Tfw want to start own business but no ideas

>tfw want to start own business but no ideas

Attached: angryfeel.png (593x635, 210K)

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What are you good at user? What do you like?


That's great. I'm a professional Idea Guy and I've been looking for some starter capital and labor to help me bring it to fruition. Welcome aboard!

find a necessity/need in a market and work fast to be able to provide what is required. Do it well enough and better than others in a profitable way and you're destined for success.

all markets are cornered
give up

you can help me make a shitcoin to scam black people if you can program

wat? 7888 ideas but not enough time and money to start all those cool projects. I can the idea, u can the money and we'll change the world fren


Attached: angry.jpg (550x550, 28K)

>have ideas but no money

Think about something that interests you and delve deeper into niches of that area.
It's a great way to atleast start thinking about business models and markets.

T. Someone who always comes up with business ideas but never implements them.


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Attached: feel1.jpg (323x387, 23K)

>he isn't naturally creative
>his business ideas don't come to him randomly while he's taking a shit
what an INCEL

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Attached: feel2.jpg (323x387, 22K)

Sell ideas

I have a business that helps people to start their own business but they have no ideas.

For a 0.1 BTC commission you can hire me.

A good business, be a good middle man.

This is so fucking hilarious it hurts

listen to this.

ill tell you my idea building mechanical keyboards in the US like kbdfans but you'd have to get chinese connections for cheap as fuck boards and them shipped to you. Selling them in the US would probably get you lots of business because many people are afraid to buy expensive shit from china specially when it takes 9 fucking months to get anything. Could distribute through amazon as well make a fuckload somehow