Oh no NO NO NO

>patents.google.com/patent/EP3257191B1/en?assignee=Nchain Holdings Ltd&status=GRANT
TODAY CRAIG has been GRANTED patent rights relating to smart contracts by the european patent office
also active status in spain, japan and south korea
the SHITCOIN purge begins today
buy the real bitcoin

Attached: Mr.Satoshi.jpg (910x503, 163K)

Other urls found in this thread:

patents.google.com/patent/EP3257191B1/en?assignee=Nchain Holdings Ltd&status=GRANT

>buy the real bitcoin
You mean BCH?

Lol look at this retarded cashie. Are u ok dood?

>EU institution
>having power
chose one

What does Faketoshi's balls taste like user? Did he finish in your mouth or face?

How can anyone stomach CSW's dystopian KYC/AML shitcoin?

the 28 member states are practically slaves
look at belgium they don't even have a government anymore

such a weird way to acquire toilet paper. can't craig just go to the store to buy some?

>Buy the centralised fork of this dude because this dude paid patents from his own pocket to convince others to buy his centralised fork and recover the money he spent
No thanks.

yes yes, a world without money laundering is dystopic butdon't forget to buy monero to create utopia.

You realize that also means a coin with 0 privacy whatsoever. Your trades will be automatically reported to the IRS & everyone can see how much you're worth. Satoshis vision my ass.

>patents.google.com/patent/EP3257191B1/en?assignee=Nchain Holdings Ltd&status=GRANT
pretty neat but it was granted in 2018 already

this has all been discussed already by craig wright already
anonymity vs privacy
do some reading faggot and buy BSV before you get rekt

Yes sirs buy sirs, good invetment on cryptografy internet coin, make you manee rupee for you and family, bring you many riches

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-10-13-00-04-457_com.brave.browser.png (1080x2246, 316K)

If this shithead ruins crypto for the rest of us, I will unironically sacrifice my life to kill him.

I hope you read this you scammy fuck.

but now from today it's enforceable

nothing is 'enforceable' unless you can win in court. And, as we all know to our amusement, creg can't, because he's a dick

>but now from today it's enforceable
where does it say that?

yes can't wait for Craig to sue the Bitcoin CEO for patent violation


>up 300%
oh yeah I feel mighty stupid for buying BSV kek

this is also limited to 'visibility' of smart contracts, as opposed to his more recent wide-reaching END-IF patents. tldr, its yet more nChain fud horseshit, from people who'd be well advised to take a break from contractual 'inventions' rn

Good, you should.

it was assigned an expiration date and active legal status today until - 2037 and it's backdated to the priority date of 2016

I'd prefer to get rekt (which won't happen) than support than con artist

godspeed user

>not realising that not reusing your public address literally offers the best privacy this side of legal
yes craig, his body guards and his glock are terrified of such pimply low t poser
if you're in any other coin other than bsv you are with the con artists. scam larimer, charlie hodl/sell the top lee, greg kikewell, fluffypedo, vitalik child porn buterin, roger no hash ver, brad (((garlinghouse))) sergey antichrist nazarov

Attached: miamicreg.jpg (1170x780, 191K)

>yes craig, his body guards and his glock are terrified
lets just wait and see how many of those he can take into jail with him, eh ? Jeezus, he is, as far as I can remember, the only twat who can actually draw death threats on here. On fucking Jow Forums. Friendy reminder, Pic Related

Attached: gaoltoshi.png (1000x664, 635K)


kek, craig is protected by god, trump and the nsa.
make a bet on a prediction market if you're so confident. I will throw down $2k that he will still be walking free EOY just in time to rekt everyone else not in BitCoin

Attached: specialagent.jpg (1000x1426, 217K)

Attached: 5654654.png (551x555, 101K)

oh he might still be 'walking free' EOY indeed. Antigua is far enough out of Muricas reach if needed (when unfortunately for him, not Australia's). His actual problem tho, hes merely a con in waiting. And he knows it


oh yes i'm sure he'll have to be on the run for not giving ira kikeman his 1/3 of the BitCoins his brother never created. Maybe Trump will v& him for submitting one of those documents with the 16cou..... address on it....ya' know that every retard like wizsec and lopp used to base their arguments off that has been shown to be a fake? you're clutching at straws there user. $2k says there won't even be an arrest warrant issued for him ever. How about u take that bet if you're so sure.

