How in the name of Rakesh are people not dumping this? Link is getting fucking slaughtered, hell almost everything is getting slaughtered. This went from $2 to $15 in a few weeks and won’t dump even down to $10?!?!?! Fucking scam.

Attached: 6F1043ED-3D50-4046-8FB8-F1326C940CBD.jpg (1125x737, 69K)

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Indian Chad here. Bought the low at 70 cents and sold the top. Easiest 12x ever. It’s not dumping because filthy racists like you don’t get rich, John.

Look at QNT market cap. Look at ripples market cap. Quant is working with a network of 570 banks. Ripple has 200 right now. Seeing what I'm saying?

It will dump once the fake volume on fatbtc and hotbit dry up.

Most QNT holders are Eurofags you scum

It is dumping
-13.85% today

>indian chad
lmao you're not even a real sentient human being, try again shitskin

I only look at idex that’s the only exchange I use

What don’t you understand about the term wash trading?

look at the fucking supply user, its smaller than litecoin or monero has. this shit will pump to triple digits


Lol yeah clearly people aren’t actually excited about the sia partnership. This is all fake news

Every single cryptocurrency is wash traded. It's how we make money, dumbass.

Alts that pump from PnD groups on shit exchanges rarely dump. The groups wait for it to hit big exchanges, wait for the initial pump then dump everything. That has killed quite a lot of alts. Will be glorious when it happens to Quant... actually a good project but the token has no use case, they'll abandon it eventually.

Hey man, not too late to buy. No need to stay salty

No one is buying this scam at this price. Dump it back down to $.30 and Ill reconsider.

It’s funny to hear people who don’t even know how to use idex and only use binance talk about wash trading. It’s a literal sitcom up in biz haha

All its volume is fake. It has only $1.5mm true volume

Wow this QNT scam must have some real fucking gay trannies behind it
Imagine still pumping your scam coin up while everything else goes down
It's just so elaborate and clearly not real buy pressure

Fucking scam.

give it a few days after the momentum wears off and qnt will be another forgotten pajeetcoin

>good project
>token has no usecase
>token mandatory for project utility
How is this not a usecase?
>Every user who wants to use a MApp or a Developer or an Enterprise who wants to develop MApps needs to hold QNT tokens. Without QNT you can’t connect to Overledger and MApps won’t run. It’s the same as a license key people have to hold to access the ecosystem and run applications. Same as Apple with Apple ID — which is linked to keys on your Apple device to access the App Store and run iOS apps, or Office365 and how they license their products.
>Payments for read and write to Overledger will need to be made in QNT based on a FIAT value, for example if the read and write equate to $10/month, the equivalent will be paid to the Quant Treasury which will also handle the conversion of FIAT to QNT.

Attached: 2e1lxv.jpg (645x729, 31K)

It will but not just yet.

Its as simple as this; when other coins went x5 x10 quant got cut in half. The ones who waited that one out are now rewarded with a x6.

Good for them, happy it finally happened for the holders.

But no sane mind is going to buy the top on idex.

This isn't the top. We're witnessing this year's Antshares (11 cents for months, to over $150, a 1300x increase) or Raiblocks (10 cents for months, to $30, a 300x increase). Antshares/NEO went from a market cap of 6 million to 1.3 billion, and it didn't have a deal with 570 banks. Thinking about it, I'm not sure NEO had a deal with anything of importance at all. Quant has a market cap of 151 million, it has a long ways up still to go.

Token has no real economics. Not a chain. Token just is licence for dapp store no one will use. Zero fundamentals to be worth more than a million bucks marketcap.

If you want to see how that looks go see Fabric token once people realized the token is just for access to the platform.

This is why people aren't selling:
>"the clients we are working with banking is just the start, we're working with government, working in research in a huge conglomerate, these are going to use Overledger internally for their group which is all around the world"
>" 570 banks they are going to use the technology at scale and we're not just having an application that does one thing, we're doing payments, clearing, settlement across different networks for all these banks"
>"We have been talking to Binance about adding Binance chain and connected Binance chain into Overledger means all the enterprises running permissioned blockchains can access Binance chain through Overledger for the first time, as you can't today there's no way to do it. As well as everyone on Binance chain being able to talk to enterprises resulting in more customers for both parties, but also allows Binance chain to use Ripple, Ethereum, EOS etc through Overledger."
>"Oracle is one of our partners, they love what we are doing, they have looked at the technology and said interoperability is something all our customers are wanting and we are working together, we are part of the Oracle Startup ecosystem and there's more coming from that space, enterprises love the technology and its not just Oracle, but others that i can mention once allowed that want to take our technology at scale to their customers because it solves the biggest painpoints for enterprises and from a competition perspective rather than building they are partnering."
This isn't coming from a bullshit artist. 570 European banks are using it, SIA put out the press release, they're not partnering with a liar. QNT is needed for all of this and more. Your FUD is nonsense. Hop on board or don't, but this shit isn't dumping.

Idk is rather take my chances with link, $1000 EOY!!!!!

>Forced token usage
Not gonna end well. Enjoy.

I don't own any Quant, yes I'm upset about it like anyone would be... but WOW the absolute state of copage from some of my fellow nonquanters is unbelievable lol.... like, serious mental gymnastics going on. It's actually embarrassing.