Congrats ONE fags, you did it

Attached: 99sats.jpg (285x109, 7K)

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Finally, now we can go up

chinked to oblivion

i bought last night for 104 i thought that i was making a good deal.

congrats on this, seriously

fuck, i didn't want to buy this shit. but will be tempted at around 77 sats. what does ONE actually do?

Next stop: ONE sat.

Came here to make the exact same thread and you beat me to it

Attached: 070A82EF-0E93-4965-BF7D-A5F8EF941190.jpg (828x824, 418K)

There not a lot of liquidity between here and zero...

Attached: 7FC47443-6CAC-4E36-9CCE-818EBCD08045.jpg (501x1182, 384K)

This coin is a piece of shit

Who tf selling those amounts?



People who did nothing to get them i.e. the scamming team dumping all their free magical internet coins

This is literally your golden ticket

People said that at 150 sats. Then 140. Then 120, 110, and now 100. Golden ticket buy we looking at 50 sats, and if btc keeps pumping it's heading there guaranteed.

Listen here. Listen, son. Come here. Just listen. There is something I want to tell you, if you'd allow me, if you'd just permit me this one thing. If you'd be so kind to take a moment to just listen to what I have to say. Ok. Now, Harmony.. the token.. I want you to listen up and follow along if possible, repeating the words after me. Listen real close now: NINETY NINE SATS. Say it with me, that's it.
Alright that's it, you got it kid.

It's called ONE because it's worth 1 sat

I'm just going to leave this here.

it's called one because will be the 1# on CMC

brainlet here, is this good or bad for ONE

wanted to drive a stake in the ground, calling it a scam.