


ahhhhh hahahahahahahahahah

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>all those normies who bought high and sold low
this is gonna be a repeat of 2018


I bought high and fomo'd in the very first time in my life and I'm not selling.

zoom out nigger

is this a nulinker who has some IQ?

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Bought at 24 cents don't care not selling.

Hahahahah stupid fucking linkies are getting dumped on and they have no clue!


Attached: price.png (1087x889, 1.08M)

People who bought ETH at $1k said the same thing too in Jan of last year.

God this pleases me so much. I got so fucking tired when the link shills were spamming the catalogue with their circlewank some weeks ago

I won't sell jew

Something about selling when you're -50% seems really silly when you know, just know, it will go back up one day and break ATH. Might take a few months, but I got time.

why do you hate money? we told you to buy this at 15-50 cents and ti mooned to $4+, WHY DO YOU HATE MONEY WHY

its still at about 1 dollar less than $3.71

trump said crypto needs banking regulation. he doesnt care about your lost returns. you need to dump that shit and invest in stable things like child sex slaves. billionares like those

youre on the right track bro

My average buy in for LINK is .25 so I'm way the fuck up still. Get the fuck outta here reddit nigger

I’m a new linker. I have 570 linkers and I’m not selling

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Bought at .42 so I'm just comfy :).

Attached: pepe-transparent-comfy-1.png (561x561, 328K)

Go neck yourself and your fucking sister, reddit nigger

Its still up about %1250 in a year. Why do you people only pay attention to the short term movements?

literally going to 0.1

Attached: chainlink is a scam confirmed.png (1200x1855, 435K)

And yet you didn't sell at $4 because of some bullshit mass delusion of $1000 eoy. You'll be holding it till it bleeds back to your initial buy in price and lower still.

Keep shilling kike

Imagine being on this board for 2 years and seeing link threads. Imagine not buying any then. But then it hits coinbase and goes up unnanturally high. Then and only then do you think "now is the right time to buy". Don't blame link for your retarded decissions.

.1 BTC is 1,185$ - at time of writing- im ok with this. Id have a whole 10k if that happened


It's been debunked before. Don't worry about, too tired to type you an explanation. You're just gonna have to trust me on this one bro