Why the FUCK do people decide to have kids...

dont bother with breeders, you will never get a logical or rational justification of their very selfish actions. I tried many times. all you will ever get are personal insults.

kys disgusting breeders itt

cringe teebehe
hope your son dies!

I have 2, and had my first at 32.
My friends that chose to be "free" are unironically miserable and bored, one of them just got divorced, and my other friend's husband killed himself a month ago. After 30, if you don't have your shit together and want to remain a grown-up kid, you deserve to be a miserable shit.
I can understand why you might not want kids if you have shit genetics, aren't married and in your late 30s, and/or you just don't want to pass on your sludge, but if you aren't in that camp, it is your duty to procreate. It is literally the entire reason for your existence. Adult children figure this out too late.

>The childs health comes 95% from the mother. You could be an 80 year old dinosaur and if you knock up a healthy young 18 year old girl your kid is highly likely to be just as fine as if you and your wife were both 25.
good luck keeping up with a kid at 80. The point is being youthful enough to not be a shitty dad.



You are on biz and you are against the biggest investment possible? What a loser.

Fucking based.

Typical faggot response lol. Are you a slave to your child?

>miserable and bored
They sound like NPC's. NPC faggots unironically should have children because that's the programming of NPC's. They should never be praised for having kids and a family though. Actual player characters should not bog their potential down with mundane family life. If you so desperately want to pass on your genes literally pay a woman to be a surrogate womb and pay a nanny to raise the spawn. Imagine being a full time fucking baby sitter and doing it for free. But not only that but being an actual thrall to a literal resource leech and going out and collecting resources, not to use yourself, but to feed to this leech kek. You are a fucking slave.

Kids are guaranteed to dump for minimum 18 years but likely at least 21 years straight dumping. Then after that they just crab for fucking decades and only once you are 70 or 80 they might financially support you once you are elderly, but only if you are nice to them and waste a shit ton of money and resources on their already expensive asses. Better to just not have them and save all the money and buy a team of live in nurses and maids instead for that last 10 years kek. It's cheaper.