Fuck this place
Who here is /movingOutOfJewYorkState/?
Not only am I moving out of my state, I’m moving out of the JEWSA
Giving up citizenship and unironically never coming back
Moved west 2 years back and have never regretted it. I'd say come to Colorado but its really not all that great anymore due to Californians and I've noticed a lot of natural born Denverites have never stepped foot in the mountains, they're always trying to move to other bigger cities and end up coming back, so they uproot themselves as well meaning there are very few communities left here much like NY. I'm assuming you're from downstate.
Where do you plan on going?
where ya headed
Florida is very based
I'm considering this as well, where are you thinking of going user?
please don't come to the south. you people have been moving the state you wrecked with your liberal policies and then voting for the same policies in the south. your not welcome here. don't make us have to prove it to you.
if he's not from NYC, Cornell, or Buffalo he probably votes republican. Most white NYs will talk liberally but vote conservatively, its the New England assholes you have to worry about.
Yeah this country is pretty much terrible. Bad food, bad people, bad government
I live in CO. Taxes aren't too bad. It is getting California'd pretty hard. Some of that being driven by the technology sector.
There are very few other places I'd live though. I think the climate in WA is superior, wouldn't mind living there some day. Also the 0% state income tax is nice.
I will do it once I have 10-20 mil from link.
I will get a place in Switzerland, Malta, austria, Tel Aviv/Beirut and just travel in between
America is the most cucked fucked up country in human history. Poisonous fattening food, 99.9% of the population NPC’s, rampant crime, worst taxes on the planet, no culture replaced with empty wagecuck sports watching, and worst of all the women are all fat feminazis and for the most part completely unbangable unless you’re in a college town. They have completely screwed up my sexual development
I will never, never come back. I would ejaculate hysterically if it got nuked, if yellow stone blows up, only a matter of time before it blows up. I wish nothing but endless suffering on its inhabitants
I'm betting heavy on Asia for bull 2.0. TRV, user.
Guys I’m leaving my new wife in CA. She is abusive and I am only staying(she doesnt know) till she gets help. But i’m done with this. I have been her caregiver for 2 years and we just got married. She attacks me, and literally give me no respect in ANY way. I live in socal and don’t have load of cash or a car but i have enough to get a place and car somewhere cheap.
Where do I go? I’m originally from TN so idk i might go back. I think im gonna just be a neet and hide away forever
high taxes are a means to scare away those who can't produce value to the states economy.
well done, you played yourself.
based South Dakota
>Tel Aviv
The sales tax in Washington is terrible.
Grew up and lived in Texas for 20 years. Currently going to college in a different state. I'll most likely move back to Dallas or Austin for the tech sector once I graduate. Texas is pretty great, but be warned they get that income tax money in other ways. Instead of an income tax your property taxes are fucked (and they are considering raising it again) and on top of that the only way to have a decent commute is to get absolutely jewed by toll roads. Overall its still a great state, and because of how much land is available to grow into its less affected by the massive population moving in than other areas of the country.
This. It's fucking depressing to see what you people have done to my city.
no idea yet, applying for programming jobs everywhere to get out here asap.
Preach it
do you think she is actually abusive or has a mental or personality disorder?, my gf has BPD but i am so in love with her. i also work in applied behavior analysis so that helps me discern what is her emotional imbalance from childhood trauma and what is her true personality. she could be mistaken as abusive if i was not so educated and understanding regarding people. not trying to doubt you but its always good to consider what possibilities are creating certain behaviors in individuals.
>t. Coping pol cuck who has never been
I would tell you to Learn the difference between right wing Zionist jews who run Israel and the left wing communist cuck Jews who run America and have raped the west but you’re too dumb to
Not only that I bet you still suck trumps cock despite him being the most pro Israel pres in American history
Definitely some kind of disorder. She has pots and the “faints” all the time. She can hear and everything while she is out. Idk i think its some sort of panic attack anxiety thing. We have been to mayo clinic snd seen everyone at ucla. There is certainly physicsl symptoms like an inability to sweat. But anyways idk if it matters getting into the details of. It all started a couple years ago and i have left my career and everything to take care of her and the past month she has become abusive, and the last time she did i hit her off me and things got bad so i think i need to leave this situation. We have therapy coming up so i told myself id stay to see her to some help from family, friends, and doctors and ill leave. They all think IM some abusive monster cause she has bruises(from beeting my head in till i knocked her off me). And the fight was about some dumb shit, i mean fucking dumb. It always is. And she just attacks me and attacks me trying to provoke me. And i messed up finally so i just cant do this i know i got to leave her before she makes me do something or she does something to herself and its on me
hahahah whatever you say kike none of what you said applies to me but whatever
New Yorker here. Someone please redpill me on New Hampshire. I would prefer to stay somewhere in the Northeast with a majority white populace. Currently torn between Upstate NY and Northern New England.
Dude what the fuck is the difference? If she treats you like shit, it does not matter where it’s “coming from”
“None of it applies to me”
nice filename redditor
>live just north of Oregon
>drive south and buy things with no sales tax
Leave ASAP dude otherwise you are going to end up in trouble. Just bail
Pretty much this. I could deal with the other problems but she gets worse. We literally didnt fuck on our wedding night. I’d kms if i was that kind of person. It’s crazy how far south shit can go in a month. And crypto picked a great time to crash on me
file divorce and leave the country desu
What place make 20k go a long ways?
None of those states or any others want transplants of you goddamn yankees or commiefornians. You are a pure negative of the current population and will be shit on daily and given glares for being there. Fix your own state dont ruin others
Truly too stupid to be alive.
CO has always been California'd, it's a faggot liberal state and always has been.
I can deal with most taxes but property tax is literally theft. Any states without that?
Based and redpilled
USA is truly the shittiest country on earth right now
Only caution I would give you is that US might be good again in 60 or so years
I wanna move to Wyoming, but man that yellowstone shit is making me spooked.
>be fucking cancer
that said, at least we all get to enjoy the view
>I take Jow Forums memes as gospel
If you cherry pick any countries faults and strengths you can make any argument.
If you can’t find the culture in this young country, you’re probably to lazy to look or to jaded to care about anything.
As far as taxes go: Go to any vacation spot and leave a resort. You’ll see what lack of infrastructure gets you.
New Hampshire is pretty based in the rural areas, the cities are progressive mostly, a la Portland, portland, Seattle etc..
But you’re a fucking retard.
thats why you live/work in Vancouver, WA and shop in Portland.
pathetic and goypilled
also a phone poster
The (((US))) is really shitty.
T. American
8.5% is bad? It's fucking 11% in my town in Illinois.
user you still pay federal income tax
>i also work in applied behavior analysis so that helps me discern what is her emotional imbalance from childhood trauma and what is her true personality. she could be mistaken as abusive if i was not so educated and understanding regarding people.
You are the first person I've seen on this site who talked about the WHY, or rather the reasoning behind, an SO's less than solid behavior as opposed to complaining about it. Thank you.