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stop shilling this shitcoin

30k stack, 150k USD in a year C O M F Y

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rank 19

i hope you degenerate pajeets buy mitx and not vidt.


>t. pajeet degenerate

These news are making me rock hard

this is nothing

I wouldn't set foot in either of these "markets" (trash-tokens)

Invest in the 2020 dApp bubble that is CHR.

unironically this, but VIDT is making a /lot/ of friends. been in since 7 cents, holding medium-long term. I bought into it because of the low mcap and stayed for the partnerships and team

Literally who? V-ID shouldn't bother partnering with absolute bottom barrel shitcoins.

How did you find vidt so early?

Or both, MITX will pump more in the next week but when VIDT finishes consolidating it will pump again

It was shilled and FUDed here ruthlessly, and the only FUD was “token not needed”, which is a huge buy signal. I only have a measly 12k, biggest regret is not buying more.

Nice. I'm trying to get better at buying coins in the early stage instead of waiting for dips. That shit is agonizing.

Every point between 7 and 20 cents was buying this at ATH, chances make champions. Swingers got necked

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btw bought the rest at 52k vits

>Chances make champions

That's what I needed

I have too many pics saved

sage and kek

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Hi fren. What app is that?

Hi fren. What app is that?

Delta, better than blockfolio imo

Thank you