I'm getting increasingly mixed signals about chainlink...

I'm getting increasingly mixed signals about chainlink. Biz is unwilling to discuss a lot of the updated fud like it's still stuck in 2018. I think a lot of the smart anons have left biz or taken profit. I still believe in the project but there are so many obstacles, and the product is still far from viable or in demand. Consequences of stealth are now hurting us. Speculation isn't as strong as we had hoped. Competition is smelling blood in the water. Biz not as smart as it thinks, still falling for larps and false leads like gpi. Mainnet is a mess. KYC nodes, super expensive gas costs, no users, there really are no solutions to the sybil problem, etc. It's not going as well as we planned and we can't keep pretending everything is fine.

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>blatant spoon feed me thread
go away and dyor

*fart noises*

Can someone debunk this? Or is it really over? This guy's post scared me :(

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Didn’t read, won’t sell

>posting in every thread
here's some attention faggot

Who's pretending bitch? Everything IS fine.

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Then by all means sell you faggot

If you didn't sell at $5 or $4, $3 is the best price to sell.

It never even reached $5

>hurr durr then sell
>hurr durr I'm not selling
Exactly what I'm talking about. This is now the only level of discourse on biz. Is this really what you consider intelligent.

>2 years

There's nothing to say.
Accord bent the knee to us.
You missed on

Then only reason you bought in is because biz autists spoonfed you with information, infographics and breadcrumbs
And now you have the nerves to come here and whine like a little brainlet bitch, because nobody refutes the new fud for you

>Competition is smelling blood in the wate
and who would that be?

>falling for larps and false leads like gpi
Just like Google?

>Mainnet is a mess
Not really

>KYC nodes
You can start up a node right now with no verification

>no users
kek see you in september

>there really are no solutions to the sybil problem
excet, you know, the reputation system proposed in the whitepaper

>id: I dud
Sounds about right. The most serious FUD in the last few months was Accord dropping SmartContract.com and even that has been utterly BTFO

Relevant quote for your concern trolling:

Where everything maimed, ill-famed, lustful, untrustful, over-mellow, sickly-yellow and seditious, festereth pernicious:—
— Spit on the great city and turn back! —
Here, however, did Zarathustra interrupt the foaming fool, and shut his mouth. —
Stop this at once! called out Zarathustra, long have thy speech and thy species disgusted me!
Why didst thou live so long by the swamp, that thou thyself hadst to become a frog and a toad?
Floweth there not a tainted, frothy, swamp-blood in thine own veins, when thou hast thus learned to croak and revile?
Why wentest thou not into the forest? Or why didst thou not till the ground? Is the sea not full of green islands?
I despise thy contempt; and when thou warnedst me—why didst thou not warn thyself?
Out of love alone shall my contempt and my warning bird take wing; but not out of the swamp! —
They call thee mine ape, thou foaming fool: but I call thee my grunting-pig—by thy grunting, thou spoilest even my praise of folly.

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You're right that you're not going to get useful information on biz. You're not really giving the company the time it needs to demonstrate what they're capable of. Multiple companies disagree with you. I'm really too tired to dispute the fud that's spreading around, because it's all meaningless.

What was it that first made thee grunt? Because no one sufficiently flattered thee:— therefore didst thou seat thyself beside this filth, that thou mightest have cause for much grunting —
— That thou mightest have cause for much vengeance! For vengeance, thou vain fool, is all thy foaming; I have divined thee well!
But thy fools’-word injureth ME, even when thou art right! And even if Zarathustra’s word were a hundred times justified, thou wouldst ever—DO wrong with my word!
Thus spake Zarathustra. Then did he look on the great city and sighed, and was long silent. At last he spake thus:
I loathe also this great city, and not only this fool. Here and there—there is nothing to better, nothing to worsen.
Woe to this great city!—And I would that I already saw the pillar of fire in which it will be consumed!
For such pillars of fire must precede the great noontide. But this hath its time and its own fate. —
This precept, however, give I unto thee, in parting, thou fool: Where one can no longer love, there should one — pass by! —
Thus spake Zarathustra, and passed by the fool and the great city.

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>Woe to this great city!—And I would that I already saw the pillar of fire in which it will be consumed!
For such pillars of fire must precede the great noontide.
Damn he called it 40 years ahead of time
What a genius
Mfw Nietzsche is a bro

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Relevant quote for all those “””super hardcore””” (((blackpilled))) anons out there
You’re starting to croak like a toad or a frog...
> Spit on the great city and turn back! Here, however, did Zarathustra interrupt the foaming fool, and shut his mouth. —
Stop this at once! called out Zarathustra, long have thy speech and thy species disgusted me!
Why didst thou live so long by the swamp, that thou thyself hadst to become a frog and a toad?
Floweth there not a tainted, frothy, swamp-blood in thine own veins, when thou hast thus learned to croak and revile?

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Chainlink is a proven blue chip crypto.
It isnt going anywhere.
The FUD doesn't even matter anymore.
It will reach higher highs, just be patient.

And since i can tell you are out of the loop, the majority of anons who bought LINK early are busy filling bags and doing research on RSR right now, since its the next big money maker. They don't have time to hold you and tell you your LINK is just fucking fine and you are a pussy built fagggot.

Just to address one thing in your retarded paragraph.....

"GPI" is NOT Chainlink.

"GPI Link" is Chainlink

>he fell for the gpi wont use link meme just because some anons said it "impossibly ever could"
Well thanks for parroting information you don't understand

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Thank god we have a developer (this means he has higher IQ than you) on Jow Forums. He can protect us from falling for a literal scam the way oracle, accord, docusign, ari juels, evan cheng and coinbase did (non-developers).

Low key shilling your bags here, raj?


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Didn't read, sold 100k.