in being an especially rare store of value, but it's a dinosaur.
It's system was let loose from birth, but this fully decentralized nature is hell to work with for programmers who have to keep this up to date.
Face it, systems ALWAYS grow old, if working on them is as tough as the banking sector then it has no future.

This is a poor way to estimate it. Many people in the first world are already in the top 1% in the entire world. Our standards are within that 1%, we want to get to the top 0.1%.

So 28 bitcoins and you'll be a real elite. Sure, 0.28 might set you for life, relative to how shit the vast majority of the world lives (people living on dollars a month... are still part of it)

I have just a hair over 0.5 BTC. How much would one make it on that? I hope to buy more but I think that getting 1 BTC will never happen for me anymore.

I like whey but I don't think it should be a platform for our currency

lamboland in a few years, hang in there

no way man, 2020 btc is 100k


It's impossible to support anywhere near a $100K price before the halvening unless some global event changes things and people are moving to Bitcoin

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