Will u get asian gf when u make it?

will u get asian gf when u make it?

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nah, i already have an asian wife

already have one

cant get plastic surgery on those hobbit thumbs huh

of course

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im glad im not the only one that noticed this and was immediately grossed out


A new one every single week!

I'll slap a few around

you have completely missed the point, stupid

I want some suki suki from the girl in the middle.

if she'll have me, sure.

I don't fuck bugs. I've started dating light colored blacks not Africans.

Unironically would rather fuck a mullatta than an insect pie

Lmao at all the low t coping autists who think Asians are better

t. incel

Me too.

Damn. I sense a pattern.

>thumbs too stubby wouldn't fuck

The only girl I ever loved was Asian GF

you even had to ask?

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eat shit

you don't need to make it to get an asian gf
>t. expat lived all over e-asia se-asia and has seen the type of losers that manage to snag a qt while living on like $200 a month

would lick till oblivion

i lived in asia for 2 years myself. most sexpats date uglies, especially poor sexpats.

she is average as fuck my dude, you can go to korea or hong kong and wind up with a skinny light skinned qt like that with little effort

she has no tna

there were plenty of average-below average foreign men dating cute and young locals where I lived in thailand (chang mai), taiwan, and hong kong

there were also plenty dating uglies, but it's not a rule

there are no cute locals. Thais are ugly af

Someone posted an asian with a crazy brapper earlier. If you see this, user, please post in this thread. It was out of this world.

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is this supposed to be cute?

idk about SEA. i was in Korea and Japan. had co-workers even ask me why expats seem to prefer unattractive girls, kek

>ugly af

I never lived in Japan, but I did notice "ugly" Koreans dating good looking American military and contractor men in Korea

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this brapper?

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Girlfriends are for simps who can tolerate women's emotions and minds.

Staying single and fucking Japanese hookers only.

I have an Asian wife, and YES they are 10x better than all the white trash north american girls I dated before.

fuck yes that's the one. thanks, fren.

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If you actually arent a white loser, how easy is it to fuck asian girls there

Have fun with your South East Asian goblina

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shes not asian. thats thais natal a fucking brazilian.

>will u get asian gf when u make it?

No. an asian gf will get me.

Based and yellowpilled

if you aren't a loser and your skin color is lighter or equal to the locals, asian women are easy since no matter what asian country you are in, a foreigner represents an exotic escape from the bullshit they have to deal with if they date local

>implying i'm even gonna make it
>implying girls would like a spergtastic fuck like me even if i was rich
>implying cute asian girls would like a spergtastic fuck like me even if i was rich
>implying i'm not going to drink myself to death alone in my house for the rest of my life

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i notice the "north american" qualifier, implying you're referencing asia geographically rather than merely racially. i feel this is a critical distinction - most asian americans are culturally fairly similar to white americans, especially 3rd+ generation, so if that's what you're trying to get away from you may need to do more legwork.

Asian americans girls are fake asians , and to be put in the same generic category as 'North American white Trash Girls'

I'm talking about pure Asian born in Asia and never set a foot outside their home country.

1. is true u wont make it but if u somehow did then yes they would love u just because u are rich

generally agree, but i think a bit of western exposure in adulthood (after traditional values have already been entrenched) is helpful. ideal, and what i married, is asia born and raised, highly educated (= good English), western grad school

This trope in Asian television is there for a reason.

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Hell No.

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SEA monkeys don't count.

no i will get with a WHITE woman because i am a WHITE man

thank you and good NIGHT!

I mean I like gooks as much as the next Jow Forums dwelling autist but idk if I could actually settle down with a bug person, maybe an Americanized one? Dated a Viet girl for a while but she was a JAP in a yellow body.

i agree. good thing she isn't SEA.

I live in Asia and could if I wanted to but I'm not a pathetic loser. I'm going to marry a 16 year old white virgin when I make it.

