Alright Jow ForumsTARDS GET THE FUCK OUT YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE ANYMORE AND TAKE YOUR FUCKING RETARDED PRESIDENT OUT WITH YOU TOO.COCKLOVING HOMO DEGENS. this place was always about making money and not giving a shit about some retarded political ideology that keeps you enslaved to the system.

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Jow Forums doesn't like trump newfag

this is the dumbest shit i've read here all day. were you around earlier today? you are up against some STIFF competition.

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only the reddit tier poltards like trump

Listen up cockwhore cuz i'll only type this once okay? Make sure to read this:
and its fucking hilarious to think that Jow Forums doesnt like trump fuck off you 15 year old boomer.

You're both retarded, everyone thinks he's a kike supporter. You really think they would support the guy who moved the embassy to Jerusalem? Retards, this isn't 2016 Jow Forums.

This, only people still supporting him on pol are literal zionist shills or r the donald fags.

Btw, this board is now property of pol. Gtfo or gas.

This board is of the chainlink caliphate.
كبير ماك هو الحياة وسوف تغذي لك في أوقات الشدة صل على الله أنك ستحصل على رابط أطيع سيرجي وإرادة العقد الذكي امتلاك العملات الأخرى هو الردة لن يغفر الله ذلك الجرم سوف يغريك الشيطان بمكاسب على المدى القريب رابط سوف يمنح المريض مكافأة ألف مرة أكبر من أي عملة

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>Thinks they like yang gang or some other Lefty.
>Thinks polacks are conservative
As long as they like killing blacks and expanding white power then that's pretty much false

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Jow Forums is Jow Forums and Jow Forums is Jow Forums you newfag

The retards who bring up politics over here sure do.

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>Jow Forums doesn't like trump
more like you astroturfing retards keep flooding the board with shill threads in an attempt to gaslight anyone who dares point at the trannyfaggot(you)

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what properties does chainlink currently have that other competitors can't offer? why would someone not invest in lite,ethereum, or buttcoin?

You stupid faggots, the people defending Trump are REDDITORS, not Jow Forums. They came from r/TheDonald. The fact that some of you actually believe Jow Forums praises Trump is hilarious but it makes me realize how normie Jow Forums has become. It's too bad 8ch doesn't have a Jow Forums.

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Jow Forums has received many Jow Forums refugees over the years
i dropped by occasionally in 2015-16 but i was on Jow Forums everyday. by early 2017 this became my go-to board

the holocaust never happened, but should have, and the DON is a great president bite me niggerfaggot

a lot less shill niggers, but shill niggers still here nonetheless

Take your depraved violence fetish elsewhere sicko. And also take note that you have severe problems.

Chainlink has no competitors, no one else is building decentralized oracles. The other coins you list are all competing with other projects.
>why do smart contracts need decentralized oracles
Not a question you asked, but a common one. If they didn't need it we'd already have smart contract adoption. Companies NEED secure data that centralized oracles can provide. What makes LINK a sure thing is its the only dog in its race, and the prize at the finish line is valued in trillions.

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>It's too bad 8ch doesn't have a Jow Forums.

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Go away Jew. CrippleChan does have a Jow Forums board you should move there.

i see i see have a rare hitler;i will look into investing maybe a 100 into this. it seems practical.

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those chainlink nazi memes will make yall poor you roundeyed whiteboys

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buy mobius sirs

why mobius;literal who coin, but not against the notion. why would this be an investment?

It's a meme.

i believe that

Oh sure 8ch has a Jow Forums but's it's slow as fuck you brainlets, it doesn't compare

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Thanks fren, it'll be the best investment you'll ever make. Hold for 5-10 years.
This, its a pajeet shitcoin.

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this. any other answer is cringe

In all fairness that board is a mess. So much shit. If it is Jew shills they are excellent at muddying the waters.

This. True Jow Forumsacks don't go on Jow Forums anymore. Redditors from the_donald have destroyed Jow Forums. Actual Jow Forumsacks got rich from bitcoin because the WN scene was forced to use it in the early days because paypal banned us

>it's slow as fuck
Which is why you belong there.


that was funny, I'll give you that faggot

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Nice digits. I know I'm funny.

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only golem mutts ever liked trump
real Jow Forums hates all jewish puppets and holds AT LEAST 20k link

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Stfu kike

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migapede mad?

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>Unironically calling someone a migapede in the current year
You're cringe and bad at your job moshe.

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/bizpol/ here, this is actually true. The alt right in general has finally started to turn on their goyim President. Took them a while but its happening. Even /ptg/ is getting their asses beat in their own thread.

Are you new or retarded?