I just verified with my eyes that I am financially ruined

I guess the token is not needed after all.....

Attached: vidt.jpg (705x108, 15K)

If you you panic sold you are ruined. If you are holding at least 20k keep holding and you will be set for life.

How is down 23% ruined? Shit, I could do it with 20%.

-33% in a week, almost 50% from ath

It's dumping 20% everyday.

Why the fuck is it dumping so hard?

airbus partnership probably fake. poor taste using a well known pedo symbol for the logo. coin that can easily be replaced by a command line

>knows nothing about computers
LINK is a json parser what’s your point?

You don't need a lot to make a lot.

Because you can literally verify with your eyes. Kek

i have no idea why a business would pay for this, besides the fact that businesses are stupid and often pay for a lot of stupid shit.
Just host a file server, host the sha256 checksums in the same place. The end user of the file is responsible for checking they match.
The real problem is that it's time consuming and annoying to check it, but vidt only makes that problem worse by having to go to their website, upload the file, and check it that way. it's literally worse than the FREE solution.
This makes privacy even worse, if you want your documents kept confidential why the fuck would you upload it to V-IDT.org?

>server costs money
>server requires paying someone to setup, maintain and secure it otherwise it just serves as a gateway into the corporate network or potential zombie with no value as a trusted host
>normies need to check long strings of text

Stale fud

also it’s just a backend Chuck e cheese token, no value to an investor not using their little verification api

Because its useless. Imagine paying to have someone verify a degree when u can do it under 10 seconds with your eyes.

>what is SFTP or any existing VPN file transfer solutions
>implying the problem wasn't file transfer but validation
>if they really wanted a vidt they could code a checksum QR code gui themselves like this in 20 hours instead of paying them $1000 a month
there's not a brainlet image dumb enough to describe you

>if they really wanted a vidt they could code a checksum QR code gui themselves like this in 20 hours instead of paying them $1000 a month
No they couldn’t, if they could everyone would’ve already done it. No one wants to spend the money on r&d in-house when it could be defunct in 6 months or require constant maintenance. Easier to outsource it to a company that can do it that has a working product. And what these companies are spending on this compared to their earnings is literally peanuts. Buying an enterprise package from vidt for a multi-million dollar corporation ain’t shit

I work in InfoSec, you think I'm not aware of the alternatives? Read up on blockchain immutability, you are obviously new. Also VPN requires a network... Like Ethereum. Using FTP servers requires servers like I said, which also incurs costs.

they didn't do it because
it's not a problem anyone really cares about. if your shit gets hacked, they can change the checksum too so it looks like it wasn't hacked
and you must be an awful security guy because no one wants their shit stored on EVERYONE's computer. VPN via ethereum what the ever loving fuck. more expensive and less privacy no thanks says every company ever
vidt: solving a problem no one has

Fuck y'all are stupid. Checksums are easy as hell to use, but boomers can't be assed to use them. Businesses would rather drag and drop files and have the data stored on five different blockchains. That's the utility of VIDT. It kills the barrier to entry. Barrier to entry is why most of crypto won't ever be adopted.

So many brainlets thinking its a hash function they're selling. They're selling easy of use, immutability, trustworthy sources, automation, etc.

Link is a fking JSON parser that brags about TLS in its whitepaper

VIDT will be $5 before the year is over

You sir are a absolute brainlet in many ways.

>Just host a file server, host the sha256 checksums in the same place. The end user of the file is responsible for checking they match.

yeah Doris in accounts receivable who has been at her job since 1988 is going to do that.

>nobody wants their shit stored on EVERYONE's computer
You can't conceive of a single use case where a document needs to be verified By multiple parties? Absolute brainlet. You misunderstood me, VPN = you need a network. Ethereum = existing public network. VIDT's API simplifies things for normies while hashing is done behind the scenes.

the only "problem" they're claiming to solve is someone forging a university diploma. It requires both the university and all the businesses to jump on to this expensive system that doesn't really do much.
With internal documents it does nothing, no one checks checksums because you don't hire hackers to modify your shit in your business.
literally inventing a problem no one has then fixing it in the most expensive way, requiring everyone to agree to one system.

In the aerospace industry one of the big issues is document fraud which to an outsider may not seem like that big of a deal but in the sphere of quality control, it can be a big problem (think of the boeing 737 max).

This technology will impact the industry immensely because there are no other platform that offers this type of service so easily and it could possibly suppress the amount of document fraud within this side of the business. Airbus is already using the service which tells me that it will someday be a requirement for their parts manufacturer etc.

>company A needs document from company B
>company B emails the document to company A
>company A looks in their email inbox, and looks at the "sender" column.


That's completely false. Many legal documents/records are public and need to be stored and impossible to modify. It goes beyond diplomas and certificates. Just sell or avoid if you think this tech is useless.

the 737 Max had problems because they outsourced to poojeets $2 an hour who lied about it passing tests so they could get paid for their contract. literally nothing blockchain could have done anything about.

>Company A needs document from Company B
>Company B is infected with URSNIF
>Company A recieves a modified document that executes powershell scripts and downloads a payload
I have personally seen this happen with an invoice.

holy shit you're retarded. the vidt stamp will not remove any viruses from the file company A uploaded.
They'll just see a virus infected file with a VIDT stamp on it. congrats

Did vidt verify for you that you're financially ruined?

fuck you're dumb
yep, clearly
this FUD is genuinely too braindead to be anything other than trolling

You realize VIDT can detect whether a document has been modified, right? Or are you intentionally being as much of a brainlet as physically possible?

The thing is, the file never was uploaded. The malware sent a fake file via email as a reply before the email account owner could send a legitimate one. If they had some kind of document verification in place it could have been prevented. Your fud is so ridiculous that I'm pretty sure you want to get this cheaper.

if company B is infected, then obviously the worm is infecting files on their network. Anything they send from their network will be infected.
Then they upload the signature to vidt, the file has the virus already, it solves nothing.
the file wasn't modified after it was sent to company A or else the problem is you didn't use secure file transfer.
but for the sake of this problem, you already said company B was infected, not that someone stole the file mid transfer...

vidt never stores the file

No. Computer was actually clean. Their email was compromised.

>social engineering won't happen on blockchain
now you're changing the story too, because you know how retarded it is.

Lol buy books emptied

Please Google URNSIF before you out yourself as a retard. Malware is capable of social engineering in 2019.

spam phishing is social engineering

yeah its weird how that happens when you buy after a massive pump and pajeets spamming it for a week straight

It's not just spam or phishing. Again, it replies to email threads with an attachment that seemingly makes sense. Attachment name usually has the company title or something similar. The attachment is a word document that uses macros to run powershell to grab the payload. It's an incredibly complex system that relies on fraudulent documents. Look up URSNIF... Cisco Talos and Trendnet have write ups, I'm not going to lecture you anymore.

>not cashing out initial investment + guaranteed profits at inflated prices so you can just ride out guilt-free now
you deserve this for your greed user

it would depend on when it got infected. if theres worms on the network infecting all the files, then they stamp it, it's bad.
if the file was sitting around forever and already stamped.
Now you're just depending on human error, for everyone to stamp their documents immediately (and never change them afterward).
that's unlikely since you're going to have a working document, then stamp it when you're finally finished (and its already infected)

afterwards, when they notice something is different, they still don't know its a virus, they'll just have the 1st company stamp a new infected file and send it again.

The original file in my real world experience was not infected. The malware sent a document independently that was generated on the fly (so as to avoid signature based detection). It just happened to use a trusted email to do it because this email had been compromised at some point. Do you not understand that breaches can occur outside of the LAN?