Why the fuck the team doesn't return my emails, does not answer me in telegram etc.?

Why the fuck the team doesn't return my emails, does not answer me in telegram etc.?

I am heavily invested in this coin and I demand to know what is going on. The devwallets dumping Link etc. and what are the upcoming news

Total silence from the team, I've tried to contact the people, I've even tried to get Sergey's phone number but they do not reply to me what the fuck is this? All my life savings are in this piece of shit yet the fucking team does not even keep me updated

What the fuck is going on?

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Unironically bullish af thread. Couldn't belive my eyes when i read your message
This is literally huge news for link and the future price! I just bought 1k link, why wouldnt you too user?

cool down tranny
you have no worth as an speculative investor nor do you need to be informed about their actions in any way.
So, go fucking jerk a bit and never come back again.

Just check out their twitter?

Entitled shit.
If you want to contribute, start coding

Send a Big mac, you might bring the bear out of his cave

Sergey is right next to me. I was going to ask but he read over my shoulder and just put his finger in front of his mouth and ssshh'd. I don't know if that's bullish or bearish but i can tell you in the bedroom he is both. Mash'allah last friday after we returned from prayers he was so amped up from talk of hellfire raining down on kuffar that we were barely in the door before we were on the floor.

Nice b8

maybe you should email chuck norris next and ask him to sort them out for you



Look at this faggot, the absolute state. Gtfo

Sergey being busy programming

Kek saved

Cringe, they don't give a shit about "le hodlers"

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Relax dude this was a healthy correction this is the bottom anyways, best time to get fully allocated is right now!

Attached: Now THAT is what I call 'sip' Techincal Analysis..png (1028x485, 73K)

and to think.. I hesitated...

Attached: _20190710_122638.jpg (751x712, 93K)

Sergey can't even program. He tried to learn Python but gave up after failing to do the exercises on for-loops in Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. He's a philosophy major and CEO, not a programmer.

hahaha, Sergey probably dumps a shit ton of coins everytime you try to contact him cause hes tired of your shit. 0.001 EOY cause of this retard.


>that spacing
>that sense of entitlement
checks out

People double spaced here before rebbit existed. People double spaced before any chan site existed. I don’t get you retards saying this shit it’s a fucking writing style and pretty essential if you’re always posting via quick reply. You heard of something called a ‘para-graph’ before? Neck yourself.

if you have a big investment in them and they wont respond to you, simply inform them that you will be selling all your chainlink and post the proof to them and us.

This is bait

Triggered newfuck from 2016.

hmmmmm which one biz?

Attached: Toughchoice.jpg (852x480, 519K)

Does anyone think they can explain this?

Attached: linkwtf.png (1159x556, 66K)


based and channard pilled