Is ETH maximalism a thing? BTC is a literal ponzi, Ethereum has technological ecosystem behind it...

Is ETH maximalism a thing? BTC is a literal ponzi, Ethereum has technological ecosystem behind it. Dumb money floods into btc thinking it will go over 100k , and all it does is correct or go sideways. ETH is best coin, its down 4x from its ATH and 2.0 will completely annihilate small market cap coins trying to do the same thing. It has first mover advantage in the deFi/smart contract domain

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ETH is a reward token, it being more valuable makes sense as derivative tokens can therefore be less expensive and make more economical sense.
But seeing how the tokens are turning into 'assets' thanks to people having no brains, I'm worried for the future of ETH.

Also: BTC developers sitting on their asses, Ver and Faketoshi trying to undermine BTC. ETH has no infighting.

yes its real im living proof. i think other chains are important and will play a role but im all in ETH

i view ETH as a conservative hedge at worst and literally THE blockchain standard at best

>Is ETH maximalism a thing?
I guess. Only faggots need to label their ideology so they can feel important, like part of a movement. "Republican", "Democrat", "conservative", "liberal"; are all things doushebags and/or women like to identify as.

Knowing ETH is the future of blockchain tech is common sense to anyone with half a brain. If you want to call that ETH maximalism, so be it.

Yes. After the new update, Ethereum will become an absolute monster of a coin.

ETH is unironically the future and the reason is LINK. ETH has now broken out of blockchain containment and is about to be used for thousands of real world applications.

Biz is sub 80 iq
ETH is a mess
ETH is a waste
ETH is the biggest shitcoin on cmc

Ethereum fags are economically illiterate, btc has all the qualities to rise to 1M easy by 2025.

ETH only rises in price due to btc forcing eth to reduce supply

BTC is the oldest and most secure blockchain. If you don't see why it's value then you're retarded.

ETH serves a completely different purpose and is valuable in its own right but for different reasons.

ETH and BTC are not competitors.

Right after BTC.

Holo will replace Ethereum.

Good point about BTC being a ponzi. I agree to a large extent. It is ironic, because ETH is actually closer to being digital gold because there is something to back its value, the "technological ecosystem" you described. With LINK and MKR, I think people are going to start paying attention to decentralized finance. I was recently playing an online game and I asked if anyone here was in crypto and some guy said "ya I have .5 btc" and some other guy went "HOLY SHIT! damn I wish I would have bought... How much is that like 7k?!?!" I then mention that I had 50 ethereum and the guy goes "whats that, is that a bitcoin copy or something".

This to me was bullish (a guy who thinks 7k is a lot of money only knows about bitcoin, indicating it has reached closer to peak awareness, we are in an online game so he is probably more tech savvy than average, but still hasn't heard of ETH). I personally wasn't even interested in bitcoin. I only became interested once ETH came out, as then there was at least SOMETHING to back up the value of the crypto. Someone will always want it to run their dapp/crypto casino/smart contract/shitcoin token issuance/ico. Which makes it safer than BTC in my opinion. Everyone I know who works in tech is buying ETH, the people I met who bought BTC are losers/burnouts who buy drugs, or they bought off coinbase because that is the only crypto they know of. ETH got smart people interested in crypto. Bitcoin was stupid, and only losers with no hope bought into it. People will begin to discover ETH over the course of the next year and it will skyrocket. My portfolio is almost all LINK/ETH.

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The ETH ecosystem is scam artists using it to issue illegal securities

>The ETH ecosystem is scam artists using it to issue illegal securities
Do people actually believe this lol?

>Only faggots need to label their ideology so they can feel important, like part of a movement. "Republican", "Democrat", "conservative", "liberal"; are all things doushebags and/or women like to identify as.

Wouldn't it be more convenient to say "I'm a conservative" than to list the dozen or so things a conservative believes every time someone asks?

>Is ETH maximalism a thing?
Yes. ETH does everything BTC does, but it's actually useful and way cheaper. ETH is also a store of value.