Attached: 1559653527949.jpg (1200x900, 179K)

>TODAY CRAIG has been GRANTED patent rights

Attached: Dr.Craig Wright's patent.jpg (1629x2195, 661K)


Attached: CregTV.png (862x244, 28K)

yes i too t get my facts from screencapped Jow Forums comments or doctored jpgs and pdfs.

one day you will learn what evidence is.


Attached: tulip_shelf_company.jpg (1080x1378, 138K)

Serious question:

Who would want this guy (or anyone) to have patent rights and control over this new technology? Literally no one.

This benefits no one but CSW and BSV holders. Whats actually happening is that CSW is a plant being used by world governments to bring down crypto altogether because it poses a threat to central banking.

>$2k says there won't even be an arrest warrant issued for him ever
now that would be a dumb bet indeed - how much hassle do you REALLY think it is, causing someone in Bong to get a fucking warrant issued ?
Keep your money, you'll maybe need it. creg is a juggling act, one which is getting old. And clumsy. His chances of seeing it through till the end of 2020 (never mind 'ever') without an arrest are maybe 20% - someone prob. should take your bet

can someone explain what the patent is on?... Did he just patent "smart contracts" as whole? they clearly predate him

>Whats actually happening is that CSW is a plant being used by world governments to bring down crypto altogether because it poses a threat to central banking.

>a shitty pic of an email
pick one

>you can't have a patent because no one likes u
not how it works user
nice pleb tier theory. Craig has literally stated he is going to take out the Bank of International Settlements.

as i thought, chicken shit. you got nothing but hollow words. keep spluttering though, only bumps the post.

he didn't "just" patent them. it goes back to 2016, but the dude literally invented bitcoin and then has spent the last 10 years making every application that interacts with the BlockChain. DAOs, Smart Contracts, DEXs, SPV, NFC, big mac drive thru PoS devices.

Attached: 1561504698894.png (667x840, 160K)


Attached: 1543594146629.png (197x251, 15K)

>court evidence is not evidence
>I trust creg's words because he's hooonest

>it goes back to 2016, but the dude literally invented bitcoin and then has spent the last 10 years making every application that interacts with the BlockChain. DAOs, Smart Contracts, DEXs, SPV, NFC, big mac drive thru PoS devices.

Imagine being this pathetic and delusional

>he didn't "just" patent them. it goes back to 2016, but the dude literally invented bitcoin and then has spent the last 10 years making every application that interacts with the BlockChain. DAOs, Smart Contracts, DEXs, SPV, NFC, big mac drive thru PoS devices.

now can I get someone with at least average IQ to answer my question?

Only BSV bros will make it long term. Shitcoin purge soon

Attached: 7164BFBF-F81A-4C3F-8E18-E3C11A0F2BBB.jpg (680x596, 264K)

>satoshi only can mine off one machine.
Creg had a $15m computer cluster doing the mining that got sent to the trust. Doesn't mean he doesn't have some other beast somewhere that could have got him some spending money. Look up Creg's 50 BTC/BCH/BSV brainwallet challenge. Not every coin went in the trust you absolute brainless stromatalite. But wouldn't expect anything less that gets their logic from the soon to be homeles Peter McCorecuck.

A second hand jpg is not court evidence no matter how much you and the corecuck army try to spin it as in your infinite gotcha blogs and redditry.

70 BSV here, it's gonna be a comfy summer

Attached: StiffStrap.jpg (602x800, 116K)

*fundamentally blocks your path*
Heh... do you feel in charge?

Attached: Satoshi Nakamoto.png (869x952, 91K)

>i don't understand therefore you are dumb

dunning kruger effect, the post

everytime i see a thread about this shit i always check bsv's price and it NEVER increases. fuck off with this dumb no news bullshit retard, you're not on the cutting edge.

Do you faggot realize how hard you'll cry when you finally find out that there is no trust?

it was stable at 50 usd for a month or two before 4x to be stable at $200. It's decoupling from king shitcoin so it's better to look at it's price in $ than pointless sats being pumped by the usdt ponzi.

keep projecting cope poster, i don't even care about the trust. bsv will win with or without it

>I don't even care about CSW being a charlatan
Sounds like you're the ultimate cope poster.

bsvlet with 50 checking in

Just pre empting all the faggots yelling why hasn't creg moved the coins yet on Jan 3. blocksize going up, transaction count going up, profitability going up, hashrate going up, users going up, development fastest in the space, tokenized soon to usher in the next ico like boom for the BSV denominated assets. get rekt faggot, you know it will win as that's why you're being paid to spread your lies.

