When do the class action lawsuits begin?

When do the class action lawsuits begin?

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at ICO price.

Devs still selling, kek

I think it's really the best time for them to take profits because of 2 possibilites:
1) they have to pay the bills and want to expand and waited until post-mainnet and post-google/oracle so they can dump the minimum of tokens but they waited a couple of weeks so it doesn't look like insider trading on their part.
2) they are selling in a retracement phase but still at very high levels for a good return on sold linkies but also because they know that shit will go balistic in a couple of months with all the shit to come (if there's shit to come and they know about) so they can't get sued, they'd have a good case that they acted in a very responsible manner with their info and didn't capitalize on insider info but did it mainly because of actual demand for dollars

We are almost to my buy in point

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Horrific betrayal of 1500 neckbeards.jpg

I'm hoping it goes sub $2. I'm about to go on a 3 month trip working at sea and loading up my linky bags at the lowest cost is my goal before I leave in a couple weeks.

It's s-still a b-bullflag....

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long term TA on this is borderline retarded, the pumps were absolutely random announcements and have no significance for future performance, if you're trying to time shit during this paradigm shift you already lost

What is DCA and what does a basic pattern look like? You’re the one who will never make it.

$2.55-$2.65 is the bottom, screencap this

I think so as well. I will be cautiously buying into this dip, but will buy a considerable amount at that price, should we hit it.

if you call a bottom you have to provide a chart and analysis to support your claim.

>dude just DCA
>dude wait we'll dip a little more, wait for it... wait for it
DCA is buying at fixed intervals so you can avoid being mislead by emotions or newb TA

~$2.60 is the .618 retrace from $1.50 (ATH breakout) to 4.50 (top of the pump)

just bought the dip thanks

nice :)


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You are a fucking retard. It is 100% possible to have a permanent DCA strategy in place, as well as use basic pattern recognition to make extra-DCA purchases. I guarantee you I am making much higher percentage gains with LINK than you are. Amateur.

what do you mean? I bought at 26 cents...

I cant tell if you are joking OP but I know some wealthy boomer people who feel duped after finding out the team is dumping on them. They are talking to their lawyers about it currently.