13k literally unable to hold, this unsustainable pump is done. if you aren't shorting the double-top you're about to be blown the fuck out
13k literally unable to hold, this unsustainable pump is done...
I’m sort of shell shocked by these tether pumps bobro. I think they’re going to keep it up until the 29th
in all seriousness, we may see a little more fucking around between here and, say, 13.5k, but the correction is LONG over due and will be massive when it comes.
I don’t know man, if the tether printers somehow manage to break the 14k resistance...all hell could break loose
data is currently suggesting a higher rise, so lets hope so
why not just long bitcoin
Hey guys. Whale here. You are all fucked get out now.
P.S. We changed the ceiling again to 13k this time. It won't ever go higher than that again.
Hey whale, megaladon here. Going to eat the fuck out of you soon
This is what I've been asking people. If we're content to hold long term (and not try to margine trade or play pumps/dumps) , would it matter if we bought right now?
Going up IS the correction bobo. Sorry for your loss.