>yeah, CSW is a charlatan, b-b-but the tech is good, right? me defending him while being shat on by everyone was worth it, r-right?


>it was stable at 50 usd for a month or two before 4x to be stable at $200
yeah after some chinks made a fake announcement that craig somehow proved to be satoshi and spread it throughout china. chinks are dumb as fuck and don't know english so they STILL think it's real.
if you want to hold this garbage knowing this will crash 80% any minute be my guest

>duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh u r dunning kruger
>unable to answer a simple query

now please
what is the patent supposed to cover? there's too much text in the actual page and it seems meaningless and vague

contrary to what you fuckheads think, he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants. i'm not one of these brainless cunts who keeps kvetching prove it then i'll buy your coin, i buy the real BitCoin because the game theory is still in tact, the miners will come and the law will come. We'll be over $1200 EOY and you retards will still be here getting 1 shekel/lie from your kikestream overlords.


>oh, he can do whatever he wants because he is the daddy, the papa... I forgive him.. I am in fact homosexual and my attraction to him has nothing to do with cryptocurrencies

lel, now dats da real fud.

>i'm not stupid there's just too many words
>expects to be spoon fed.
never gonna make it

I'm just gonna assume if this was anything meaningful BSV fags would've already given an extract as to why
since they haven't, it means jack shit, or they themselves can't read
bearish either way


it outlines 18 usecases of smart contracts in relation to blockchains
so eth is likely fucked, vitalik made a big cry about this patent when it was first applied for by nchain so take from that what you want

hi! I hope there would be a huge pump for bsv. ive been holding my small stack for quite awhile now, bought it 240. I believe in Craig as Satoshi man but I also wanted to make profit so I can buy an antminer to start and reclaim my jewelries. I hope it isnt too much but a lot of people here been holding their bags. please.

i'm sure you'll make a lot of money with your assumptions user.

this is a way of embedding real contracts in to the blockchain making them "smart". The contracts will be legally enforceable in a court of law and utilising the existing legal system, empowers it, makes it easy for businesses to adopt and makes traditional contracts much more frictionless and opens up a whole host of new ways to use contracts online.

Didnt this faggot try and patent the term smartcontract and got BTFO by the courts?

>smart contracts
>court of law
but code is law
otherwise just write a regular contract
on paper
with words

code is code and the "code is law" mindset allows bugs and oversight to fuck up a lot.
"life is water, not stone", those thinking anything is absolute will drown.

Attached: All in agility.gif (223x141, 1.84M)

that turbo autist also keeps calling Creg a fraud without backing up his claims at all. its almost as if hes scared Dr. Wroight will kill his little ponzi scheme platform.

‘Code is law’ shit caused the DAO. Technically not even a hack, just exploiting a contract, like how people find loopholes in the law to do what they want. If you put out code and declare it immaculate and ‘law’ you lose the right to outrage when someone finds a flaw in your code.

I'm sure there was also oversight in early paper contracts
the definition of the contract is law
stone tablets, paper, .doc, .sol, eth address, doesn't matter.

>valuing the opinion of governments and institutions when attempting to evaluate decentralized assets
um, who cares faggot? follow the tech and you'll make it. bitcoin is an institutional playground. monero is the next moon mission as regs kick in.
even if you disagree, here's a little hint: btc double tops at 13k and we're going to 8800, buy alts now to preserve your wealth.

guess we're not really disagreeing then since you know law can be changed, so it should be just fine to change code as well.

i'd still never use the "code is law" expression though since it isn't actually law. actual law can force someone to change code.

Attached: clock.png (500x365, 140K)

it's not "fud" you braindead retards it's true

>what is prior art

cult of craig acolytes have subhuman IQ

>TODAY CRAIG has been GRANTED patent rights relating to smart contracts by the european patent office
this is like saying he has been granted patent rights to the internet

kys delusional pajeet

>there's too much text in the actual page and it seems meaningless and vague

kek sounds about right

Love the corecuck cope. BTC is crashing and soon BSV will rocket to 1k eoy. You cucks ready to get liquidated indefinitely?