Finally bought link

Just got a 5k stack at $3.05. Did I do good biz?

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welcome, you will half make it.

Fifteen thousand buckaroos, by god.

Did well son. The whales want to push the price as low as 2.70, but it's a pretty hard slog to get down there.

Depends if you can hold for 2 years and depends if you'd panic sell if link goes to $2

Congrats, all of us have 100k stacks and you're now lurking a forum where we plot dumping on nulinkers.

Better then the plebs that bought at 4.50

However not as good as the true marines that bought sub 1$

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Just remember son, buy high sell low.

LoL this was 20 cents 6 months ago.

You've missed your shot. Buy CHR and invest in the 2020 dApp bubble before it pulls a Link. stop buying other people's 20x.

Yes, you'll be very happy in August and September.

Do not listen to this faggot. The strong get stronger in a bull market.

larp only top 300 wallets hold over 100k

You did the right thing.

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You did good now you just need to feel nothing.

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You fucked up, homs

I could only afford to buy 150 links at $3.05

Oh well I'll hold them.

Have you thought ever how many Xs you are buying for someone when you buy Bitcoin or Ethereum?

See you at $2 OP

It's about time user but good work. As soon as someone comes out with the next bit of information it will moon again into double digits with ease.

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please go lower, i wanna accumulate again
