What level are you on?

What level are you on?

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I'm all in LINK so somewhere off the bottom of that guide

there's level between 6 and infinite which isn't on this chart because the chart is made by a level 6er
I'm there

uroboros tier:
realizing that level 0 and infinity is fundamentally the same

thus BSV is the real bitcoin

Level infinity is suicide.

also level -1 is far above anything up to and including level 4
levels 0 to 4 are the spiritual equivalent of a boy of age 5 throwing tantrums and trying to run his household because he's "smart" enough to question his father who he does not and cannot understand

Level infinity sounds like an arrogant asshole who considers himself a god above us "mortals"

What to read / What to do to climb and achieve infinite? Prob lv4 ._.

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Don't forget to thank me sir


OP I would literally take the bottom of the barrel levels instead of level infinity

Imagine believing that the truth is that it's fundamentally nothing and cannot be expressed. Level infinity ideology is just pure cope by pseudos who can't form any coherent idea.

im just happy im past level 4. i wouldnt even mind staying on level 3 permanently. how cringy is nihilism.

I'm at level 5 and consider myself a god above all you "mortals"

Between 6 and infinity

Nope, not selling

infinity is more like 'everything is God' and Golden Rule

Honestly, somewhere between levels 4 and 5. Level 6 is convincing though

Everyone’s missing the hedonism part of level 4. There’s a kind of Big Lebowski nihilism if understanding that there is meaning to the world but not taking it too seriously, but it’s not quite level 5 either because it’s still just hedonism.

Level : Continuum Cardinality
Ideaology : LINK $1000 EOY
Essential Belief : Near term billionaire who hosts super-yacht parties in international waters.

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Level 5 or 6 I think. The only people I wouldn't get along with are levels -1, 2, and infinite. They're too radical to live with, but might make for an interesting discussion, esp the infinite level.

I'm between between level 5 and 6, this shit is garbage btw because one level does not exlude the other. Also 42 is a filthy peasant

atheist food detected, biz is a christian board

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so whats the difference between 3 and 6?

it's rather a difference of ethics rather than epistemology. three to six is a journey of ethics under the same epistemological nihilism, from recognition of this epistemology, transmission of it to the ethical, questioning of its application to the ethical and finally overcoming it's application to the ethical. it's a journey from the rational to the ethical as the prime mover of life (as far as the individual understands it)

additionally, it's the change that occurs between looking for meaning within the concrete particulars of life (impossible) and finding meaning in the universal substance of life (presupposed)

Ironically this actually

Level infinity is death. As long as you are alive you will have an attachment to the material plane
>ego death
>I am literally Jesus

Christ had an ego, for he was man. Perfection is impossible in man, just as a timeless event is impossible within apperception, or a perfect circle is impossible within space.
Christ was the most timeless event, the most perfect circle, the most egoless man. For man without ego is incomprehensible, and Christ was sent for our comprehension.
Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani.

sounds like its going full circle after lv 6 then. the ethics you talk about come from where? no need to make your own bible, just take one that is already there

you should know that every man was made perfect

Level 6 but I think I topped off there. How the fuck do I ascend. Drugs?

The exact content of the ethic is created in every action, cannot be perfected and is only speakable after-the-fact in bastardised form (form of word rather than act). The Bible is a fantastic guide to Being; yet it is word rather than act as man must be free to act and God could not contradict himself in sending down action (coercing man) instead of word.

The universal ethic i talk about comes from the fact that the underlying substance of Being is not matter, but instead action, which presupposes ethical structure and the future.
This guarantees the existence of the highest good, but doesn't fill it with any content. It is filled with content insofar as one follows The Way, which is very well documented in the Bible, but must be completed by oneself.

That's outside of time, not within it. Man within time is imperfect man.

Time is not something that exists within itself.

that's my point
if man is perfect, then there is no time
God is timeless
Perfection is God
There is no need to judge the perfect
Judgement requires causation
Causation requires time

causation implies relativism

What I mean is, time exists so that our souls can undergo their self-conscious transformations which is a necessary requirements for their judgement.

Relativism of what?

Are disabled retards perfect? Wtf is wrong with you?

causation does not always imply correlation

>are disabled retards perfect
within the limits of their responsibility, if one is not discernable of good judgement then one usually has a guardian or relative with a power of attorney, not usually as utalitarianism is also a trapping of philosophy, in the same way relativism is also a trap

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You left one level. One where faith is a frame not only for yourself, but whole group to live better lives.

all of those steps focus on yourself a lot, even the end "ego-less" one. This is what I find ironic with most things that Buddhists say.

>correlation doesn't imply causation
didn't imply otherwise lad

used to be lvl 4/5
drugs got me back to lvl 2

it's all just brain chemicals

The true redpill is that there is no differecne between 1 and ∞

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i reached infinity but in its stupid form
"god is not at fault for my suffering nor anything else in my life, yet i still feel the need to punch him in the face, so i must become god

I can't wrap around the whole premise of reincarnation. What is good for the majority does not always benefit the minority, the minority not always being the lesser good.

