All of you ruined my life. I lost everything. Before you assholes convinced me to go into crypto...

All of you ruined my life. I lost everything. Before you assholes convinced me to go into crypto, I was in uni and on track to a decent career, had a small but existent social life and was healthy. That was a year ago. Now? Now I'm but a shell of a person. I failed out of uni, I have no friends,I jerk off to things I once found disgusting I'm addicted to nootropics,and I'm not going to be able to make rent next month and it's the beginning of winter all because of crypto. I HAVE NOTHING! I AM NOTHING!!!! I hate each and every one of you who shilled me into this fucking scam. I would flay you all alive if I could and feed you to maggots. see you all in hell.

Attached: chair.jpg (400x400, 47K)

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Eternal victim. Go fuck off.

You made yourself a loser. You willingly exposed yourself to all this information and could have easily said these guys are retarded and i'm fucking out of here but you consciously did the exact opposite.

Sorry to hear that user. Out of interest why didnt you just buy and hold link like the rest of us?

i didnt buy a single fucking crypto. and i warned everyone


Attached: lol.png (142x144, 34K)

Why is everyone jumping off a bridge now when everything is like 300% higher than a few months ago?

I'm actually negative 3k despite being in crypto since June 2017.

yeah, I am thinking we are pretty close to capitulation.

Once losers start necking themselves it can go up once more

Funny I have the polar opinion versus yours.
Biz made me rich, woulda never learned about the glory that is bitmex and shorted bitcoin down from 16k-6k. Literally the easiest money I've ever made and one of the best highs I've ever had (was literally shaking, almost to the point of seizure when I saw my PNL soar.)
You know if you put all your effort into it, I still believe the window is there to still make it... Atleast for now.

I think some folk may have genuinely gone past the simple limit of "don't invest what you can't afford to lose".
The sad part in my case is that if I'd invested everything I can't afford to lose when it was blatantly obvious now is the time to do it I'd be like 400% up,
Of course then I'd be crying about when it starts going down again, which it most likely will before it reaches a new level of madness.