Any miners here? Thinking of getting a small ASIC rig to mine BTC...

Any miners here? Thinking of getting a small ASIC rig to mine BTC. Let’s have some open discussion about crypto mining, experiences- what should I know before I get into this?

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whats your electricity rate?

seems like the biggest return is mining chainlink right now, good to mine on a cell phone too

I can confirm, I've made about 3 suicide stacks within a week of phone mining

Well, I’m a grad student with my own office, and I’m thinking of just setting it up there on the hush for the free electricity. Otherwise it’s like $0.11/kWh

Good luck with the "hush" part of that plan.

Look for how to build immersion cooling on youtube to get rid of the noise

Otherwise, rape the university for all its worth

The fuck? How do you mine on a cellphone?

Are you memeing me m8?

N-No I just haven't bothered with crypto besides whatever I can buy on robinhood. I trust stocks more.

What the fuck is a "suicide stack" anyhow? I hear this all the time but I can't find a definition when I Ask Jeeves. Is it so you don't suicide for missing a moon mission? Or so you can afford the supplies for an Exit Bag when it does moon?

That’s true, those miners are loud af. That plan seems mildly unrealistic. The better option is to just set it up in my basement. It’s nice and cold down there, and I’ll make a nice profit even with paying electric, if the mining calculators are accurate.

somebody will have to pay for that so somebody will notice after the first bill.

its not too bad but not as it should be to be doing this stress free. most good asics are sold out for a long time and you will have to pay premium from resellers which will destroy your margin. even used miners doubled in price recently with bitcoin mooning and today the mining difficulty is mooning aswell. competing with chinese miners will not be easy op

What if he just mines a meme coin in the hopes that it will moon? Like Doge or Link or LTC or some shit.

I’ve seen a few reasonably priced ASICs for sale and in stock. Mainly the ant miner A9 or something like that, for roughly $1k. It’s the bigger rigs that are all sold out, and I’m not planning on setting up and industrial scale mining operation.

Not the worst idea. What are some meme coins that would be worth mining with a desktop PC?

dont buy the galaxy s10 if you wanna mine chainlink, its only like 1% faster than my old s9 but cost 1k wtf I should have just kept my old phone and kept mining with it

a suicide stack is money or investments set to the side in case a friend or loved one commits suicide to cover any cost.

seriously? That can't be right...

>mining btc

edjumacate urself

I mine LINK on my tower with an Intel i9 with 14 cores (with hyperthreading) overclocked to 4.4 Ghz. I make about 50 LINK a week but desu I'm not sure what electricity costs here in NYC.

whoa been here almost a decade but just noticed "desu" automatically corrects to desu

>Is it so you don't suicide for missing a moon mission?


Thank you.

What did he meaned by this?
It must be important, he used a whole bunch of capital letters.