I think an ideology must not be imposed or have a negative connotation as a product of dogma but the freedom to practice faith within the respect of rights

Don't forget to thank me sir


>Jow Forums

>substance of Being is not matter, but instead action
that actually resonates a lot with me. didnt think i would find this on Jow Forums

epic...simbly ebip :)

Based and materiallypilled

That's a very-class derived view on things. Suitable only to a person who voluntarily detaches from his society and can do so because others are forced to pursue some narrative like religion peaceful enough for him not to be brutalized for doing so.

That's saying all wars are bankers wars, all conflicts are conflicts of classes. I think that religion is not always just an opium of the people but discretion is required, just as living hidden, living happy. During the crusades or the inquisition, or in some instances of forgiveness from conversion or colonialism from missionaries, I think its best to not repeat the mistakes of the past and not simply be a byproduct, it's true that it's a privilege to have rights but they weren't obtained for granted, most people don't think with their own means. What I'm saying is how individualism is celebrated by helping oneself and how is that related to this board? Business as usual. Mind your own business in a way in this day and age.

>That's saying all wars are bankers wars
In what way? What I wrote doesn't imply that at all and I'm sure you won't be able to explain that line.

Man is the measure of all things.

Level infinity but unironically

Did you even read level 6? Suicide is 5 and lower.

My secret is considering myself above you mortals but without being arrogant, something a brainlet may call a contradiction whereas the sapienti know that it is achievable by coming to understand why people act they way they do, and realizing that there is nothing to be condemnded in their actions.

Where in level infinity does it call truth unexplainable/unacquirable? It says the exact opposite. What you're talking about is level 3, it says so right there.

Those concepts span across several levels but don't make up the main idea behind any of them.

Read early Wittgenstein, then read about why early Wittgenstein was wrong, then read late Wittgenstein, then about why late Wittgenstein was wrong. Then read Cusa, Kant, Nietzsche, Goethe and Plato and realize that they're all trying to put the same truth into words, then ascend with Parmenides.

Based and Parmenides pilled

the dude that made that is literally at level 0 on the REAL level list

Actually let me throw Meister Eckhart into that mix as well, he and Cusa would've gotten along well.

He was such a fucking beast, I can see why Zeno fanboy'd so hard

This is fucking cringe.

you pseudo esoteric types disgust me, you are clueless

Level Ω like all devout Catholics.
You're welcome to join me in basking in this beatific goodness frens.

I've never met someone who had an actual lasting ego death. Never. I met people who were high who were experiencing an ego death, but I have never met someone who continued on after being high and lost all ego. Everyone I have ever met that claims they have are generally the most egotistical people I have ever came across.

1, 2, 5 and 6 at the same time, this chart is retarded.

This is just a starting point of analysis of group dynamics. Why are Buddhists so self-absorbed?

>My secret is considering myself above you mortals but without being arrogant, something a brainlet may call a contradiction whereas the sapienti know that it is achievable by coming to understand why people act they way they do, and realizing that there is nothing to be condemnded in their actions.

Nah, you are just arrogant and extremely ignorant. Just because you understand the NPC meme and normies, doesnt mean you understand why people do the things they do. The real knowledge is you have no clue and are using yourself as a tool for comparison, because that's exactly what you are, a tool.

Ego death isn't reachable without death, but it's approachable through either descent or ascent. Druggies descend into the sub-ego or below-man. They don't refuse the ego, they just lose the sophistication to hold on to a consistent one (that's tautological but emphasises a point).
Having no experience in rejecting it, they can't help but cling to it when it appears

The notion of ego death as a desirable moral development has probably caused far more harm than good, since phenomenologically it's the same as simply losing track of the ego

Spirituality is the prison of the mind manifesting itself in language.

>Why are Buddhists so self-absorbed?
Because they have to be they're practice involves not participating and indulging in one's desires. The only way they can truly express themselves is through "teaching", their definition of "enlightenment" and meditation. Their arrogance is what often turns me off.

Solid 6. Came to this exact conclusion when contemplating suicide a bit ago so I decided I might as well not bother. Desperate for infinity though and have no idea how to obtain it.

>The notion of ego death as a desirable moral development has probably caused far more harm than good, since phenomenologically it's the same as simply losing track of the ego

I agree. When you got egotistical asshats like Joe Rogan telling you about experiencing ego death and how it makes you better, when it's really just a dude who did drugs and feels enlightened and small... well that could lead to many people becoming soulless vessels with little will or true morality. I've seen many people become retarded from trying to be "spiritual".

Unironically this, people that think they have transcended spiritually and mentally think they are no longer bound by physical desires when in reality they are the ones who have bonded to it even harder.

So then fellow bigthinkers, how do we straddle the line separating man-as-actor from man-as-own-environment so that we neither lull ourselves into an absolute deterministic trap by considering ourselves naught but environment, yet neither delude ourselves into an ignorance of the effects of the world on ourselves, and therefore falling repeatedly into sin, by believing in that we are but mere will?

they're retarded and fell for the "trascending material desires" meme. Without desire there is no fire, no life. These religions/movements that advocate ego death or having no desire are literally death cults

You sound pretty certain about having better knowledge of what I know than myself. Understanding why people act the way they act doesn't acquire some genius intellect, impossible deduction ability or esoteric resignation, it simply requires humbleness. For example, I understand completely what made you respond that way to my post, and I don't think less of you for it.

That I agree with, it's where it shows that the guy that made the chart is low level himself. Anybody who claims to have exited the joyhunt pyramid scheme of evolution is deluding himself.