It's spelled SHE not SEA dingus

joke doesn't really work when "she" is already included in the sentence

White girls are better
Gooks are ugly and for beta boys

No, I'll get a pure white girl who dresses like an asian one.

i already have one. Found her at the same place i found Bitcoin, my old job at a sex store in vegas. she lets me buy bitcoin with her paycheck

>at a sex store in vegas.
she then is probably a white roastie tier asian american thot.

no, asian women are actually insane and more materialistic than any western whore
I'll fuck them but that's it

They're bred to serve their men. Mine always cooks and massages me. Her last guy hit her so I'm an A+ in comparison

Freaks like no other. Screams up a storm anytime we fuck, she reaches orgasm so many times it gets annoying. Took me months to believe she wasn't faking it. Something in them makes them quiet in public but hypersexual in the bedroom. They love white dudes too. It's almost too easy with them.

what ethnicity is she?
dont fucking say "asian".


Got one already!


Japanese and guamanian

If you date a girl in asia, she is probably low tier.
Girls from upper class and rich families don't date foreigners especially loser sexpats. It would be social suicide.

Chances are your girlfriend will have done something in the past that makes her unmarriagable to local men, that's why she desperately dates loser sexpats who don't even understand the language or culture. Or she's just plain poor and wants to escape her shit hole life, and you will be paying. A walking ATM machine you will be.

I don’t respect white men with asian girls. They are a beta 100% of the time and had to resort to white worshiping Asians to cope.

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post face

But white women don't look Asian.
Why would I want to be with white women. Their faces look different and not Asian.
Only very few white women are attractive, but lots of Asian women look good due to features unique to their race.
If I went with white I would probably have to settle with some bland looking woman with a good personality.

you two are fucking stupid.
I'm attracted to beautiful women. I'll fuck asian, latina, literally any race if she's fine enough. I'm a really good lucking white guy though so i get attention from women of all races and ages, mostly younger.. You losers would fuck any women that touched you

Nope, already got an Asian wife and she's perfect

Sweet Vishnu, check out the toilet on those bitches!

Sexpat cope

It depends on whether the Asian chick is not or not. The bitch OP posted is not hot or cute in the slightest - but that's typical because OP is not a good looking male himself - so he has to settle for garbage like that.

Yes. The fact that I'm all in $TRV will confirm any upper-tier that I choose.

I'd be embarrassed to walk hand in hand with a woman that looks 12.

>jungle insects
lmao no.

Asian single girl here.
Can't wait for some ugly, stinking, autistic, nevershowering, smelly, badlydressed, hikikomoriNEET, manga+anime obsessed weaboo, insanely rich amerifag to ask me out.

I honestly don't care what race she is
As long as she actually loves me :'(

RIP your inbox.

Judging by the way asian girls act towards whitoids I can’t tell if this is ironic or not

Post tits and brapper and we can talk about how big my link stack is

You so funny, you made me very laugh!!

I will date you as soon as Link hits $10k.

SEAsians atleast have a personality

>16 year old female virgin of any race that doesn't look like goblina or isn't already in an arranged marriage
no such thing

It exists. About 5-15% of females if females in Western countries are virgins at marriage. Finding a virgin 16 year old isn't impossible.

It is possible, mate. Believe me.

Rajesh here.

Just came back from this Volunteer sewing thing. It was just women, whites and asians.

The asian women were very cute and helpful. My sewing machine's bobbin thingy ran out of thread, and this asian lady reloaded it for me. Was amazing to watch her work.

I wish I could gf one.

Trips of truth.

However, I for one can't understand this asia mania here. The only ones getting asians in my country is the fat, cucked & fugly losers who can't get anything else.

(Based pic related, your room user)

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Top kek, Asian girlfriends are for dudes who didn't make it and can get nothing else. literally only a fraction above pajeeta's

But I'm dating an Asian girl and I've been with 3 attractive white women before meeting her.

The sex is better and everything else is better. The average white women these days are masculine and highly feminist. It's nice to have a girlfriend who is actually feminine and cute.


Good goyim. Can’t have the gentiles breeding smarter offspring than us now, can we?

same and I didn't even make it