>BTC is a literal ponzi
Yes, the only thing keeping BTC going is the fact that it's the no. 1 in market cap. It will crash to nothing when ETH flips it.

but but..BTC has first movers and scarcity!!!!!!1111 Unlike the Wright Bros inc Shares that got flipped by boeing and Airbus BTC will ACTUAL MAKE IT BECUZ I BELIEVE IN IT AND ALL MY REDDIT FRIENDS DO TO ALSO ITS DIGITAL GOLD AND ALL THE CELEBS ARE PROMOTING IT

Hes mad he only holds BTC

>seeing how the tokens are turning into 'assets'
Wouldn't this make the price of ETH rise to ensure security of those assets?

>ETH has no infighting.
>Ever heard of EIP-999?

ETH infrastructure is actually more expensive than BTC. Look at the growth rates of the on-chain data between ETH and BTC - BTC is still largely linear, and the merkle headers are still incredibly small. ETH tends to grow exponentially, since transaction data contains not only the transaction, but also entire calls to functions so growth depends on the performance characteristics of those programs, which may be poorly written, and so-on. BTC actually scales pretty well compared to ETH, and its lite nodes can be lighter.

That said, >70% of my portfolio is in ETH, and has been for years, because I'm waiting to see which project Szabo will move to next.

if you feel comfortable identifying with categories as broad and decrepit as "conservative" or "liberal" you are actually a radical centrist that doesn't deserve to play a role in 21st century society.

If eth fails, so does the entire blockchain ecosystem. It is more valuable than bitcoin in terms of actual function.

which got denied
what is your point?
yes there is "infighting" but you're implying it's a bad thing

Hey guys. Non poor fag here. I have about 60k in eth and 40k in btc. I too agree eth is superior in every arguable way except for first mover/normie awareness advantage

Thinking about going all in on eth. Thoughts? 100k right now on eth should grow pretty fast yeah with eth 2.0 coming up?

If eth fails, the whole blockchain ecosystem fails

got a stack half the size of yours (and similar dist)
just keep it as is

Yes, I forgot, it is a CHAINLINK fud day, so you are are correct. ETH is used by people like Sergey to issue scams.

It is funny to me that companies like oracle and google would never go near bitcoin, but now they are all over ETH and LINK. BTC is an actual ponzi.

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If BTC is digital gold, then ETH is digital copper.
It is a world changing system and over the next 10 years will become a part of daily life

>ETH is best coin
a fucking pajeet
>its down 4x from its ATH
ATH driven by ICO insanity you pajeet
>2.0 will...
take years to become reality
>deFi/smart contract domain
that shit will just migrate to another platform you desperate ignoramus

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usually I say im mostly conservative, because in general i have conservative view as prescribed by current society. personally I view myself as liberal but the modern liberal party is so out of wack that i don't actually agree with them. The pendulum swings and my views generally don't and right now its too far left for me

no user.

yes eth will moon soon

this you absolute mongoloids

why not link user

ETH maximalism probably sounds dumb to newfags who have only been around for BTC's recent tear, but it certainly is. ETH was in striking distance of flipping bitcoin last bullrun, and I think the odds of another stab at a flippening is in the cards this time around as well. I think we could see something similar to how Disney mooned when full details of their streaming service were released when Ethereum officially announces more about 2.0 and future block rewards.

BTC maximalism may be "in" right now, but I wouldn't discount the very real possibility that an alt rally may only mean colossal gains for a few top projects

ETH will never flip BTC you hivemind reddit nigger. do you think the full fledged ETH 2.0 is launching in less than 2 years?

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I don't browse reddit but afaik the prevailing opinion currently is that ETH only achieved such a high bitcoin ratio because of the ico craze and that such gains would never be possible again because ICO's are dead.
2.0 might take a while, but I don't think it matters. If a shitcoin has an unclear roadmap then of course there is cause for concern as they may never finish whar they plan to do, but in the case of eth an unclear timeline doesn't matter as there is no doubt they will have the resources to see their goals through

>This to me was bullish (a guy who thinks 7k is a lot of money only knows about bitcoin, indicating it has reached closer to peak awareness, we are in an online game so he is probably more tech savvy than average, but still hasn't heard of ETH
very smart post.
Imagine what happens once "smart contracts" combined with "ethereum" become common knowledge terms.
The only way to make a fortune is go to against the herd before it changes direction, and currently the herd is all in bitcoin.