This will not end well

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Other urls found in this thread:

NYAG just brought evidence against Bitfinex today. They're in absolute panic mode


Exit scam is likely in progress as we speak. They're buying up people's precious BTC with their printed monopoly token. Who cares if BTC crashes to $1k if they got their's for free?

Are we heading for another crash?

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just a chain swap

stop it youre all making me want to sell everything...

Dude just sell all ur shit and buy link. Link cant be touched with this fake shit it will moon like motherfucking juggernsut after this tether clowning is done

>yesterday Tether printed more money
>bitcoin rallied up again
Why do you faggots care about this again? Just sell when you get a 5% or 10%, wait for it to correct, then do it again

>100,000,000 units of new currency have just been created
>don't worry guys, the price is staying the same!

who are the retards that buy into this shit?

>Link can't be touched with this fake shit
>there's literally a LINK/USDT market
What the fuck?

Literally no different than a casino making more chips. Tether is a placeholder, kys with this retarded fud


these retard fudding bobos will never understand this concept.

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Yeah these threads are probably made by people who tried to short bitcoin and lost money.
If bitcoin's price was manipulated by tether like they say the SEC would have closed them down a long time ago.

This is bullish. USDT is backed 1-1 you fucking schizos

All you faggots defending this remind me of the people who said Mt Gox was a non issue

Stfu fucking pajeet fudder.

Damn the guy behind tether is richer than the world richest man.

the fuck is NYAG gonna do ???
you guys are "officially" offically banned from NY now. Heres a fine of a few million.

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>SEC would have closed them down a long time ago.

Uhm, the SEC is owned by Jews. Jews don’t rat out on other Jews. Not until the scheming is over and everyone is safe then maybe they’ll have one fall guy who will then be transferred to a luxury “prison” and be provided sex slaves and anything on demand for entertainment for being a warrior for the cause of advancing international Jewry.

except the chips in play are a 1:1 representation of fiat player deposits. And the house isn't betting both sides with them, as here

What makes u think tether is not fucming dumbass low iq nigger

There is no reason to believe that Tether is not backed 1:1 with USD equivalents.

Anyone telling you otherwise is a huckster

yes Tether is fucming gret. Till the band stops playing, and the adults turn off their Fantasy Treasury Printer, for fucking good. THEN, the entire crypto market will be fucming alright

That's a possibility but an entirely different discussion. Creating more tether isn't indicative of wash trading

Na crypto is just learning how be like fiat

The house doesn't actually need to create more tether to play both sides or wash trade if they are doing it on their own exchange. If anything creating more tether is bullish, as it shows they are taking in, or expect to take in more actual dollars and need more tether in play to account for it

apples and oranges



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Yah BTC for BSV lmao

If Jow Forums can get Trump elected, can Jow Forums bring exchanges to delist tether please?

He will be, if people are this gullible

ETH for OMNI but I kek'd

Holy shit Jow Forums did not get Trump elected.
I know plenty of people who voted for Trump based on what they saw on TV and know fuck all about Jow Forums.
Imagine being this deluded.


Are the other stablecoins at least submitting to audit? Is USDCoin any better?

no we r getting link to 1k, no time for that

hey they're only alleged to have duped $700 million out of $900 million of their reserves after sending $850 million to a shady panamanian "company".

>am tether treasury
>print 100MM tethers
>send tethers to unknown wallet that is definitely not mine
>market buy btc with my free tethers
>transfer btc to coinbase
>market sell all btc for actual dollars

do you have a problem with our legitimate business operations?

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ya, for bears.

these have been 100% accurate buy signals for the last 2.5 years.

stay poor schizo faggots.

yes they are audited by a top 5 accounting firm confirming the peg.

That's probably why Coinbase allows them.

They know what's up with Tether.

could USDC even provide liquidity if everyone decided to switch to it instantly?

lmao who cares banks create money from thin air daily nuty somehow crypto is a scam when they do this


Go long BTC 5x leverage and hold for 6 months

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Go outside and breath in the air, don't be afraid to care.

Cannot believe people like this is browsing this board with me

According to the accountant report they have about 333 million issued which is about 1/3 of the USDT market cap from what I understand. If more USD was added to the fund it would increase liquidity but to instantly replace tether would take several stable coins. There's about 91 million DAI issued right now. TUSD has about 200 million. PAX is at 150 million. There's several other stable coins out there but those seem to be the most adopted. USDS has a max supply of 5.74 million from what I understand. IDk about the gemini dollar and it doesn't seem to be listed too many places. Binance is supposedly launching their own stablecoin soon if you trust it.

Tether has the largest ammount issued by far but others are catching up and hopefully people start using them.